MIS Spring Syllabus Assignment

MIS Spring Syllabus Assignment Words: 1705

You will use all components of this course in future management courses. The course is highly interactive. You will need to come to class prepared to discuss the assigned reading, as well as prepared to work on the PC lab for that particular day. The reading and lecture material will be examined via three exams. Competency in use Of spreadsheets and databases will be examined via exams and projects. 2. STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES The following learning outcomes will be accomplished upon successfully completing this course: 1 .

The students will demonstrate competencies in the use of the Microsoft Access database. 2. The students will demonstrate competencies in the use of Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. 3. The students will be able to effectively design databases to be compatible with business processes. 4. The students will be able to manage and analyze data using Microsoft Access, Microsoft Excel, and Tableau. Tableau’s data visualization software is provided through the Tableau for Teaching program. 3. REQUIRED TEXTS New perspectives on Microsoft Office ACCESS 201 3, comprehensive, ISBN-1 3: 978-1285099200.

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Authors: Joseph J. Adams , Kathy T. Finnegan, Sharon Collard. New Perspectives on Microsoft Office EXCEL 2013, Comprehensive, ISBN 3: 978-1 285169330. Authors: June jar-enrich parsons Dan Joy , ROY Collage , Patrick Carrey, Carol Discarding. 4. EVALUATION Class Participation 1 This course is taught in an interactive fashion. Of your course grade is provided by your participation during class. Be sure to contribute via questions or expressed thought. Interaction at this level will ensure a passing grade in terms of class participation. Test 11 10% of course grade.

It will cover the content of Access tutorials 1-5 plus the concepts we discussed in class. Test 2: Access Test of course grade. The Access Test will cover all concepts we have completed in all the tutorials and classes to this point on databases. Test 3: Tableau/Excel Test 10% of course grade. The Tableau/Excel test will cover all concepts we have completed in all the Excel tutorials and classes as well as the concepts we discussed in the Tableau Labs. LABS: MS Access, MS Excel, and Tableau Labs 40% of grade. During the semester you will need to turn in case projects from the Access, Excel, and Tableau Labs.

The Excel and Access projects count for 15% of your grade each while the Tableau labs count 10%. Consequently, all your case submissions count for Of your grade. Database Project and Industry Analysis – 20% of grade. In this class each student group will work on a professional database project. Your professor will provide you with specific instructions and information to create a high-end business database. It counts for 20% of your grade. The deliverables of the corporate project include a database or spreadsheet file plus a class presentation.

The presentation is graded on the basis of content, structure, design, and delivery. By content we mean that the students have been able to include all he necessary pieces of information needed to answer the questions forwarded by the corporation. By structure we mean that the students have included in the presentation introductory, main body, and conclusion slides which follow each other in logical succession. By design we mean that the students have been able to use layouts, graphics, charts, videos, and other visual aids effectively and which enhance the understanding of the topic presented.

Finally, for delivery, students are graded for posture, voice intonation, body language, and other speech effects to capture their audience’s attention. The second deliverable of the project, the database or spreadsheet part, is graded for completeness against the questions posed by the corporate contact. For example, if the corporate contact asked for ten items, then each item will get the same percentage. If the percentage is a weighted one, the professor will notify the students on the questions and their corresponding weighted percentages.

Sometimes, corporate contacts might include bonus questions and those, if answered, will count towards the grade. 5. Grading 10 % Class Attendance, Participation 10 % Test 1 – Access Test 10 % Test 2 – Comprehensive Access Test rest 3 – Cleanable test 15 % MS Excel Projects IS % MS Access Projects 10% Tableau Labs 20% Database Project MISSING A TEST: If a student misses a test without proper and concrete documentation from the health center or other valid excuse (signed by the school) then the grade for the test is Zero. The student won’t be allowed to retake the test.

It would be totally unfair to all the students who study for days and nights before the exam to have one or two students to take the test even a couple of days later. GRADING SCALE: A 90); A- (86. 67-90); B+ (83. 33-86. 67); B (80-83. 33); B- (76. 67-80); C+ (73. 3-76. 67); C (70-73. 33); C- (67. 67-70); D+ (63. 33-67. 67); D (60-63. 33); F 60). 6. ACADEMIC INTEGRITY Renewals catalog defines various forms of academic dishonesty and procedures for responding to them. All forms are violations of the trust between students and teachers.

Students should familiarize themselves with the penalties for plagiarism and other forms of cheating. If a student violates academic integrity by accepting someone else’s work and present it as his or her own that will lead to an immediate zero for the assignment. Also, a zero will be given to the student who provided his solved assignment to another student. 7. GRADING INTEGRITY Grade inflation is a problem in graduate schools across the country. This leads to the breakdown Of a healthy classroom environment since, by masking true learning outcomes, grade inflation punishes good performers and rewards poor ones.

In the spirit of honesty and integrity, the instructor will consider the full range of the grading scale when assessing student performance. In addition, post-course grade adjustments are inherently unjust to the entire class. They compromise the assessment system since they no longer reflect the actual behaviors and outcomes for which the reads were first assigned. For these reasons, grade appeals will not be entertained, except for arithmetic errors in calculating the final score. 8. IMPORTANT NOTE ON CASE AND TUTORIAL SUBMISSIONS. All cases and tutorials are due at the time the syllabus indicates.

If you are late, it will not matter if you are late one day or five. There will be a grading penalty of 50%. After one week no grading will be given for the late assignment. 9. INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE ACCESS AND EXCEL ALES DOWNLOADS You can download the files needed for the tutorials and cases directly from the class web site at the RIP alms system at http://alms. Pi. Due. Specifically, in the course content click on the directory called “Student Lab Files”. 10. INSTRUCTIONS TO UPLOAD YOUR TUTORIALS AND CASES You can upload your homework files on the RIP alms system at http:// alms. Pi. Due. Specifically, in the “course content” click on the directory called “Assignments” and upload your files to the appropriate assignment. 11. NAMING CONVENTIONS Name your tutorial files putting your last name, underscore, first name, Tutorial number in sequence followed by the correct extension. For example, if your name is John Smith then, your submission should look like this: Name your case files putting your last name, underscore, first name, Case number in sequence followed by the correct extension.

For example, if your name is John Smith then, your submission should look like this: Smith Joy 12. CLASS PORTFOLIO The following is a portfolio of skills and knowledge that the students acquire during one semester by taking the class of Micro-computers and applications with Professor Poniard Epiphenomena Demonology. This portfolio can be presented to faculty in other classes as a proof of knowledge or to potential employers as a proof of skill level. DATABASES Working with Entity Relationship Diagrams

Designing an Entity Relationship Diagram Using primary keys using foreign keys Using concatenated keys Establishing one to one relationships Establishing one to many relationships Establishing many to many relationships Understanding Referential Integrity understanding Cascade updates Understanding Cascade Deletes understanding joins Inner joins Outer joins Self joins Understanding Normalization First Normal Form Second Normal Form Third Normal Form Understanding natural, surrogate and artificial keys Understand dependencies and determinants Understand Integrity Constraints Working with Database Tables

Designing a table Navigating table records Sorting records Set field properties Set field data types Set field outperforms Understand differences in data types Deleting fields from database tables and consequences to other objects Adding fields to tables with or without default content Updating data directly in a table Defining default values Defining validation rules Making database fields required for data entry Working with NULL values Working with ZERO LENGTH strings Importing tables from other Access databases Working with Database Queries/Views Creating queries quickly and automatically

Creating one-table queries Creating multi-table queries Managing data using operators Managing data using clauses Managing data using predicates Sorting data in queries Update data using the grid layout Update data using pure SQL code Delete data using the grid layout Delete data using pure SQL code Creating Calculated fields Using Aggregate functions creating MAKE-TABLE queries creating APPEND queries Using sub-queries!!!! Working with Forms Creating forms quickly and automatically Design forms using the toolbox Navigating forms Changing a form’s outperform Creating Main forms and suborns

Filtering and finding records using a form Using Filter by Form functionality Printing selected form records Creating lookup fields and combo boxes Creating Input masks using form headers and footers Changing the format of the form (color, size, fonts, etc. ) Displaying suborn calculations in the main form Using tabbed forms Working with Reports Create a report quickly and automatically Design a report using the toolbox Modifying the layout of a report Creating multiple column reports Inserting static pictures in reports Inserting dynamic pictures in reports Creating groups and sub-groupings in reports

Creating calculated controls in reports Assigning conditional values to calculated fields Hiding duplicate values in reports Modifying the SQL code on which a report is based Working with sub-reports Applying conditional formatting to a report Calculating totals and grand totals Using aggregate functions in reports Creating mailing labels using reports Working with Indexes Understand the significance of indexes Making indexes on specific database fields Understand the use of indexes Working with Functions Understanding string functions Understanding conversion functions understanding math functions

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MIS Spring Syllabus Assignment. (2022, Mar 28). Retrieved October 22, 2024, from https://anyassignment.com/samples/mis-spring-syllabus-11220/