Why College Education Is Important to Me Assignment

Why College Education Is Important to Me Assignment Words: 1230

A job market where you must compete against other applicants and a market that’s caters to what I’ve been studying awards like, Business, Education, Sport or Security, Just to name a few. When you have a college degree you are always ,or most likely a step ahead of the other person who does not have one. A college education puts you on the right path to a better Job opportunity, higher salary, Job advancements within your firm or company, and promotion opportunity If you’re looking to move up the latter.

I can recall when my best friend was going through college taking evening classes, and working a low salary wage Job at $6. 50 hourly, and having to support his family with two children. Then as my friend continue on with his studies he graduated with Bachelor of Science Degree. Shortly after he graduated he applied for a management position at a Military base in a dining facility. So. Based on his past experience, Associate Degree, and Bachelor Degree under his belt he got that position (a very good salary also) among other applicants who also applied for that same position.

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So, after he worked there for a year or so he got even a better paying position here in Munich, Germany with the US Embassy as a Private Investigator. Now, after working in the Embassy for about four years, he relocated to Washington D. C. There he got even a much better paying Job as the past previous two positions e held in Germany. He presently works with a contract company in Andrea Virginia. He always told me, if it hadn’t been for those College Degrees, and the sacrifice he made to graduate, he would not be where he Is today.

That Is, speaking from a career point of view. So, after I saw what my best friend had went through to get his college degree, which really inspired me, and being that I always had thought about getting a college degree too, I started some college courses with Ash worth College. Since online know more excuses as to en-roll in a college program and get the ball rolling. So, now I’m at the point where I’ve already finished two Undergraduate Certificates, one is in Security Management, and the other one is in Criminal Justice.

I previously just started my Associate program, and that’s in Security Administration. And with some college credits from my previous colleges, I should be graduating in August this year, 2013. Then after that I will start with my Bachelor program in Criminal Justice, which is my ultimate goal from the time I started with long distance learning with Seaworthy College. When I’m finish with my Bachelor Degree, then my goal is accomplished. As long as I stay focus, determine, and motivated with what I’m doing, I see nothing that can stop me from reaching that goal.

Page 2 References: “According to written testimony submitted by Rep. Rubin: if you transform education, you are not going to see the results for 10-12 years. We are not in a system that rewards 10 years outlooks, we’re in a system that rewards how the papers tomorrow write about things. We’re willing to allow history to be the judge of our work. ” “Students are being punished once by the courts, then again by the education system. ” Adam Wolf “Tom Bode once said: The difference between School and life? In School, you’re taught a lesson and then given a test.

In life, you’re given a test that teaches you a lesson. ‘ Conclusion: My College Education to me is something that know one can never take away. A college degree is a symbol of dedication, desire, achievement, inspiration, motivation, and the determination to stay focus on what’s important, and the belief you have inside yourself. When you have completed all mandatory assignments, lesson and required tests and final exams then, you can say, my goal has been accomplished, or I have succeeded in what I set out to do from the beginning.

Now you have your allege degree, and it’s time to compete in the Job market because, companies are looking for those individuals with college degrees. Career opportunities will begin to flow in, and it’s your chance to apply for the Jobs you wish or a specific field you Bibliography: Academic Development Centers: Ambrose, S. A. (1995). Fitting programs to institutional cultures: The founding and evolution of the University Teaching Center. In P. Seldom (De), Improving college teaching (up. 77-90). Bolton, MA: Ankle Publishing. Describes steps in the founding of a c enter through her experiences at Carnegie Mellon University.

Andersen, L. (1996) The work of academic development -occupational identity, standards of practice, and the virtues of association. International Journal of Academic Development, 1 (l), 38-49. Describes the work of people who staff academic development c enters and raises the issue of ethics and standards of practice for the profession. Bequest, W. H. & Phillips, S. R. (Mar. – Par. 1975). Components of an Effective Faculty Development Program. Journal of Higher Education, 46 (2) 177-211. The essential article on developing a faculty development center, which established the P. O. D. Model.

Faculty development is broken down into three parts: (1) Instructional Development (including Instructional Evaluation (peer and student evaluation), Instructional Diagnosis, Micro teaching, Educational Methodology and Technology, and Curriculum Development). Page 3 Continue from page (2): (2)Organizational Development( including Departmental Decision-Making and Conflict Management, Departmental Team Building, Management Development), and (3) Personal Development (including Faculty Interview, Life Planning Workshops, Interpersonal Skills Training, Personal Growth Workshop, and Supportive and

Therapeutic Counseling) Chrism, N. V. N. (1998). The Role of Educational Developers in Institutional Change: From the Basement Office to the Front Office. To Improve the Academy, 17,141-154. Calls For educational developers to assume leadership positions within the academy, In particular, calls for a shift from individual consultation to organizational development, from an institutional view to a global one, from a cognitive focus to a focus on wisdom, from providing answers to improving questions, from a reactive leadership. Chrism, N. V. N. , & Sabot, B. (1996). Who uses faculty development services? In L.

Richland (De. ), To Improve the Academy, 15, 115-128. Reports results of a survey of faculty development c enters on what they offered, who uses them, and why. Crawler, A. L. (1995). Faculty development programs at research universities: Implications for senior faculty renewal. In E. Neal (De. ), To Improve the Academy, 14, 65-90. Reports on options available for senior faculty in professional development c enters. Hawkins, P. W. , Beach, A. L. , & Roman, S. (2006). Perceptions of faculty developers about the present and future of faculty development at historically black colleges and universities. In S.

Chadwick Blowsier & D. R. Robertson (Des. ) To Improve the Academy, 24, 104-120. The authors describe the history of faculty development at Hocus and discuss the results of a national survey of faculty developers, comparing responses from centers at Hocus to the remainder of the survey responses. Franz. A. C. , Beebe. S. A. , Harvard, V. S. , Canal’s, J. , & Swede, D. E. (2005). The roles of teaching and learning c enters. In S. Chadwick- Blowsier & D. R. Robertson (Des. ), To improve the Academy. 23, 72-90. Based on a survey of teaching and learning c enters , list function and offerings End of Writing Assessment:

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