Geography Assignment

Geography Assignment Words: 466

Assignment Instructions For each picture below, identify the physical region where you feel the image was likely taken. The options are: the North, Great Lakes Lowlands, Cordillera and Interior Plains Give at least one reasons for each answer! Image one Image two Image three Image four Assignment 1-1 B: Applying the 5 Major Themes Assignment Instructions Pick one Canadian city of your choosing, other than Surrey, B.

C. , and describe that city using the five major themes of geography. Try to pick a fairly major city that will eve significant detail on its website. For resources, you should consider using: – that city’s official web page, – tourism web sites, – Natural Resources Canada mapping system , – Google earth to look at topography, modification of landscape, borders, distances etc. – other internet resources, – atlas.

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You should cover: – Location: absolute location using latitude and longitude and a relative location (3 marks) – Nature of place: FOUR unique physical, economic, environmental or social/ Geography By mandrake’s three specific ways that humans in the city have depended upon, adapted to or edified the environment. (3 marks) – Movement: list three specific ways humans living in the city interact with the rest of the world in terms of movement of goods, services, people and information (3 marks) – Regions: list three specific regions the city is part of. 3 marks) – References: list the references you used for this assignment (2 marks) – Summary: describe several facts you found interesting or surprising about your city while doing this assignment (2 marks) Refer to the Surrey Case Study in Lesson 1-1 if you need an example Assignment 1-2 Kananga Mountain Park Fire and the 4 Sphere ) View the Kananga Mountain Park Fire Slide Show from above 2) Utilizing the information from this slide show and your own understanding, in two or three well written paragraphs, discuss the interaction of the four spheres (I. . Atmosphere, lithosphere, biosphere, and hydrosphere) in this case study. Here are some hints: – how had man modified parts of the 4 spheres BEFORE the fire? – how had the different spheres affected each other? – how were parts of the spheres changed AFTER the fire? – how has man modified the spheres since the fire? (8 marks) Part 1 – NIL Maps comparison Compare the 2003 and 1982 maps (below). What patterns are evident in the 2003 map?

What changes have occurred since 1982? What factors may have caused this (social, economical, cultural). (4 marks) Part 2 – North American Lights Look at the picture of North America at night. A)What patterns do you see in the picture? List at least 2 (2 marks) B)What factors may have caused the patterns you listed in A? (2 marks) C)Why are these patterns significant? What do they mean culturally, physically or economically? (2 marks)

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