Facebook Strengtens Students Assignment

Facebook Strengtens Students Assignment Words: 1715

This was evident during my recent trip to Educed where I had the pleasure of attending a panel featuring students who shared the importance of, “teachers relating to them as people, not just students” For them this helped develop a deep level of trust with their teachers who they knew really cared about them deeply and were looking out for their best interests. Some students told stories of running a marathon with their teachers, others shared how great it felt for them that their teacher who coached them in a sport or activity saw them shine in a particular area of their life.

The students also explained how the use of Faceable has help strengthen their injections with teachers and their principal. They also shared, that, they don’t “expect” their teachers to be friends with them on Faceable, but appreciate it when they do. Below are ways that they, their teachers, their principal and others have have found Faceable to be an effective tool in strengthening the educator / student bond. 1. Reaching out to a student in need Students shared that sometimes it’s hard for them to approach a teacher or even really reach out for help face-to-face. Sharing a disappointment on Faceable can be easier.

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Students shared how touched they were by encouraging words from a teacher either on their page, or as a face-to-face follow up. 2. Getting a peak into the lives of students Faceable provides a window into the worlds of students. A look at a students Faceable page might explain a little something about how or why a student may have reacted to something on a particular day. As one student said, “We are people, nitrous students. Faceable is a great reminder of that. ” 3. The family connection Students at the Science Leadership Academy explained the great importance of their peers and staff as family.

Faceable is a terrific way to share and keep p with family. They appreciate having that opportunity. 4. Instant learning and homework support A student might notice a teacher online and use the pop up chat to ask if they mind giving advice about a topic they were studying. If their teachers (or principal) is available s/he can offer support. Ulna, a student at SLAB explained it this way, “We can still get teachers to help us while we’re at home doing our homework instead of having to wait until the next day.

Teachers feel a lot more accessible and also approachable. ” 5. Snow Day – Update!!! Not sure if school will be open or closed on a snow day? Check it out on your teacher and/or Principals page on Faceable. You’ll find the answer and a whole lotto comments. 6. Faceable lets teachers create a no excuses environment This came directly from a student who shared that she liked that Faceable kept all students accountable. When you’re friends with your teachers and students on Faceable, you generally best really be sick on a sick day, or you’ll be touted.

Furthermore, students like the idea that if you get stuck with school work you can always post it on your Faceable wall and tag some friends and teachers who will be able to chime in with advice. . Snow days and sick days don’t hold you back Just because students are home doesn’t mean they can’t participate. During a recent snow event teachers and students connected on Faceable about assignments and assessments, barely missing a beat. For a student who is sick, she can post that on Faceable, tag key people, and get filled in on what she missed in real time. . Using faceable teaches you how to deal with the world and the way it works Students like the fact that adults are connecting with them using real-world tools that thefts need to know how to use effectively to be successful. At the writing of the article, Egypt Faceable revolt was taking place. Kids are keenly aware of the power of social media and want to be empowered and trusted to operate in such environments. They feel neither a school or government should ban them from using powerful tools to communicate and connect. . Faceable as a Learning Portal More and more students are using Faceable for learning and not just to talk to others about what they’re working on. One Science Leadership Academy student shared that for physics a group Of her peers created a Faceable page about motion. They created it as a learning portal that entrained, definitions, photos, videos, articles and discussions. Not only was this a learning portal for these students, but it remains on Faceable as a learning tool for others studying the topic. 0 Adverse Effects Faceable For Students Faceable negative impact on teenagers, students and children. Faceable negative impact is increasingly felt, even though the Bookmakers many are not aware of the influence of negate faceable. Perhaps because the name is already addicted to faceable. But it is precisely this that is dangerous, which is not realized. Okay, for you the youth and students as well as children, you must know what he negative impact of this faceable. Because of faceable users is dominated by the 14-24 year olds as much as 61. %. 1. No matter with the surrounding People who are addicted to faceable too preoccupied with his own world (the world which he created) that does not care about other people and the environment around it. Someone who has been addicted to faceable often experience this. No matter with their surroundings, their world turned into a world of faceable. Some say autism. 2. Lack of colonization with the environment This impact of too frequent and too old to play faceable. It’s quite alarming or the development of the social life of the child.

They are supposed to learn colonization with the environment even more to spend more time in cyberspace with friends who average backbone discuss something that is not important. As a result the child’s verbal abilities declined. Of course autism is here not in the literal sense. JavaScript:void(O) 3. Wasting money Internet access to open faceable obviously affect the financial condition (especially if access from the cafe). And the cost of the Internet in Indonesia is likely to still expensive when compared to other countries (and even many free ones). This could be categorized as waste, because it is not productive.

Another matter if they use it for business purposes. 4. Distemper Too much sitting in front of the monitor without doing any activity, sport has never really pose a risk to health. Disease will be easy to come. Late irregular eating and sleeping. Obesity (overweight), stomach diseases (gastrointestinal). And eye disease are health problems most likely to occur. 5. Reduced learning time It is obvious, too old to play faceable will reduce the allotted time to study the child as a learner. There are even some who are still busy playing faceable while at school. . Lack of attention to family The family home is number one.

The slogan is no longer valid for the Bookmakers. Make their friends on faceable is number one. Not infrequently their attention to the family to be reduced. 7. The spread of personal data Some Bookmakers provide data about the data itself with great detail. Usually this is for people who know the Internet was limited to only faceable. They do not know the risk is to spread personal data on the internet. Remember the data is easy once the data on the internet is leaking, let alone faceable easily hacked! 8. Easily find something pornography It was easy for the Bookmakers find something that smells of porn.

Because the two things are the most widely searched on the internet and also the easiest to find. Nah, it’s a fact not adult intent users of Indonesia. Just use the Internet to search for content “slimy”. On faceable would be very easy to find the group group lonely aunt, etc Bissau girl group. 9. Prone to the dispute The lack of control of managers faceable against its members and immaturity faceable users themselves create friction between Bookmakers often occur. The most phenomenal example is the case “Even Brim” some mime ago. Even Brim is a new member of the police who know faceable.

Please search on Google about Even Brim wrote with a statement that the controversy: “The police do not need society”. 10. Beware of scams Like other media media, faceable also vulnerable to fraud. Especially for children who do not understand the ins and outs of the internet. For the fraudster themselves, the virtual world conditions that completely anonymous obviously very profitable. 1. Reaching out to a student in need follow up. 2. Getting a peak into the lives of students said, “We are people, not just students. Faceable is a great reminder of that. ” up with family. They appreciate having that opportunity. 4.

Instant learning and homework support it this way, ‘We can still get teachers to help us while we’re at home doing our more accessible and also approachable. ” 5. Snow Day – Update!!! Environment This came directly from a student who shared that she liked that Faceable kept all students accountable. When you’re friends with your teachers and students on Faceable, you generally best really be sick on a sick day, or you’ll be touted. Furthermore, students like the idea that if you get stuck with school work you can always post it on your Faceable wall and tag some friends and teachers who will be able to chime in with advice. . Snow days and sick days don’t hold you back she missed in real time. 8. Using faceable teaches you how to deal with the world and the way it works Students like the fact that adults are connecting with them using real-world tools that thefts need to know how to use effectively to be successful. At the writing of the article, Egypt Faceable Portable and more students are using Faceable for learning and not just Millions of people use Faceable every day to keep up with friends upload an unlimited number of photos, share links and videos, and learn more about the people they meet.

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Facebook Strengtens Students Assignment. (2021, Dec 27). Retrieved February 10, 2025, from https://anyassignment.com/samples/facebook-strengtens-students-9426/