Key Marketing Issues Faced by Consumer-Focused Companies Assignment

Key Marketing Issues Faced by Consumer-Focused Companies Assignment Words: 788

This course represents an introduction to the field of marketing and will focus on the key marketing issues faced by typical consumer-focused companies Objectives 1 . To introduce the concepts, analyses and activities that comprise marketing. 2. To provide methods and exercises in assessing and solving marketing problems 3. To reinforce and develop skills critical for business practice. While learning to plan and conduct analyses, and write formal reports to management, students also have the opportunity to work with each other in groups to solve business problems. To communicate your creative Ideas effectively, In both written and oral contexts. Required.

The hand-in case will be identified and posted on the Harvard website in late January. Mid-Term Exam (15%) and Final Exam (25%) The Mid-Term and Final exams are designed to test your understanding and ability to apply marketing concepts covered in the text and in class. Group Marketing Plan (30%) The Marketing Plan will be carried out in groups of no more than 5 people (no exceptions). It will include a written report of approximately 20 pages (including exhibits) and an oral presentation of not more than 20 minutes. In addition each group member must fill out a peer evaluation form.

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Detailed instructions will be discussed in the third class. Note on Classroom Etiquette: THE RULES 1 . In order to stimulate participation and create effective learning, laptops/tablets are not permitted in class. All lecture slides will be posted on the course website (COM). 2. Cell phones must be turned off and out-of-sight. No exceptions Academic Honesty Academic honesty is fundamental to the integrity of university education and degree programs. The Schulz School will investigate and will act to enforce academic honesty policies where apparent violations occur.

Students should millionaire themselves with York University’s policy on academic honesty. It is printed in full in your student handbook and can also viewed on-line on the Schulz website, clicking through as indicated: Schulz website 0 ‘School’ 0 ‘Academic Honesty 0 ‘Schulz Academic Honesty Policy While academic dishonesty can take many forms, there are several forms of which students should be highly aware because they are the ones that are most likely to occur in the context of a specific course. [1] Plagiarism.

Plagiarism is the presentation of information, ideas, or analysis generated by other people as being your own. It includes direct quotations as well a substantive paraphrases where the course of that information or idea is not clearly identified to the reader. Students should be careful to present their written work in a way that makes it completely clear in each and every case where a quotation, a paraphrase, or an analysis is based on the work of other people. (This includes information from all sources, including websites. [2] Cheating. Cheating is an attempt to gain an unfair advantage in an evaluation. Materials during an examination or copying from another student. [3] Failure to allow limitations on collaborative work with other students in preparing academic assignments. Each class differs in the mix of assignments and group-versus- individual preparation that is allowed. The instructor will make clear the extent of collaboration among students that is acceptable among students on various pieces of assigned work.

Students should abide by those limitations and, if they are unsure about whether a certain level or form of collaboration would be acceptable, to clarify that question with the instructor in advance. [4] Aiding and abetting. A student is lilts of violating academic honesty expectations if he/she acts in a way that enables another student to engage in academic dishonesty. If a student knows (or should reasonably expect) that an action would enable another student to cheat or plagiarism, that student’s action constitutes an academic honesty violation.

Illustrative examples include making your exam paper easily visible to others in the same exam or providing your own working or finished documents for an ‘individual assignment’ to another student (even if that other student said that he/she Just wanted to ‘get an dead of how to approach the assignment’ or to check whether they had done theirs correctly). [5] Use of academic work in more than one course. Generally, academic work done for every course is ‘new work, done for that course only.

If a student wishes to use some or all of the academic work done for an assigned task in one course in another course, the student must get explicit, prior permission from both instructors so that they agree that the scope and nature of the overlapping use of that work is such that it can fairly be counted toward both courses. MUG 2030 course schedule Read the following material carefully before each class and come to class prepared to discuss.

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Key Marketing Issues Faced by Consumer-Focused Companies Assignment. (2019, Jul 31). Retrieved March 31, 2025, from