The Danger of Teens and Social Media Assignment

The Danger of Teens and Social Media Assignment Words: 880

Fall Semester The Dangers of Teens and Social Media Teens and Social Media…. At a first look, it would appear to one as challenging to pinpoint the focus of this argument. Teens and Social Media cover such a broad range of topics, one would inevitably come up with more questions than answers. What would worry a parent when it comes to their teens and social media? Having both risk and benefits social media has a huge impact on our younger generation today. Peer pressure, Cyber-bullying, depression, and the danger of sexual predators are only a few risks teens need to be aware of when engaging in social media ctivities.

With social media being at an all time high in this day and age, most teens do not realize the significant effect it has on their lives. Indeed, it may be a great way to communicate with family and friends, however; more risk than benefits come along with the use of social media. Becoming one of the most common risk teens face today, cyber-bullying is a relatively new phenomenon. Cyber-bullying is described as bullying through instant messaging, texting, and the most common of all social media. Some of the social media sites include but are not limited to: Facebook,

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Twitter, Myspace, and Instagram. Using data collected from the Youth Internet Safety Survey in the United States, found that 19% of their 1501 participants had been involved in some form of online harassment (Noret and Rivers 2). “Social networks are where all the teens are hanging out now. It’s like their corner store,” says O’Keffe (Tanner 1). Even with cyber-bullying at an all time high, many teens may argue the fact that they should not be allow to use social media until a certain age. Teens believe it is indeed a great way to communicate with family and friends.

Girls are ore likely than boys to say that they have experienced cyber-bullying- thirty-eight percent of online girls report being bullied, compared with twenty-six percent of boys (Lenhart 2). Cyber-bullying can also cause depression in teens that can possibly lead to death. What may have once been a lively upbeat teen, can turn into someone who ultimately starts to become recluse. About one-third (thirty-two percent) of all teenagers who use social media as a way to communicate say that they have been targets of online activities that lead to depression (Lenart np).

It continues with iolence, sometimes pregnancy, change in eating habits and most drastically suicide. When dealing with cyber-bullying that causes depression teens will withdraw themselves from the outside world. Not wanting to go to school, be seen in public, or even communicate with close friends. This increased exposure to social media has profound effects on the development and functioning of children and teens today (Agarwal and Saranya 1). Although sexual predators and teen depression are common among teens and social media, the most dangerous risk of them all is sexual predators.

A recent national survey indicated that about one in five youth are solicited for sex over the internet annually (Dombrowski, LeMasney, and Emmanuel 1). Locating teenage victims on social media sites is easy. Anyone can make up a profile with false information and phony photos that can appeal to anyone, especially media sites ( Acohido 3). Sadness would prevail when one reflects on how this demeaning and degrading act has become relevant in the homes of many. To categorize victims of sexual predators, female teens are the main targets. Sexual predators typically engage in the “grooming” process (Dombrowski, LeMasney, and Emmanuel 1).

This process is gets the attention of the teen victims with interest and gains affection through words and possibly phony photos. The increase in overall sexual predation is not shown as a result in research studies among teens. The bottom line is with social media being so easily accessible how do we protect our children, from being preyed upon? How does one ensure parents are aware of the dangers and traps that are set for our naive and unknowing teens to fall victim to? Look at how many pieces of technology alone our teens have access to that would llow them to gain access to these ever so dangerous social media outlets.

Look likes that even at the end of one’s research one would still be plagued with more questions than answers. One could carry on but chooses to digress. One would still have to ask once more who would want their child to be exposed or subjected to such scrutiny such a toxic environment?…. It is highly advised that our youth 16 and under, primarily teens stay away from social sites knowing the major risk and negative impact it could have on one’s life. Work cited Agarwal, Vivek, and Saranya Dhanasekaran. “Harmful Effects Of Media On Children And Adolescents. Journal Of Indian Association For Child & Adolescent Mental Health 8. 2 (2012): 38-45. Academic Search Complete. Web. 10 Dec. 2013. Bryon, Acohido. “Sexual Predators Target Children Using Social Media. ” USA Today. (March 2011): n. page. web. 10 Dec. 2013. Dombrowski, Stefan, John LeMasney, and Ahia Emmanuel. “Protecting Children Fro Online Sexual Predators. ” Academic Search Complete. 35. 1 (2004): n. page. Web. 10 Dec. 2013. Lenhart, Amanda. “Cyber bullying. ” Oune 2011): n. page. Web. 04 Dec. 2013.. Rivers, Ian, and Nathanlie Noret. “l h8 u. ” Academic Search Complete. 36. 4 (2010): n. page. web. 10 Dec. 2013.

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