Change in Beijing’s Air Pollution Levels Assignment

Change in Beijing’s Air Pollution Levels Assignment Words: 582

The change in the pollution levels causes what changes in marginal social costs? 2. Which of the following changes of the social marginal cost curve will occur as a result of the changing pollution levels? (An upward shifting social marginal cost curve; A downward shifting social marginal cost curve; A movement upward along the social marginal cost curve; OR A movement downward along the social marginal cost curve). In the article, what government action can be taken to assure that private marginal costs move in the same direction as the change in social marginal costs? 4. Based on the article, which of the following changes of the private marginal cost curve will occur as a result of the government’s action? (Government shifts private marginal cost curve upward; government shifts private marginal cost curve downward; government moves firm upward on the private marginal cost curve; OR government moves firm downward on the private marginal cost curve). . Which of the following changes should occur to the market equilibrium price and output as a result of the government action? (Greater price and greater output: greater price and lower output; lower price and greater output; OR lower price and lower output). 6. Indicate the source, title, date, and page number of your article. If it is an internet article, also include the full internet web address to access the article. Today I found an article in science daily about pollution and the effects it has on the environment.

The article is called Air Pollution Level Changes in Beijing Linked with Bombardiers of Cardiovascular Disease. The overview of this article is that it looks at how the government of China wanted to decrease the pollution levels before the Beijing Olympics in 2008 and how it’s helped the environment from then until now. First off the change in pollution levels cause many of changes in marginal social costs. This change has led to a safer environment for the people by putting decreasing the bad pollution that was being put out pre Olympics.

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There was a decrease in all pollution levels that obviously led to less diseases caused by pollution. It was also noted that the plants and living areas of the wild have improved marginally due to the decrease in pollution levels. Second as a result Of the changing pollution levels the marginal cost curve will occur a movement of upward shifting social marginal costs due to the decrease in pollution levels and increase in the environment and persons of Begging’s health.

Third the government wasn’t the sole reason for the decrease in the pollution being put out in the city, but the government was the one that anted to lower the pollution levels so when all the countries came into Beijing for the Olympics they would notice that the government of Beijing is trying to grasp a hold of the pollution problem of China that was known about all around the world.

As a result of the governmental change, the change of the private marginal costs curve will result in a government shift in private marginal cost downward. The equilibrium price and output as a result of the government action I think would be greater prices and lower output. All n all the government set a standard for the factories to lower their pollution so the environment will be healthier which will increase health for all people that were surrounded by all of this awful pollution.

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Change in Beijing's Air Pollution Levels Assignment. (2020, Dec 29). Retrieved October 23, 2024, from