Monotheistic Religions Assignment

Monotheistic Religions Assignment Words: 616

Zoroastrian, Judaism, and Schism, but not so much about Christianity because I am quite familiar with Christianity. This assignment made me realize that I never took the time to think outside of the box, and I’m happy to say that I started, not only in this class, but in all of my other courses. The video “History on The Devil” was especially captivating because the word “devil” Is synonymous with numerous religions, and used quite frequently In everyday life. I was raised Catholic, and I always associated the Devil with all of the tropically Ideas and theories like: the fight between good and evil, and the opposite of God.

After watching the movie, the meaning of the Devil changed. Now It means anything that is destructive to one’s self. General examples include not losing 10 lbs. Due to lack of exercise, a drug addiction, and abusive significant other, or not pursuing a life-long dream. Personally, the challenge or “Devil” that I face in my life is not completing my degree in a timely manner. I have allowed too many obstacles to come into my path, and delay my success. It is odd how a movie on the devil would offer me motivation to complete school.

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Chapter Judaism was very intriguing to me because I wanted to visit Banana Israel Synagogue for my Religious Visit report. I did not want to attend the service without a basic knowledge of Judaism because I felt Like that would have been somewhat disrespectful and In order to be fully Immersed In the culture I needed a foundation. According to the text book Israel refers to “all those who answer the call of God and who acknowledge and strive to obey the one God, through The Torah, or teachings, even to the patriarchs, Moses, and the prophets. It is this aforementioned quote that intrigued me to learn more about Judaism. It was a simple statement, but I wanted to learn more. As a child, I attended a Synagogue for a summer camp. I am not a practicing Jew, nor are my parents or any close relatives, so at times I felt left out. I remember taking Chalk bread on Fridays, and reading out of what I thought was “The Bible, which is referred to as Tanana, but I never learned anything about what Jewish people believed or their heritage. There is more to follow on Judaism in y report.

I hate to admit this, but I had several stereotypical views of Islam. The aspects of Islam that offended me were the treatment of women, how the institution of marriage Is treated, the fact that It Is a patriarchal religion, and Its affiliation with U. S terrorism. After reviewing the text and videos, I was pleasantly surprised to learn that Islam Furthermore, polygamy is allowed, but rarely practiced. The spiritual practices and beliefs of Muslims can be summed up in the Five Pillars: belief and witness, daily prayer, Katz (charity), fasting, and Hajj] (pilgrimage to Mecca).

The last religion I would like to touch base on is Schism. I grew up in Taos, NM and there was a Sikh temple down the street, and I was always fascinated by this culture. After researching Schism in NM, it is interesting to know that Espanola, NM houses one of the world’s largest populations of Sikhs in the entire world. Schism is a monotheistic religion that originated in India in the 15th century. Their place of worship is called guard. The Five KS refers to the article of faith worn by the Sikhs which include: Ekes, Kananga, Kara, cracker, and Korean.

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