Effective Leadership and Management in Nursing Assignment

Effective Leadership and Management in Nursing Assignment Words: 680

Effective Leadership and Management in Nursing NOR/492: Leadership and Management July 9, 2012 Instructor: Janet Billie Leadership and management are essential to any health care organization, balancing patient care, employees, physicians, and the organization. Nursing is founded on interpersonal relationships. As a people-oriented profession, nursing leadership styles are influenced by humanism. The mission, attitude, and behaviors of a health care organization begins with its leadership, which creates the direction and purpose of the organization.

The purpose of this paper s to differentiate between leadership and management, describe views of leadership, and explain the characteristics of an effective leader. Leadership and Management Leadership and management are used interchangeably; however, distinct differences between the two exist. Leadership is defined as setting the direction for change; facilitating innovative practice, ensuring polices are up-to-date and professional standards are set in relationship to care (Falter, Mitchell, Norris, & Wolfe, 2008).

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Leadership influences the processes within an organization, the essence of leadership is the ability to influence others. Leaders establish the purpose of the organization, whereas managers carry out the established purpose (Azure & Gross, 2011). Management includes the process of planning, organizing, coordinating, and directing the work of employees to accomplish the task at hand more efficiently. Managing involves communicating and controlling the use of information to manage the work of others, leading people to take action, and taking supervisory actions (Sullivan & Decker, 2009).

Views of Leadership Leadership is motivating others to achieve a higher standard. Nursing leaders encourage and motivate nurses to improve patient outcomes with exceptional nursing care, seek further education, and implement evidence-based nursing practices. Leaders who develop trusting relationships with their staff through support, commitment, empathy, and actively listening improve staff willingness to carry out the mission and vision of the organization. Through trusting interpersonal relationships staff members are empowered to discuss openly concerns and proposed solutions without consequence from the leader.

It is important that followers feel comfortable with approaching the leader with implants or concerns. Leadership demonstrating a neutral position and maintaining a non-judgmental attitude when faced with difficult situations is much easier to approach. Effective Leadership Leading a health care organization comes with immense responsibility and is not an easy task. Transformational leadership has proven to be an effective leadership style in the nursing profession, demonstrating a clear mission, a commitment to excellence, and the ability to motivate and lead others to higher levels of achievement (Schwartz, Spencer, Wilson, & Wood, 2001).

Characteristics and qualities of an effective leader include Communication skills- able to openly communicate, easy to approach, and listens Compassionate- kind, caring, and respectful of others Dependable-reliable, consistent Motivating- empowers others to perform at their best, promotes a sense of responsibility, encourages and assists other to excel in their profession Actively participates- is a team player, leads by example Fair- remains neutral when dealing with conflict, treats employees equally, is non-judgmental Employee attention and job satisfaction are important to the success of an organization.

Leaders and managers play an important role in the work environment and job satisfaction. In a study of home care nurses, nurses rated having a manager who was skilled at managing people and a superior leader as the most important components of job satisfaction (Outfield, Ruche, Blab, & Stats, 2011). Effective leaders display skillful communication to include listening to others. According to Essentials of Nursing Leadership and Management (2007), the only way a leader an discover the needs and wants of an individual or group is to watch what they do and to listen to what they say.

Conclusion Leadership and management go hand-in-hand; however, it is not necessary to hold the title of manager to be a leader. Successful organizations are led to greatness by the inspiration and motivation of their leaders; leaders at all levels of the organizational structure. Transformational leaders are admired and respected, effectively motivating staff to meet the goals of the organization. Effective leaders influence and inspire followers to achieve an agreed upon goal, sing communication skills and listening to the needs of the organization.

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