My name is Erosion Pike and the year is 1966 and I am a factory worker. I have been working in the factory since I can remember. I do not have family my mother and father both died when was…
Industrial Revolution Reflection Paper Assignment
AP European History class I have become aware of the adaptations the people of the Industrial Revolution had to endure. Throughout the Industrial Revolution the job market, technology, and accessibility grew, while space and civil order declined. Nearly everyone was…
Industrial Revolution shaped america today Assignment
America to what people call “modern. ” The Industrial Revolution began in 1820-1870; it was of great importance to the development in the United States. The first Industrial Revolution occurred in Great Britain and Europe during the late eighteenth century.…
Industrial Revolution: The Downtrodden Working Class Assignment
The Revolution seemed to be advantageous in various aspects but was actually the complete opposite for he common workers’ working conditions, living conditions, and it exploited child labor. Although the Industrial Revolution resembled a new lease on life and led…
Industrial Revolution Through Mchigan Lumbering Assignment
Industrial Revolution through Michigan Lumbering When Michigan was first affected by the industrial revolution, it was with our lumber industry. Michigan is filled with different types of trees including White Pine. White Pine is very easy to handle and cut…
Comparing Benjamin Franklin And James Madison Assignment
Benjamin Franklin and James Madison. Franklin was born in 1706 to Josiah, a tradesmen in the art Of candle and soap making, and Bah, a housewife. Franklin was the 8th child and youngest son. Madison on the other hand, was…
The industrial revolution as a turning point in world history Assignment
The Industrial Revolution was a major turning point in world history. The term industrial revolution originally referred to the inventions and changes that transformed England, between 1 750 and 1830, from a largely rural people making a living almost completely…
Comparing Benjamin Franklin to Mary Rowlandson Assignment
A shift from faith to deism was occurring. The Puritans of this time were escaping the Church of England. Their hope was to return to the more primitive Ways, to reject the churches hierarchy and ritual. Mary Rowland, a puritan…
Industrial Revolution Women Assignment
They were still expected to take care of the children ND continue their household duties even while they worked. They also did not get as much of an education as the men. Some of the women were in the lower…
Consenting Fathers: Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson Assignment
Jefferson succeeded Benjamin Franklin as the minister to France in 1785, and both men were present and influential in founding the basis for the constitution and the fledgling government. Indeed, the accomplishments of both men and the importance that has…