Sara Experimental Syllabus Assignment

Sara Experimental Syllabus Assignment Words: 1089

A copy of the yllabus will also be posted on Blackboard under Course Materials. Various supplementary material will be posted under Course Materials. Homework/Exercises: There will be various assignments given during the semester. In order to receive full credit for each assignment, it must be completed on time and to the instructor’s satisfaction. Exams: There will be two exams throughout the course of the semester: a midterm and a final. Each exam will contain 50 multiple-choice/true and false questions. Exams will cover specific material from your textbook as well as any material covered in class.

Exams will count for 20% of your final grade. Each exam will be worth of your grade. Extra credit questions may be provided on each exam. For both exams, you must bring a number 2 pencil; no cell phones or any other electronic devices are allowed to be on the person during exams; failure to comply will result in the exam being removed. The midterm exam may be given during the first hour and a half and then following a 15-minute break, we will have a lesson/lab work for the remaining time. Or, depending upon our class progress, you will have the entire class period to complete the exam.

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Students will not be permitted to take an exam if they arrive after 9:30 (be on ime during exams). Once the exam is over, all question booklets must be given back to the instructor. If you keep a question booklet, this will be considered cheating. Students will not be permitted to take any exam once a student that has completed that exam has left the room (you MUST be on time for exams). Lab Reports: During the laboratory portion of this course, students will participate in at least six psychological experiments. Students are responsible for writing four laboratory reports.

Over the course of the semester, students will serve as both subjects and experimenters during experiments. All laboratory reports must conform to the stylistic conventions of the American Psychological Association. Lab reports will be graded out of 100 points. The grades from these reports will be averaged and counted as 40% of your final grade. All reports must be submitted in hard copy on the assigned due date. No reports will be accepted via email. Submitting a lab report more than 24 hours after it is due will result in a 5 point deduction for each day that it is late (including weekends and holidays).

These reports will cover three (3) of the experiments run in the class and one experiment run independently. Lab reports are weighted as follows: L ab Report 1 = Lab Report 2= 10% L ab Report 12. 5% Lab Report 4= 12. 5% *Lab Report Revision – You will be allowed to revise 1 of the first 3 lab reports and submit the revision to me on “make-up” day (described shortly). This revision will be counted with no penalty. I will grade the revision as if it is the first time I am receiving your lab report and your grade will be recorded without any point deductions. Quizzes: Seven quizzes will be administered throughout the semester.

These quizzes are based on, but not limited to, reading assignments in the textbook. The owest two quiz grades will be dropped. The remaining 5 quizzes will be averaged and counted as 10% of your final grade. Quizzes will be conducted during the first 15-20 minutes of class; if you are late, you will not receive a quiz. There will be no opportunities to make up any quiz; if you do not take a quiz, you will receive a grade of zero for that quiz. Presentation: Students will pair up and present an article relevant to the topic of their final lab report. Students will present the material to the class as a powerpoint presentation.

Student pairs will present a brief introduction, the experimental esign, method, findings of the research, and a critique of the article. Additionally, students should leave approximately 2-3 minutes for questions at the end of their presentation. Each presentation will last approximately 10-15 min. Student pairs should be sure to divide the material to be presented evenly between the two presenters (e. g. , each student should present for at least 5 minutes) as each student will be graded separately on their portion of the presentation. A grading rubric will be used.

These presentations will be scored out of 10 and will be counted as of your final rade. If you do not show up on the day your presentation is scheduled, you will receive a grade of zero for your presentation. Additionally, during the two-week period of student presentations, each student is required to ask at least 2 questions following other students’ presentations. This does not mean that you have to ask 2 questions following EACH presentation, but can spread the questions out across presentations. The number of questions asked will be tallied for each student and will be counted toward the students participation grade.

Pop-quizzes and Participation: pop-quizzes will be administered at various points during the semester. Pop- quizzes will be given at the very beginning of class and will be collected after 10 minutes. The pop-quizzes will be open book and open notes and will include approximately 5 short answer questions. These pop-quizzes will only contribute to the participation portion of your final grade. That is, if at the end of the semester, have all 4 of your completed pop-quizzes (with satisfactorily answered questions) this will contribute to boosting your participation grade (e. g. your grade may be boosted from a borderline grade of C+ to a B-).

If you miss a pop-quiz, you will receive a grade of zero for the quiz and your final grade will not be boosted as a result. If you are late, you will not be allowed to take a pop quiz. There will be no opportunities to make up any quiz; if you do not take a quiz, you will receive a grade of zero for that quiz. Regular attendance is very important since much of what is covered on exams comes from the lectures as well as the textbook. Attendance will be taken and recorded each time the class meets. This class includes a laboratory component and students must be present for all labs.

Students annot miss any classes in which there are (a) in-class experiments, or (b) presentations. If you do miss a class, you are responsible for any information that you missed.

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Sara Experimental Syllabus Assignment. (2019, Oct 11). Retrieved September 13, 2024, from