Ap World Pitts Assignment

Ap World Pitts Assignment Words: 1507

This course provides students with frequent practice in writing analytical and interpretive essays such as document-based questions DAB) and thematic essays addressing issues of change, continuity, and comparison. The AP world History Exam will be Thursday May, 15, 2014 The following AP World History Themes will be used throughout the course to identify broad patterns and processes that explain change and continuity over time: 5 AP World History Themes 1 .

Social-?Development and transformation of social structures Gender Roles Race and ethnicity Social Class Family 2. Political–State-building, expansion, and conflict Forms of government Political Structures Nationalism Empire and nation building Revolutions 3. Interaction between Humans and the Environment Demography Disease Technology Patterns of Settlement Movement of people and ideas Migration 4. Cultural–Development and interaction of cultures Religion Belief systems Ideologies The arts and culture 5.

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Economic–creation, expansion, and interaction of economic systems The development of agriculture Trade Commerce Economic and Labor systems Capitalism and Socialism The following Basics of Historical Thinking Skills will be utilized in this course: 1 Crafting Historical Arguments from Historical Evidence 2. Chronological Reasoning 3. Comparison and Conceptualization 4. Historical Interpretation and Synthesis Main Textbook: Voyages in World History 2nd Deed. , by Kenneth R. Curtis and Valerie Hansen, Boston: Headwords Coinage; AP deed. , 2010.

Student resources for textbook available at: http://college. Homo. Com/students primary Source Document Readers: Students will read and analyze selected primary sources (documents, images, and maps) Documents in Global History, Volvo. 1 to 1650 & Volvo. 2 since 1500; Pearson Education Inc. Upper saddle River, NJ 2008 Secondary Sources: (Written, Visual, Audio, Video, and Electronic) Guns, Germs and Steel by Jarred Diamond (Norton, 1999) The Worst Mistake in the History of the Human Race by Jarred Diamond. Discover Magazine May 1987: 64-66. Web. July 2000. A Short History of the World byes.

M. Roberts (Oxford Press, 1993) Rand McNally Historical Atlas of the World (2004) Islam: Empire of Faith. Dir. Robert H. Gardner. Peer. Ben Kinsley. PBS, 2001. DVD The World’s History by Howard Spoke, 3rd deed. Combined Volvo. , Upper Saddle River, N. J. : Prentice Hall, 2006. Millennium Series. CNN Guns, Germs, and Steel by Jarred Diamond. National Geographic Society. Lost Civilizations Series. Time/Life Civilization Series. BBC Engineering an Empire Series. The History Channel. 2006 When worlds collide. PBS. 2012 The Human Web: A Bird’s Eye View. J. R. And William McNeil. 2003.

Maple Vail Book Manufacturing Other Sources: Fast Track to A 5 Preparing for the AP World History Exam Student Study Guide (Headwords Change, 2011) Various Primary and Secondary Sources Internet -School approved websites including BBC. Com, PBS. Com, Bill Strickland Units to be covered include the units listed below; approximately 1 to 3. 5 weeks will be spent on each unit and the AP Exam will cover about 15-20% of each unit: Unit Chronology of AP Curriculum unit 1: To 600 BCC: Technological and Environmental Transformations- 5% of AP Exam Unit 2: 600 BCC-600 CE: Organization and Reorganization of Human

Societies -15% of AP Exam unit 3: 600-1450: Regional and Transnational Interactions-20% of AP Exam Unit 4: 1450-1750: Global Interactions- 20% of AP Exam unit 5: 1750-1900: Industrialization and Global Integration 20% of AP Exam Unit 6: 1900-present: Accelerating Global Change and Realignments- 20% of AP Exam Unit Activities The following unit activities will be assigned in each of the six units in order to develop analytical skills and to allow students to demonstrate command of course themes and key concepts. AP World pre and post Test will be given the first and last day Of class in order to collect data

Note-taking Lecture Notes Reading and Thinking notes World Religions chart Class Discussions Each class Will be include some evaluation of a primary or secondary source this will include historical and present documents that can be written works, pictures/art, or video clips Students will be graded based upon their participation in the discussion and ability to bring new ideas to the discussion The teacher will act as a recorder while students will drive the conversation Debates will also be used thought the course Map Labeling of major civilizations, countries, cities, landmarks, etc Timeliness

Students will create a timeline for each period we study. Within that timeline they must include the major civilizations, key events, primary, and secondary sources we discuss. Students can use the timeliness provided in the textbook as a baseline and will add information as we move through out each time period. The timeline will be used toward the end of the course to analyze cause and effect of the incline and decline of civilizations and to investigate the consistency of the textbook to other materials viewed in class. Test and Quizzes Tests will be given at the end of every unit.

I will provide a study guide for ACH unit test but the study guide is just a guide and material not mentioned on the study guide may appear on the test. Jinni tests will be developed from a combination of the chapters of the textbook, lecture/notes, and in class work. To be successful on the tests students must actively read the textbook! Pop quizzes will be used to check for reading and lecture comprehension Writing Assignments To develop the skills necessary to do well on the AP World History test student will be given writing assignments from the College Board 2002-201 1 Released Questions.

There will be 6 total essays given during the year. Short Document Analysis: Students will analyze written, visual and quantitative documents from primary source readers and other sources. Document analysis handouts and the PERSIA (Political, Economic, Religion, Social, Intellectual, and Area) method will be used to analyze these documents. Document Based Question (DAB): Students analyze evidence from a variety of sources in order to develop a coherent written argument that has a thesis supported by relevant historical evidence.

Students will apply multiple historical thinking skills, such as evaluating reliability and point of view, as they examine a particular historical problem or question. There will be a major focus on analyzing the validity of sources, intended audience, and challenging previously established viewpoints to formulate an argument. (CRY) Change and Continuity over Time (COT): Students identify and analyze patterns of continuity and change over time and across geographic regions. They will also connect these historical developments to specific circumstances of time and place, and to broader regional, national, or global processes.

Bill Strickland guide to constructing a COT Thesis will be used. Comparative Essay: Students compare historical developments across or thin societies in various chronological and/or geographical contexts. Students will also synthesize information by connecting insights from one historical context to another, including the present. Bill Strickland guide to constructing a Comparative Thesis will be used. UNITS OF STUDY – An overview of this course The course will be broken into five major thematic units from 8000 BCC to the present.

Unit 1 To 600 BCC: Technological and Environmental Transformations (1 Week or 5%) Key Concepts: Key Concept 1-1. Big Geography and the Peopling of the Earth Peopling of the Earth Key Concept 1. 2. The Nell ethic Revolution and Early Agricultural Societies Key Concept 1. 3. The Development and Interactions of Early Agricultural, Pastoral and Lesbian Societies Topics for Overview: Hunter gathers Transition to Pastoral societies First civilizations: Middle East, Asia, Africa, China, India, and South America.

Major focus on River Valley Civilizations Textbook Chapters: 1-2 Primary Sources: Visual source- The First Art Objects (Hansen and Curtis Chapter 1, Pigs. 8-9) Visual source- The First Stone Tools Epic of Galoshes (Hansen and Curtis Chapter 2, Peg. 50) (Documents in Global History Volvo. L, Peg. 4) Code of Hamburg (Documents in Global History Volvo. L, peg. 40) Potential Student Activities pre AP Test- Multiple Choice only Notes Timeline Activity #1 -Students will be introduced to the Change Over Time essay by first developing a time line of their life.

Students must divide their life into three periods and discuss why they created those periods in their lives. We will then work to develop a thesis. (CRIB 1) Timeline Activity Students will create a timeline of agriculture and tools from 10,000 B. C. E. To 600 B. C. E. Students will be asked to place evidence on the timeline as we move through the unit. CRIB 1) In order to include other disciplines within the course students will become archeologist for a day and must bring in an example of the first tools used by humans. We will then compare the tools they find to modern tools and discuss the technological advances they see. CRIB 5) Show images of primitive stone tools. Compare the earliest tools to the tools of today Class discussion on the role of migration in human development. Why did early humans change locations, and what did they get out of it? Students will analyze maps of the early human migration and the river valley civilizations. Map Quiz to follow Students will analyze early human social divisions by dividing themselves into groups. Students must first develop criteria for their groups and assign someone to develop those criteria. Follow up discussion: How did you establish the groups? How did you pick the leader?

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