Week one homework es Assignment

Week one homework es Assignment Words: 1153

Points Received: Comments: off Question 2. Question : studying The school of behaviorism attempted to explain behavior by the reasons people give for their behaviors. The specific personality traits that lead to behavior. How a specific stimulus evokes a specific response. The purposes of people’s behavior. Instructor Explanation: Chapter 1 page 11 This relationship, called a stimulus- response association, is one of the major foundations of behaviorism. Points Received: 2 of 2 William James Sigmund Freud B. F.

Skinner Wilhelm Wound Instructor Explanation: Chapter 1 page 12-13 Skinner believed that behavior that s followed by good consequences is reinforced. Question 4. Question : In the sass, a 13-year-old girl was found locked up in a room, strapped to a potty chair. Since she had grown up in a world without human speech, researchers studied “Genie’s” ability to acquire words, grammar, and pronunciation. This type of research is called a case study a representative sample a single-blind study a naturalistic observation Instructor Explanation: Chapter 1 page 21 A case study looks at only one person in great detail. Of 2 Question 5. Question : A group of randomly selected subjects for a study that attaches the population in terms of important characteristics such as age and sex is called the experimental group the control group Instructor Explanation: Chapter 1 page 22 A representative sample is a randomly selected group that matches the population on important characteristics Question 6. Question : assignment? Which of the following is CORRECT concerning random In random assignment each participant has an equal chance for each condition.

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In random assignment each participant is assigned alphabetically to each condition. Determined after an experiment is over. Assignment is birth dates. Random assignment can only be The best formula for random Instructor Explanation: Chapter 1 page 27 In random assignment each participant has an equal chance of being assigned. Question 7. Question : The CEO off large automobile company says the cars the company makes are safe regardless of the fact that they lead the country in accidents due to faulty equipment.

This discrepancy highlights which of the following critical thinking principles? Few “truths” do not need to be tested. All evidence is not equal in quality. Critical thinking requires an open mind. Instructor Explanation: Chapter 1 page 33-34 In this case, the authority has a motivation to lie or mislead and cannot be trusted, especially if the evidence belies his statement. Question 8. Question : A psychologist is interested in finding out why identical twins have different personalities.

This psychologist is most interested in the goal of description explanation prediction control Instructor Explanation: Chapter 1 page 4-5 “Why” asks for an explanation. Question 9. Question : If you are interested in how patterns, beliefs, and customs influence behavior, you are interested in the perspective. Behavioral coloratura psychodrama cognitive Instructor Explanation: Chapter 1 page 13-14 This approach focuses on the social Question 10. Question : If you are interested in how patterns, beliefs, and customs environment. Question 11.

Question : A perfect correlation, whether positive or negative, is in the real world. Imperfect common rare expected Instructor Explanation: Chapter 1 page 24 Perfect correlations are not common in actual life examples. Correlation coefficients? A correlation of +. 89 is strong and -. 9 is weak. A correlation of +. 89 and -. 89 are both strong and equally so. Correlation coefficients are indicators of cause and effect. A correlation of +1. 5 is very strong Instructor Explanation: Chapter 1 page 24 Both +. 89 and -. 89 are the same distance from O. Question 13.

Question : Experimenters can Justify the use of deception because there is informed consent research is more important than people it may be necessary for the experiment to work it is not that harmful Instructor Explanation: Chapter 1 page 31 Deception is Justified if the study would to work any other way. Question 14. Question : Several years ago two scientists announced that they had evidence of “cold fusion” in the laboratory, but further studies failed to replicate their This highlights which of the following critical thinking principles? True.

Authority or expertise do not make the claims of an authority or expert Instructor Explanation: Chapter 1 page 33 The “so-called” evidence of cold fusion was not very solid, due to sloppy methodology. Points Received: Of 2 Question 15. Question : Steve is a fan of the Los Angels Lasers basketball team. With little provocation, he will engage you in a debate about whether it is the greatest team in basketball. Steve may be demonstrating critical thinking an eclectic approach unconscious behavior Instructor Explanation: Chapter 1 page 4 Stave’s loyalty to his team will influence his debate. Question 16.

Question : The nervous system is defined as a complex network of cells that carries information to and from all parts of the body nervous system a specialized cell that makes up the brain and run throughout the body itself human growth hormone a gland located in the brain that secretes Instructor Explanation: Chapter 2 page 42 The nervous system is a complex network of cells that carry information to and from all parts of the body. Question 17. Question : Which of the following cognitive abilities has been found to be normal in people diagnosed with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder? Mom aspects of attention vigilance (watching out for something important) staying on-task engaging in self-control Instructor Explanation: Chapter 2 page 74 Research shows that some aspects of attention are normal in individuals diagnosed with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Question 18. Question : The state during which a neuron contains more negatively charged ions inside the cell than outside the cell and is not firing is referred to as the action potential quiet potential synaptic potential Instructor Explanation: Chapter 2 page 45 Resting potential is the state a neuron is in when a cell is not firing a neural impulse.

Question 19. Question : The fluid-filled space between the synaptic knob of one cell and the dendrites of the next cell is called the synapse receptor site synaptic knob axon terminal Instructor Explanation: Chapter 2 page 47 The synapse is the space between the axon of a sending neuron and the dendrites of a receiving neuron. Question 20.

Question : Eruptive is a chemical that is released into the synaptic gap a protein molecule on the dendrite or cell body of a neuron that will interact only with specific neurotransmitters a process by which neurotransmitters are sucked back into the synaptic vesicles a chemical that plays a role in learning and attention Instructor Explanation: Chapter 2 page 49 This is the definition of eruptive. Neurons? Reflexes, sensory neurons, motor neurons sensory neurons, motor neurons, stem cells motor neurons, stem cells, reflexes neutrons, sensory neurons, motor neurons Instructor Explanation: Chapter 2 page 52 All of these are neurons.

Question 22. Question : In the peripheral nervous system, carry messages from special sense receptors in the skin, muscles, and other internal and external sense organs to the spinal cord. Autonomic nerves sensory pathway neurons motor pathway neurons autonomic neurons Instructor Explanation: Chapter 2 page 54 Sensory pathway neurons carry messages from sense receptors. Question 23. Glands? Question : Which endocrine gland controls all of the other endocrine

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