Syllabi Assignment

Syllabi Assignment Words: 634

Office Phone: (073). 888497 e-Mail Address: viliev@aubg. Bag Office Location: BACK, Room NO 323 Office Hours: Tuesday, Thursday, or by appointment. Office hours are intended as time set aside to discuss any problems you might have in understanding the material presented in this course. If you have a question, but cannot be present during office hours, contact me via email. I will make every effort to answer your questions quickly, but there are no guarantees. Office hours are best for this purpose. Professor Homepage Website: http://home. Bug. Bag/facultative/ Course Description:

Mathematics underpins all science and this may cause problems for students whose understanding of the subject is weak. In this course we are giving a clear and confident presentation of the core mathematics needed by a student starting his/her study in BUG. Each topic is introduced very gently, beginning with simple examples that bring out the basics and then moving on to tackle more challenging problems. The professor takes the time to explain the tricks of the trade and also shortcuts, but is careful to explain common errors allowing students to anticipate and avoid them. Course Goals:

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In the end of the course the students will be able to: Manipulate algebraic expression involving algebraic function, Solve Inequalities Involving rational functions Including such Involving absolute value, understand the basic principles of elementary analytic geometry; Graph and analyze the equations of Demonstrate a knowledge of polynomial, rational, exponential, logarithmic and trigonometric functions, including their definition, domain, graphs, operations and inverses; Solve systems of linear and simple non linear equations; Solve simple equations involving trigonometric expressions.

General Education Goals: Students will be able to: Make direct observations in a “real world” situation, Apply elementary mathematical methods in other areas of research and social experience, Justify their conclusions using basic mathematical knowledge, Communicate and argue using basic mathematical concepts. More generally, in the context of General Education Philosophy of the University, students will be able to: Reason analytically, symbolically and quantitatively; Use symbols, models, numbers and quantities; Generate, by practice, confidence in the use of the language of mathematics.

Texts and Resources: E. Kiosks and J. Cole, Precancerous, 12th edition, Brooks/Cole, 2011 Assessment/Assignments: Four homework’s – 10%, Quiz 1 – 10% , Midterm Test- 15%, Quiz 2 – 15 %, Two pop- quizzes – 5% + 5%, Final Exam – 40% Quiz 1, Midterm, and the Final Exam are cumulative. Note that all exams are open book. You will be allowed to bring 2 additional pages of personal notes (8-1/2 x 11, front and back, if needed). Calculators are allowed, but cell phones and computers are not allowed during the tests.

Grading: Grading scale: g = grade = maximum 100 puts, 00 > g 95: A, 95>g 91: A – , 91 87: B+, 87>g 83: B 83>g 79: B-, 79>g 75: C+, 75>g 70: c, 70>g 65: c -65>g 60: D+, 60 55: D, 55>g: F Amnesty: In case you are not satisfied with your score on some of Quiz 1, Midterm, or Quiz 2, you may choose exactly one of them explicitly by signing a list, and its score will be replaced by the score of the Final Exam. Class Policies: Honor Code stated in the Catalog. Student Attendance and Participation: Attendance is strongly recommended.

It is strongly suggested that you finalize your emperor well in advance of the deadline, because if something can go wrong, it will, especially when a deadline is in play. Students with disabilities: Any student who feels he or she may need an accommodation based on the impact of a disability should contact me privately to discuss his or her specific needs. Also contact Health Center as soon as possible to better ensure that such accommodations are implemented in a timely fashion. Disclaimer: This syllabus is not a binding contract, and the Professor reserves the right to make changes during the semester.

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