Hospitality Assignment

Hospitality Assignment Words: 1191

Part C: Written Responses- Clean and Maintain Kitchen Premises 1. Describe two pieces of cleaning equipment. – Brooms, dusters and brushes: Used to clean and gather rubbish, generally on the floor of the desired area to clean. – Assigning products/detergents: Used to remove non-visible bacteria from a surface. 2. For the above cleaning equipment, describe how you would use each of them safely. – Brooms, dusters and brushes should be cleaned after each use and free from excess dirt. – Manufacturers’ instructions should be followed carefully to ensure that equipment is maintained properly and remains safe for future use.

Before cleaning any area, it is important to know which areas need to be sanitized and what chemicals are safe to be used. 3. (a) Name a heavy piece of cleaning equipment. – A polisher (b) Describe how you would carry this piece of equipment in the safest manner possible. – Not a piece of equipment that is recommended to be carried. Placed on floor while being pushed around in an appropriate manner in order to polish tiles leaving them to look new and shiny. (c) Describe appropriate procedures for the cleaning and maintenance of this piece of equipment. – Polisher is recommended to always be placed aside in original form when not in use.

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Once done using the polisher, place in a non-hazardous space preferably in a storeroom where it won’t get in the way ready for the next use. Used daily in a hospitality industry in order to polish floors. Easier and faster than using a mop. 4. (a) Cleaning chemicals need specialized storage areas. Outline TWO safe procedures to follow when storing chemicals . – Ensure chemical containers and their seals or stoppers are appropriate for the type and quantity of chemical stored. Generally, chemicals should be stored in the containers in which they are supplied.

Opening of packages, transferring of contents, dispensing of chemicals or sampling shall not be conducted in or on top of a cabinet or a cupboard for storing chemicals unless it is specifically designed for this purpose and appropriate procedures and equipment are used. (b) Describe how to dispose of chemicals safely. – The Material Safety Data Sheet (MOMS) must be consulted for appropriate disposal methods when conducting the risk assessment for any work that involves the use of chemicals. This is because there is no required one method in the disposal of gizzards/non-hazardous chemicals. 5.

Cleaning schedules are important to maintain the hygiene of any establishment. List and explain TWO items of information that are found on a cleaning schedule. – Safety Precautions: These precautions assist you when cleaning equipment. Inform you on things that you should be highly aware of. Example, when cleaning a deep fryer, some safely Hospitality Assignment By specialized precautions which n to be considered are, cleaning. * Allow deep dryer to cool bettor * Always dry thoroughly to prevent water spattering upon reheating. * Make sure the eat is turned off when drying, to prevent burns. Cleaning Method: These methods assist you step by step in the process of cleaning certain equipment. Example, when cleaning a deep fryer, methods that need to be considered are, * Turn off and allow fryer to cool. * Drain away used oil through the appropriate filter and store safely. * Fill deep fryer with water and degrease up to the fill level. 6. Outline the correct procedures for cleaning and assigning each of the following: (a) Benches and working surfaces: – Pre-Clean: This involves scrape, wipe or sweeping away food scraps and rinsing rear with water. Wash: When hot water is used at about 60 degrees and detergent in order to remove grease and dirt. The use of water at this temperature will require protective gloves in order to prevent burning. – Rinse/wipe: Make sure any loose dirt or detergent residue is washed (if required) or wiped away using a paper cloth or tea towel to complete the process of cleaning and assigning. (b) Floors: – Using a broom or dust pan, make sure all food scraps and rubbish on the floor is dusted into one pile (as it makes it easier and more efficient) and put in the bin using he dust pan to carry the rubbish. Once this is done, either using a mop or polisher, ensure that all surfaces on the floor are moped/polished in order to keep the floors clean, polished and shiny and avoid any food scraps on the floor being seen as this is unhygienic in a hospitality industry. 7. Pests can be a major concern in establishments. Outline THREE methods for effectively controlling pests such as rats and mice, flies and cockroaches. – Clean the floor daily: Either sweeping or vacuuming the floors daily within a hospitality industry minimizes the chance of pests entering.

It is important that food and residue need to be removed quickly so that bugs won’t be attracted to the mess. Missing Just one day could attract some unwanted visitors fast. – Wipe down bottles: After a bottle or Jar has been used, be sure to wipe down the outside of the bottle and lid. Residue on your honey, oil and peanut butter containers can be a big bug attraction. – Store food properly: Bugs can get into all but the most tightly sealed packaging. Making sure to store items in the pantry in containers that are tightly sealed will prevent pests from entering them.

Even considering removing many dry goods such as sugars, flours and bulk mixes from their plastic bags into airtight containers will be very efficient as well. 8. Describe TWO systems where waste may be safely stored and disposed of in an establishment. – Removal of sharp waste: Require incineration by a licensed contractor. – Non-sharp waste: May be incinerated or stream sterilized by autoclave’s, then disposed of in a supervised landfill. – Small volumes of blood, urine or faces can be disposed of via the sewage system but, disposal of a large volume of alnico waste must follow local regulations. There are particular procedures that need to be toweled when handling linen. Outline TWO procedures that should be followed when carrying out this task. Trash and dirty linens cannot be mixed. – All dirty linen must be handled in such a way that it is kept separate from other material. – When transporting dirty linen, it should be in a container that is covered and this container needs to be washed and sanitized after every use. 10. Cleaning chemicals must be disposed of appropriately to minimize their impact n the environment.

Describe how chemicals should be disposed of after each use. Unused amounts of cleaning chemicals that wish to be disposed of can be safely disposed of down the drain or in the trash. Although that’s not the case for all cleaning chemicals. – For those products that do require special handling such as solvent-based paints, used motor oils and certain pesticides, household hazardous waste collection programs are an important resource although these type of cleaning chemical are not regularly used within a hospitality industry.

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