John Wiley & Sons and Class Notes Assignment

John Wiley & Sons and Class Notes Assignment Words: 777

Higher Education Part B: Course Detail: Engineering Management |Course Title and Code: | Engineering Management – MIET 2138 | |Campus: | AUSCY | |Learning Mode: |Face to Face Lectures, tutorials online research & simulation tutorials. |Primary Learning Mode: | Lectures and Tutorials. | |Name and Contact details of course coordinator: |Jeremiah Naidu Ph:9925 4228 | | |Email: jeremiah. naidu@rmit. edu. au Location: Building 57. 5. 0 | |Name and Contact details of: program coordinator |  | |Name and Contact details of all other relevant staff: | | | | | |Teacher guided hours: | 70 Hours | |Learner directed hours: | 70 Hours | |Learning Activities: |This course aims at enabling students through attending a series of class lectures, tutorials, | | |use of available online/internet resources and simulation tutorials to interpret the following | | |topics: | | |Communication reporting, | | |Communication barriers, | | |Organisation structures, | | |Decision making, | | Leadership and management, | | |Ethics, | | |Manage projects, | | |Sustainability | | |Environmental Impacts | |Teaching Schedule: |There will be 28 face to face sessions each of 3 hours duration This is including assessment | | |and tutorial simulations. For every hour of face to face session, students need to have at | | |least two hours of self study. | | |Session One: | | |Topics. | |Introduction – assessment – class notes – commence Part A – Communication – communication | | |review – Words into writing. | | | | | |Required reading: | | |Class notes provided on http://www. rmit. edu. u/online | | |Session Two: | | |Topics: | | |Alternative views – P/P presentation Report Writing – plus video viewing on your own time | | |entitled “Report Writing” – Verbally presenting reports – Tips on Talking. | | |Class video- Grin & Bear It with class exercise to be attempted. | | |Required reading: | | |Class notes provided on http://www. rmit. edu. u/online | | |Session Three: | | |Topics: | | |Group Verbal presentations | | |Required reading: | | |Class notes provided on http://www. rmit. edu. u/online | | |Session Four: | | |Topics: | | |Commence Part B – Management | | |Section 1 – Engineering Organisations | | |Section 2 – Problem Solving and Decision-making | | |Required reading: | | |Class notes provided on http://www. rmit. edu. au/online | | |Session Five: | |Topics: | | |Section 3 managers and supervisors. | | |Section 4 Leadership | | |Required reading: | | |Class notes provided on http://www. rmit. edu. u/online | | |Session Six: | | |Topics: | | |Section 6 – Manage Projects | | |Commence Part C – Manage Projects – define a project | | |Required reading: | | |Class notes provided on http://www. rmit. edu. u/online | | | | | |Session Seven: | | |Topics: | | |Develop a project plan – Administer and monitor project | | |Required reading: | | |Class notes provided on http://www. rmit. edu. au/online | |Session Eight: | | |Topics: | | |Ethics in Engineering | | |Required reading: | | |Class notes provided on http://www. rmit. edu. u/online | | |Engineering Your Future, Dowling, Carew, Hadgraft, 2010, John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd | | | | | |Session Nine: | | |Topics: | | |Ethics in Engineering | | |Required reading: | | |Class notes provided on http://www. rmit. edu. u/online | | | | | |Engineering Your Future, Dowling, Carew, Hadgraft, 2010, John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd | | | | | |Session Ten: | | |Topics: | | |Sustainability | | |Required reading: | | |Class notes provided on http://www. rmit. edu. u/online | | |Engineering Your Future, Dowling, Carew, Hadgraft, 2010, John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd | | |Session Eleven: | | |Topics: | | |Sustainability | | |Required reading: | | |Class notes provided on http://www. rmit. edu. u/online | | |Engineering Your Future, Dowling, Carew, Hadgraft, 2010, John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd | | |Session Twelve: | | |Topics: | | |Environmental Impacts | | |Required reading: | | |Class notes provided on http://www. rmit. edu. au/online | | |Engineering Your Future, Dowling, Carew, Hadgraft, 2010, John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd | | | | | Session Thirteen: | | |Topics: | | |Environmental Impacts | | |Required reading:` | | |Class notes provided on http://www. rmit. edu. u/online | | |Engineering Your Future, Dowling, Carew, Hadgraft, 2010, John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd | | |Session Fourteen: | | |Topics: | | |Environmental Impacts | | |Required reading: | | |Class notes provided on http://www. rmit. edu. u/online | | |Engineering Your Future, Dowling, Carew, Hadgraft, 2010, John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd | | |Session Fifteen: Final Exam | |Learning Resources: |”Management, A Pacific Rim Focus”, 4th Edition | | |By Bartol, Tein, Matthews and Martin | | |ISBN 0-07-471419 8 | | |Published by McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd | | | | |”Engineering Your Future – An Australian Guide” | | |By David Dowling, Anna Carew, Roger Hadgraft | | |Published by John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd | | |ISBN 0-470-81816-6 | |Assessment Tasks: |There are five (4) assessment tasks in the form of group assignments (including verbal | | |presentation); plus one (1) two and half hour closed book examination associated with this | | |course. | |For a pass in this course students are required to obtain 50% or above from the accumulated | | |assignments and final exam which will be distributed as follows: | | |Part A: | | |Assignment 1 – Group written report 10% | | |Assignment 2 – Group oral presentation 10% | | |Assignment 3 – Mid-term Test 20% | | |Assignment 4 – Group project 20% | | |Final exam – 60% | | |Final Exam: Students must obtain at least 50% in the final exam to pass MIET2138. | | |Note late assignments attract a -10% penalty per week or part thereof. | | |Attendance at all lectures is required as that will be considered as criteria for any marking | | |review for the final exam result. | | | | |For a pass in this subject final accumulative score will be divided by 2 and distributed as | | |follows: | | |NN fail – 0 to 49 | | |PA pass – 50 to 59 | | |CR credit – 60 to 69 | | |D distinction – 70 to 79 | | |HD high distinction – 80 to 100 | |Other Relevant Information: |For any issues regarding the course students are encouraged to contact the lecturer or | | |coordinator via email. |

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John Wiley & Sons and Class Notes Assignment. (2020, Dec 21). Retrieved October 23, 2024, from