Student Assignment

Student Assignment Words: 813

Plagiarism Policy Collusion: occurs when two or more individuals combine their efforts in order to deceive others. In an academic context, this can occur if you work with others on an assignment that is meant to be individual or if you help another student to complete an assignment against instructions. This is also referred to as ‘collaborating too closely. ‘ The result is that you submit assignments which are very similar without admitting to the collaboration.

While collusion is considered to be a different form of academic misconduct to plagiarism, similar penalties will apply to both students involved in the incident. Collusion differs from collaboration in that the latter describes an activity in which students have been given permission to work together to accomplish a task. With collaboration, students are usually asked to submit a joint assignment under joint names. In order to avoid misunderstandings it is essential that task parameters (I. E. Owe the task should be done and by whom) are specific and transparent. 4. Policy Principles 4. 1 The aim of this plagiarism policy is to: describe the types of activities deemed to be plagiarism ensure staff and students are provided with information about methods for avoiding plagiarism; and provide a method for recording and monitoring incidents of plagiarism. N.B.: Procedures for dealing with plagiarism and the penalties which apply are contained in a separate document, Plagiarism Process. 5. Policy Content 5. 1 Informing Students 5. . 1 All Curtain College students will be provided with, and have access to, information about plagiarism and how to avoid plagiarism via the student handbook and portal as well as their unit outlines. . 1. 2 Information about referencing styles relevant to their course discipline as well as procedures for dealing with plagiarism will be made available to all students in their unit outlines. 5. 1. 3 Educational guidance on appropriate academic conventions will be provided to students in their lectures and learning support classes. 5. 1. Extra support and remediation will be offered to students found to have plagiarisms. 5. 2 Assessing the Level of Plagiarism In determining the seriousness of an act of plagiarism, the following factors are usually taken into account: the experience of the student; ultra considerations; the nature and extent of the plagiarism; and where evidence is available, the intention of the student to plagiarism. The majority of Curtain College students are overseas students with little experience of the university environment and a lack of understanding of the principles of academic integrity.

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Therefore, most incidents of plagiarism are due to a failure to understand scholarly practices. However, the fact that a student did not mean to plagiarism does not prevent it from being plagiarism. Lecturers will take into account that acquiring the skills of citing and preferring takes time and practice, so students are given opportunities to demonstrate their skills and at the same time realize that failure to employ appropriate conventions will result in the assessment process being compromised and penalties are likely to apply.

GIGQuality & compliance7 policies & GuidelinesPaganism policy STRAPPED page 2 of 3 5. 4 Levels of Seriousness of Plagiarism Low level plagiarism is inadequate or incorrect citing, referencing or paraphrasing, arising mainly from a student’s limited knowledge about plagiarism, or how to conform to academic conventions, poor writing skills, or room carelessness or neglect rather than intention to cheat. This would likely apply to students in the first trimester of their course.

Medium level plagiarism includes failure to reference or cite adequately arising from negligence or apparent intent to deceive (where adequate knowledge of conventions would have been expected). It may also include copying other students’ assignment work or recycling of previous assignments. This would likely apply to students after the first semester of their course or who have been provided with significant instruction on how to avoid plagiarism. High level plagiarism includes copied or purchased work presented with a clear intention to deceive an assessor.

This can occur when a significant proportion Of the work is copied (from students or other sources) or students have purchased an assignment. This would likely apply to students who are experienced or who are expected to understand the principles of academic integrity. ** The Curtain College document Form 1 : Determining the Seriousness of Plagiarism should be completed by the lecturer when reporting an incident of plagiarism or referring a student to the Communication Skills Lecturer. 5. 5 Appeals A student has the right to appeal the penalty imposed.

Details on how to appeal are outlined in the Curtain College Appeals Policy and can be downloaded from http://www. Chronologies. Du. AU/politicians Administrative procedures 6. 4 This policy and related documentation is accessible through the Curtain College website at: http://www. Chronologies. Du. AU/policies-curtain under the Policies and Procedures. 6. 5 All formally recorded breaches of plagiarism will be kept on student files. These records will be under the responsibility of the Communication Skills Lecturer. 6.

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Student Assignment. (2022, Feb 12). Retrieved October 22, 2024, from