Gen 105 Student Survival Guide Assignment

Gen 105 Student Survival Guide Assignment Words: 1044

Survival Guide A survival guide is necessary for distance learning at University of Phoenix. A survival Guide has several ingredients that can result in a successful academic career. The survival guide include using Axia’s educational resources, upholding academic honestly, setting and achieving goals, managing time wisely, fostering reading comprehension and retention, and applying personality and learning styles. Using Axia’s Educational Resources Distance learning requires a significant level of maturity, commitment, and self motivation.

Students don’t have social physical interactions with the professor like a traditional institution, so there other tools that acts as tutors. Students have access to tools such as: Center for Writing Excellence, the Plagiarism Checker, Writepoint, Tutorials and Guides, and the university library. The CWE is an online writing lab that helps students develops good written communication skills. The Plagiarism Checker checks the originality of the author’s work; it makes sure the writer did not copy another author’s writing.

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Writepoint is a system that provides feedback on grammar errors and provides suggestions to correct the error. Tutorials and Guides help students improve grammar writing skills by providing tutorials on grammar principle and essays. The University Library provides a selection of academic information such as articles and books to help aid research data. All these tools can prepare students for their academic career. Upholding Academic Honestly Upholding academic honestly is required at Axia College. The policy is located in University of Phoenix Student Handbook.

Rearranging and incorrectly using documents, impersonating someone, and plagiarism is dishonest and will not be tolerated. When a student borrows work from a writer, the student must properly cite the material to prevent plagiarism. Writers may have taken months or years to write authentic work; so if a students copy the writer’s work, it is considered stealing which is dishonest and unethical. If dishonest, the instructor may fail the student for that class or be expelled from the university. Setting and Achieving Goals Setting and achieving goals can carry a student on the correct path in school, career, and personal life.

Students must sit down and write down all their short-term goals, long-term goals, and a deadline for completing the goals. Also, students must write down ways on how they will successful in completing the goals. Most people have goals for a career, education, family, finances, physical, or self-pleasing. Students need to prioritize their goals from least to most important. To be successful in completing goals, students must be confident, motivated, and focused. Obstacles are sure to come, but the major key to success is to focus on the end result.

After starting Axia College, I wrote down all my short-term goals on one side of the paper including deadline; I put the long-term goals on the other side of the paper with a deadline, prioritizing the goals. I check my weekly planner to sure I am still on the correct path with achieving my goals. Managing Time Wisely Time management is important for students; they try to balance different activities in a distance learning environment. In college, students are responsible for scheduling time and making room to study and complete assignments.

Many students quickly realize that managing their time is very challenging since they have full-time jobs and family to provide for. There are several ways to help manage time: buy a planner, write down everything, avoid procrastination, making a daily to-do list, stay organized, set goals, prioritize, and study hard. The first thing a student should do is buy a planner to write down everything. Students should right down all major test and due date in planner. Students should make a daily to-do list of items, prioritizing least to most important; list should include a daily study time.

Axia students show download and print the course calendar and syllabus. Students can be very successful following these time management tips. Fostering Reading Comprehension and Retention A student who wants improves their reading comprehension and retention can use the effective SQ3R. SQ3R means survey, question, read, recite, and review. Before the students read, they must survey the chapter by scanning and skimming through title, headings, subheadings, introductory, and concluding paragraphs, and summary.

Question why they are surveying by turning title, headings, and subheadings into questions; reading the questions at the end of the chapter and asking themselves what do they know about the subject. When students begin to read, they should look for answers to the questions, answer questions at end of chapter, and note all underlined, italicized, and bold print words. Then students must recite after reading by seeing, saying, and hearing what they read. They are basically taking notes and highlighting important information.

The last process for students is reviewing material read by orally reciting and answering the questions from memory, making flashcards to note and test them, and looking through all highlighted information. Applying Personality and Learning Styles Many study techniques are used for student’s personality and learning style in a distance learning environment. Many websites, such as www. mypersonality. info/multiple-intelligences/determine people’s personality and learning styles. These personality types include Logical/Mathematical, Bodily/Kinesthetic, Visual/Spatial, Verbal/Linguistic, Intrapersonal, Interpersonal, Musical, and Naturalist.

The learning styles include Thinker, Organizer, Giver, and Adventurer. The result of the test will tell the student’s personality and learning style. Based on the results, the test will show students area their strongest attributes and suggest different methods of study to achieve the best result. The test will also show students area they are lacking and suggest different methods used to improve their intelligence. Some students are stronger in certain areas of intelligence that others, so it is good to know the strength of other students when working on group assignment.

For example, if a group is given an assignment with charts and graphs, a student with visual/spatial intelligence will have fewer difficulties completing the assignment. Someone with an interpersonal intelligence likes to see information from other’s perspective and cooperates within a group. On the other hand, an intrapersonal personality evaluates own thinking and works better alone. Students need to read over the survival guide and prepare themselves to be successful at Axia College.

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Gen 105 Student Survival Guide Assignment. (2020, Aug 06). Retrieved February 8, 2025, from