Business economics Assignment

Business economics Assignment Words: 1036

The following example should explain this more clearly: Here is an extract of writing which uses ‘l’, ‘We’ and ‘You’: I think that this report has ajar flaws as it only looked at hospitals in one area of the country. You can see that this is a problem as the report was supposed to consider the cleanliness of hospitals throughout the country. Here is an extract that implies the same opinions but does not use ‘l’, ‘We’ or ‘You’: The report by smith et al cannot be used to draw conclusions about the cleanliness of hospitals throughout the country as it only focuses on investigating hospitals in one region. Content – NOTE these headings are for guidance only, students can change the headings to suit their own style and content. . Introduction Write a brief paragraph explaining the purpose of the report. 2.

Company Overview Briefly outline the profile of your chosen company and industry overview/features. 3. Analysis Tools Select appropriate tools of analysis to effectively analyses the business environment of your firm. This may include LAPPETS, SOOT and/or Porters Five Forces. Ensure you include examples and supporting data from your firm throughout and consider the relevance/importance of any points you make. Make sure you reference any sources fully and use the Harvard Referencing system. . Statistical Analysis Using relevant statistical techniques perform an analysis of your firms’ business environment. Represent the data in an appropriate and clear style e. G. Pie charts, bar charts etc. 5.

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Recommendations Based on your analysis of the business environment, how can the firm capitalist on future opportunities to enhance their success? What are the key areas for focus over the next six to twelve months? It may be appropriate to highlight a maximum of three recommendations. 6. Conclusion Write a final paragraph summarizing the key points of the report, imitations of the analysis and possible future extensions to the report focus for continued development of the business. Referencing Source: Pears, R and Shields, G (2010). Palaver Study Skills. Cite them Right. The Essential Referencing Guide. 8th deed. Hampshire: Palaver Macmillan. P. 1-3 Harvard Reference Generator. Http://www. Millstone. Com/bibliography-creator/reference- email. HTML. Harvard Reference Generator. 14th August 2012. Why reference and include a Bibliography? A Bibliography is a list of the books (or other sources of information) that you insulted when writing an essay, report, thesis or dissertation. When doing research, we very rarely come up with our own theories. These take time to develop, and involve putting them out for debate. By researching the theories of others, we include ideas in our works that nave already gone through that academic testing. However, you have to be aware that you are using someone else’s work for your own benefit.

You will get the marks, but the author of the ideas may have put in decades of research to come up with the concepts. Therefore, you need to ensure that you preference your sources – essentially giving credit to the person whom you are citing. Books have a standard layout (front cover, copyright material, list of chapters, the chapters, index, back cover). This is so that you can walk into any library in the World, and very quickly be able to access what you were looking for. You could open a book, turn to the index (arranged alphabetically) and then find the page where the information is included. When academics are citing sources, it is important that the same principle applies.

Someone should very quickly be able to relocate the work you re referring to, either to check it’s authority or legitimacy, or for more information. Harvard University developed their own formula for how these should be arranged. This usually involves the year of publication, the surname and initials of the author, the title of the book (and chapter, if needed), and the page’s. Some of this text appears in brackets, some in italics. The result is, someone can quickly locate exactly what they are looking for with Just a glance. What is plagiarism? Plagiarism is a specific form of cheating and is generally defined as presenting someone else’s work or ideas as your own.

These may be in printed or electronic format and, in all cases, giving credit to the original author by citing and referencing your sources is the only way to use other people’s work without plagiarism. All the following are considered forms of plagiarism: Using another person’s work or ideas (for example, copying and pasting text or images from the internet) without crediting (citing) the original source. Passing off someone else’s work as your own. Failing to put a quotation in quotation marks; quoting, summarizing or paraphrasing material in your work without citing the original source. Changing words or phrases but copying the sentence structure of a source and not crediting the original author. Citing sources you did not use.

See GU Economics Model Area for details of the days and times our Mentors are available. Marking Criteria Your tutor will use the following markets to assess your assignment 3 Fail Introduction The introduction explains the purpose and subject of the report. Company Overview The company profile is clearly presented with supporting evidence provided. Tools chosen for analysis A variety of tools to analyses the business environment are described and these are fit for purpose. Analysis and Application Examples are chosen appropriately and consistently for the chosen firm and consideration is given to the impact and relevance of points being made.

Data Analysis Appropriate data is selected and presented in a clear format. Review and Recommendations Recommendations on positively developing the company for sustained success are made and clearly explained. Conclusion The report concludes with an overall reflection and looks towards the future and on- going development of the analysis. English The report is written to a high standard of English, with no errors of spelling, grammar or punctuation. The language used is appropriate to a formal business report. Presentation Report is word processed to a professional standard, with a cover sheet, a contents page, clear headings and page numbers. Layout is clear and easy to read.

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Business economics Assignment. (2022, Apr 08). Retrieved October 22, 2024, from