Geography- Interconnections and Biomes Assignment

Geography- Interconnections and Biomes Assignment Words: 1310

Boomers are regions of the world with similar climate (weather, temperature), animals and plants. There are terrestrial boomers (land) and aquatic boomers (water). Boomer Tundra: Location- Regions south of the Ice caps in the Arctic. In North America, Northern Europe and Asia. Climate- Short cool summers and long freezing cold winters. High winds. Adoptions- Thick fur to survive during winter and found places to hibernate during winter. Plants- Lichens mosses, grasses, shrubs.

Animals- Artic Fox and Polar bear Special Facts- Plants in Tundra regions tend to be small and stunted due to the year mound freezing and thawing of the poor soil. Boomer Desert: Location- On the western side of Earth, Including, Asia, Africa, and Australia Climate- Really, really dry. Little to no rainfall at all. Adoptions- Animals need to go for long periods without or with little water. Plants- Barrel Cactus and Desert spoons Animals- Dingo’s, Kangaroos, Camels Special Facts- Although the daytime temperatures of the desert boomer are very hot, they can get very cold at night.

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All the major boomers: Polar lands, Tundra, Boreal forest. Mountain vegetation, Temperature forest, Grasslands, Desert and Tropical forest. Why is there such an abundance of life in a rainforest’s? This Is because abundance of life is due to Ideal growing conditions In the forests. Why Is the grasslands boomer Important for human populations? The grasslands boomer is important to human population because it has the ability to grow plants and provide animals with a place to live, it provides most of the world’s foods and fiber, for example, animals provide meat and milk and plants provide rice and vegetables.

Food security: What Is food security? Food security is a state where all people at all times have access to enough safe, atrocious food to sustain a healthy life. For a person, community or country to have a secure food supply they must have three things: Food availability Food accessibility using food appropriately. People who do not have food security suffer from hunger and Illnesses related to lack 000, sun as malnutrition Food availability: Food availability means people have enough food of appropriate quality available on a consistent basis.

Food accessibility: Food accessibility means physical and economic access to food. That is, there needs to be enough food available and it must be in reach of those who need it. Using food appropriately: Appropriate use of food means using food safely and applying knowledge about nutrition, clean water and sanitation when preparing food. Threats to Food Security: Threats to Food Security? Food security depends on a number of factors. In some places, these factors are in a state of flux, and food security is under constant threat.

The main factors that come into play and put food security at risk are: water scarcity; climate change; threats from non-native plants, animals and insects; competition for land; the use of land for fuel instead of food; and armed conflict. Water scarcity: Water scarcity is the lack of access to enough safe water. The supply of clean, safe water is important not only for people to drink, but for the safe growing of crops for food. Climate change: Climate change refers to long-term changes in weather events and patterns worldwide.

The effects of climate change, such as, rising global temperatures and changes in levels of rainfall, could heavily put the security of food to risk. As there won’t be ideal amounts of rainfall or the ideal temperatures for certain crops to grow. Animals on the other hand, might not be able to cope with the rising temperatures. Threats from non-native plants, animals and insects: The introduction of non-native plants, animals or insects into an area can have devastating effects on the natural environment. This, in turn, can develop into a situation where food security is put at risk.

Competition for land: In many places around the world, agriculture is being threatened by competition for land. Food security may come under threat by people or corporations who want to use land for purposes other than growing food crops. The use of land for fuel instead of food: The biggest emerging threats to food security in recent years has come from the Roth in the amount of land being used to produce crops used to feed cars, not people. Armed conflict: Armed conflicts have the potential to affect the food security of entire regions and may even result in famine.

In armed conflict, food may be stolen from the local people by armed forces, land used for growing food crops may be destroyed, or the who would normally farm go off to fight. Supply chains: What is a Supply Chain? A supply chain is simply the Journey of a product from its source to the consumer and then its disposal once used. There are 5 stages in this process, extracting or rowing raw materials, maturating, Illustration, consumption Ana waste. Extracting or growing raw material- All consumer goods begin as raw materials.

They are dug from the ground, grown in farms and forests or taken from rivers and oceans. Raw materials include substances like oil, wood, water, metals and minerals. Manufacturing or processing- Most raw materials are processed in some way to transform them into useful consumer products. This may be as simple as washing, sorting and packaging tomatoes or other foods from farms, or it may be a very complex and intricate series of processes. Distribution- The manufactured goods must be transported to the consumer.

The largest volumes of goods are moved by ships but planes, trains and trucks are also used. Goods are often taken to warehouses for storage and then to shops where they are accessed by the consumer, who then transports them to the place they will be used. Consumption- The use of goods and services is known as consumption. Waste- After we are done with goods some are treated and recycled, others are simply dumped. Tourism: There are 4 types of tourism, recreational tourism, historical tourism, wilderness tourism and costumers.

Recreational tourism: In recreational tourism, tourists travel to have a good time, to relax, and to enjoy the attractions and activities on offer in the places they are visiting. Many recreational tourists spend their time relaxing on the beach, eating in restaurants, shopping or attending shows. (Hawaii or Bali) Historical tourism: Historical tourists are generally interested learning more about important events that may have taken place in the past, by visiting the places where they happened. They visit important buildings, view artifacts and monuments and sometimes listen to stories from local experts.

England, France, Rome) Wilderness tourism: Wilderness tourists enjoy the challenge of visiting wild places such as the Amazon rainforest’s, Antarctica or the Himalaya. These travelers enjoy the remote lands, rugged landscapes and challenging weather conditions. (Himalaya, Amazon, Antarctica) Costumers: Couturiers travel to natural areas that are relatively undisturbed, and possibly fragile, to learn more about these special places in a socially responsible manner. Couturiers try to minimize their impact and avoid damaging the environment in which they travel.

They may even aim to improve the wellbeing of the land and those hat live there. (Chile or Great Barrier Reef) Interconnections: Interconnections- A connection to the world by trade, tourism, transport technologies and communications. How every place/ person on Earth is connected to every other place/ person? We are connected by trade, social media, technology, internet, online shopping and anything that connects us with the rest of the world. We are connected by technology ad evolution as we are advancing our knowledge of the world. We are connected to the world where we are connected to countries that have resources that we require.

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