Comprehensive Grammar Checkpoint Assignment

Comprehensive Grammar Checkpoint Assignment Words: 422

Axia College Material Appendix F Comprehensive Grammar CheckPoint Enter the correct answer for each item by typing A or B in the second column. Provide an explanation for each choice in the Rationale column. The boxes expand to accommodate the text. Item| Correct Answer(A or B)| Rationale| 1. | B| “her name” assumes female. | 2. | A| “because I’m a girl” implies all girls aren’t good at math| 3. | B| A infers the expectation that Muslims are not nice| 4. | B| Cuban American is not necessary to the context of the sentence | 5. A| Sentence states fact| 6. | B| A implies all younger people know more about technology| 7. | A| I felt that the “hearing impaired” information is needed to decide the accommodations needed| 8. | B| A assumes that because of the last name, raw fish will be served. Makes general cultural assumption | 9. | B| Second sentence of A is a fragment. It needs a conjunction and a reference to who or what “never found out”. | 10. | B| Sentence A is a fragment and has no subject| 11. | A| B should have a period after “ankles”. 12. | A| A uses a semi-colon to join 2 closely related ideas| 13. | A| Rule is words ending in y preceded by a consonant, change the y to an i and add es| 14. | B| “Commitment” is spelled incorrectly in sentence A| 15. | B| University is part of the proper name of the school| 16. | A| Days of the week, months, and holidays need to be capitalized; “McDonalds” is a proper noun (place) and needs to be capitalized| 17. | A| Apostrophe is needed in “It’s” to indicate the missing letter (It is). 18. | A| Rule is add an apostrophe and an s to show the possessive case of plural nouns that do not end in s or es| 19. | A| Add an apostrophe s to form the possessive case of “Robinson”, a singular noun. For “ours'”, the rule is add only an apostrophe if adding the additional s after the apostrophe would make the word difficult to pronounce| 20. | A| A semicolon is used in the case of two complete sentences joined by a transitional expression that functions as a conjunctive adverb| 21. B| A semicolon is used for items in a series when one or more of the main elements already contain commas| 22. | A| Colon should be used only after a complete sentence| 23. | B| Commas should be used to clarify meaning. It is not needed here. | 24. | B| Comma should be used here to set off the introductory element at the beginning of the sentence| 25. | A| Comma should be used before the coordinating conjunction (and) between two main clauses|

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