Reflection Paper-Theology of Christianity Assignment

Reflection Paper-Theology of Christianity Assignment Words: 563

When we are asked what is the “root cause” of certain effects or phenomena, we are thus tasked to look deep within the true reasons and underlying sequence of events to come to a final conclusion of what really happened. In the Chapter of Timothy Radcliff What’s the point of being a Christian? Regarding ‘Root Shock, this is exactly what he wants to tackle-??what is the root cause for the popularization of a central problem within the Church, specifically the Church’s difficulty to further the unity of unanimity because of its own divisions Internally.

It is very difficult to look toward a leader and expect to all be united and cooperate under his leadership when there is evidence that he himself is not functioning appropriately or worthy of our following. True enough for the church, there still are factions of people who cannot follow, let alone heed God’s word, for the same reason that the leadership can sometimes be divided as well. Where people usually Identify themselves as either being left or right, the Church similarly has a separation teen the liberal and the conservative, the progressive and the traditional.

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In the chapter, Radcliff compares and contrasts Kingdom Catholics from Communion Catholics. The latter see the Church as a communion of believers, whereas the former sees the role of the Church as Integral for the advancing of God’s kingdom. Although both sides stick to facts such as the actual belief In a God, or the heeding of His Word, there Is a disconnect to how they Interpret and understand such teachings or religious beliefs, and thus operate In different fashions depending on their Interpretation or understanding of their religion.

Root shock therefore comes Into play as an emotional distress for the people In times of separation or destruction from what they know to be true. And such destruction can sometimes be brought about by the differences of views, especially for something so deep-rooted as religion and Catholic teaching. There should be one God, one Word, one community, and yet there are rifts between these people due to differing views. In order to overcome this, we are thus called to be more open to diversity.

According to Radcliff, we must be “eager to be open to the unimaginable diversity of human cultures and wisdom”. Only then can we eradicate root shock, and possibly, at least In the not so near future, be more receptive to the differences and popularization of Charlatanry. Reflection Paper-Theology of Christianity By Toscanini humanity because of its own divisions internally. That the leadership can sometimes be divided as well. Where people usually identify former sees the role of the Church as integral for the advancing of God’s kingdom.

Although both sides stick to facts such as the actual belief in a God, or the heeding of His Word, there is a disconnect to how they interpret and understand such teachings or religious beliefs, and thus operate in different fashions depending on their interpretation or understanding of their religion. Root shock therefore comes into play as an emotional distress for the people in times something so deep-rooted as religion and Catholic teaching. There should be one cultures and wisdom”. Only then can we eradicate root shock, and possibly, at least in Christianity.

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