Compare and Contrast the Way Geography Impacts Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia Assignment

Compare and Contrast the Way Geography Impacts Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia Assignment Words: 599

Geography impacts many regions, but my main focuses are on Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia. Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia have similarities, but despite that, they also have differences. The culture, religion, and land of both regions have been impacted by geography, and the differences and comparasions of both will explain more of their regions background and how they were impacted over the years. First and foremost, Ancient Egypt has two pieces of land called the ? black land? and the ? red land?.

The black land, which is used for growing crops and this piece of land was the only place where the people of Ancient Egypt could farm, this is because the soil was rich and fertile. The red land is a barren desert, where nothing grows. It protected Egypt from invasions from other countries near them. It also provided Egypt with precious metals and semi-precious metals. Before 5000 B. C. , the majority of the land was full of vegetation, there was no need to depend on the Nile. Around 5000 B. C. , the vegetation started to dry up and become desert, they were forced to move towards the Nile River, since it was the only source of fresh water.

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Before 3100 B. C. , there were no capital cities. Some areas including, Abydos, Hierakonpolis, and Naqaba were areas that could be consider centers of settlements and tombs. Mesopotamia is between two rivers, the Tigris and Euphrates. Mesopotamia is made up of two regions, northern and southern. Northern Mesopotamia has fertile land due to the seasonal rains and the rivers flowing up and down the mountains. It is made up plains and hills. Early settlers used the land for farming. Southern Mesopotamia? s cities developed along the river that flow through.

It is made up of marshy areas, wide, flat, land with no vegetation that grows. Early settlers had to to deliver water to the land for farming. They depend on their neighbouring countries for natural resources since they run low on them. Additionally, Mesopotamia and Ancient egypt contrast in geography and all the main thing they both have are two land resources that they depend on. Mesopotamia depends on the Tigris and Euphrate River, and Ancient Egypt depends on the Black Land and the Red Land. They rely on these sources for protection, vegetation, and shelter. Both have sources that can be used for farming and planting crops.

They also have sources that can be used as borders to protect them from invansions from other countries. In Mesopotamia and Ancient Egypt people move and live closer to the river, because it provides them with fresh water and natural resources. Mesopotamia and Ancient Egypt both have regions that are barren and deserted, that are used for protection. Lastly, Mesopotamia and Ancient Egypt compare in Geography, but they also contrast to eachother. Ancient Egypt relied on land and Mesopotamia relied on river. Egypt relied on the Black Land because of the amount of vegetation that you could grow there and fertile soil.

Mesopotamia relied on the Tigris and Euphrates river to find fertile soil and vegetation. Ancient Egypt did not have to rely on their neighbouring country for natural resources. Southern region of Mesopotamia had to rely on their neighbouring countries for natural resources. In Mesopotamia, cities developed along the rivers. To conclude, Mesopotamia and Ancient Egypt both compare and contrast to the way they were impacted by geography. Both land geography compare and contrast by what they were used for. It was used for protection, growing crops, and natural resources but used in different ways.

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Compare and Contrast the Way Geography Impacts Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia Assignment. (2020, Dec 16). Retrieved October 23, 2024, from