Human Resource Management Assignment

Human Resource Management Assignment Words: 2765

Today, a special management department has been incorporated by organizations to work out factors related to manpower. In spite of being added as a subject in management courses only recently, HARM (Human Resource Management) has been a concept that was utilized ever since human beings started following an organized way of life. This form of management could be seen even during ancient times, when only the ‘best’ soldiers were recruited in royal armies, or the ‘best’ individuals related to a particular job were given preference.

Though the practices have gone through a lot of changes, the moral remains the same. Given below is a little more on the history of HARM. A Brief History of Human Resource Management pre-historic Times Some of the vital principles of HARM were used in prehistoric times, like mechanisms being developed for selecting tribal leaders. Knowledge was recorded and passed on to the next generation about safety, health, hunting, and gathering food. 000 BC to 1 000 BC saw the development of more advanced HER functions. The Chinese are known to be the first to use employee screening techniques, way back in 1 115 SEC, while the Greeks started using the apprentice system in 2000 BC. These practices showed the importance of selecting and training the right individuals for related jobs. The Industrial Revolution The Industrial Revolution, which started in England during the late 1 7005 AD, brought a lot of transformation in the practices of production.

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Hand-made goods were replaced by machine-made goods, cottage industries were replaced by large factories, and small-scale production gave way to large- scale production. Under the impact Of the Industrial Revolution, the LIST economy also converted itself from agric-based to industry-based. The new system required an extremely well-organized structure, and led to acquirement of a large number of people. Moreover, the Industrial Revolution brought in a huge number of immigrants. To create employment for all the immigrants, recruitment and management of individuals gained vitality.

The period saw the rise of a special class of managers who were considered higher than the less privileged employees. This newly developed system created a gap between the labor force and the bureaucrat or management. With the passage of time, the gap grew wider and the condition of the lower class deteriorated. As such, there was a blaring need for human resource management. Early human resource management, in general, followed a social welfare approach. It aimed at helping immigrants in the process of adjusting to their jobs and to an ‘American’ way of life.

The main aim behind these programs was to assist immigrants in learning English and acquiring housing and medical care. Also, techniques were used to promote supervisory training that ensured an increase in productivity. Labor Unions The plight of the laborers and workers brought ‘Labor Unions’ into the scene. With the advent of these unions in the asses, power in the hands of the employees multiplied considerably, and increased at a rapid pace in the 18005 and 1 9005. This led to the HER department having to become more capable in politics and diplomacy.

Two feats that were quintessential to the importance of human resources were that it was the HER department that got the management and the labor unions to come on common grounds, and Frederick W. Tailor’s (1856-1915) theory of ‘Scientific Management’. While the first worked on getting the management to see things from the labor perspective and grant them medical and educational benefits, the other had reminders impact on attaining better productivity from low-level production workers. The B. F.

Goodrich Company were pioneers in designing a corporate employee department to address the concerns of the employees under a Human Resource Department. National Cash Register followed suit in 1902, forming a separate department to handle employee grievances, record keeping, wage management and other employee-related functions. In 1913, the US Department of Labor was framed to promote the welfare of employees. In the asses and ass, Hawthorne studies had a deep impact on the productivity f organizations which advocated bettering the physical work conditions for the employees.

Due to this, there was a shift in focus from workers’ efficiency to efficiency through work satisfaction. The Age of Reforms Personnel managers started seeing more sunshine since the Wagner Act of 1935, also known as the National Labor Relations Act. 1935 also witnessed the Social Security Act which insured old age people after retirement. In 1938, the Fair Labor Standards Act accounted for minimum wages for laborers. These enacted laws provided security and also helped in increasing the standard of the employees.

Since then, there has been no stopping In promoting the welfare of workers, and new and efficient laws have been framed time and again. Thus, with the lapse of time, human relations became a prominent feature of organizational behavior. The New Era Between the 1 sass and asses, HARM gained momentum after the passing of several acts like the Equal pay Act of 1 963, the Civil Rights Act of 1 964, the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ARISE), and the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970. The framed laws ensured the safety and protected the rights of employees.

It was Seen that no discrimination in any form was committed against the workers or laborers. Laws related to disabled people were enacted to prevent discrimination of disabled workers under the Americans With Disabilities Act in 1990. With the advent of all these acts, corporate placed a lot of importance on human resource management to avoid plausible law suits. By the end of the asses, HARM had taken over the world! Almost all big and medium-scale industries had a department to manage their recruitment, employee relations, record-keeping, salaries, wages, etc.

Towards the asses, the importance of HER continued to introduces due to several reasons like an increase in skilled labor, training, regulation compliance, dismissal, etc. HER managers were tasked with the challenges of hiring and the firing employees. Human Resource Management has been given various names throughout its long history. Since being recognized as a separate and important function, it has been called ‘Personnel Relations’, which evolved to ‘Industrial Relations’, then ‘Employee Relations’, and finally to ‘Human Resources’.

Today, Human Resource Management has the same importance as other departments in most companies. In some companies, the HERD, or Human Resource Department, is even considered more important than other departments. With the constant increase in education and technology, and frequent fluctuations in economic status and structures, HER remains the oldest, most mature, and most efficient Of all management styles. It quintessentially underlines the importance of human beings working in any organization. Read more at Puzzle: http://www. Guzzle. Com/articles/history-of- human-resource-management. HTML The seeds of the human resource management profession in America’s work force were planted over 1 00 years ago. From the roots of an emerging industrialized society to the leader of a global economy, the human resource management profession has grown into one of the most crucial aspects of any business’ success. A History of Human Resources tracks how the HER profession went from a novel concept to a driving force in major decision making.

This fascinating journey is one in which the Society for Human Resource Management (SHIRR) has helped support and influence for 60 years. Charm’s vital role has initiated important public policies, helped shape an industry, but most importantly, supported the people who have made this profession their passion. A History of Human Resources marks Charm’s journey alongside the industry’s most critical milestones, among them the creation of the Department of Commerce and Labor, the establishment of a national minimum wage and standard work week, and the passage of the Medicare Act.

Backdrop Of historical world events help readers capture the mood of the country as these important human resource milestones were enacted. The human resource profession has seen significant developments in the industry. A History of Human Resources tracks the journey of these developments and Charm’s involvement in an engaging, factual, and strictures preservation of an important history. Name I A History of Human Resources SKU | 48. 68049 Year published | 2009 | Page count | 96 | Publisher I SHIRR I ISBN | 9781586441418 | Authors SHIRR http://shorter. Harm. Org/a-history-of-human-resources. HTML What is Human Resource Management Human Resource Management (HARM) is considered as the heart of a company. This article tells you what this concept exactly is and why it is so important in every company… Human resource management is a wide term and is based on the effective usage of workers and employees to accomplish the objectives of a company. It is present in each and every organization. There is no company or firm which does not have a human resource department.

Its primary functions are to efficaciously utilize the talents and capabilities Of employees to reach the planned operational goals of the company, and ensure that the employee is comfortable working with the company; and satisfied with the working conditions, and different policies regarding compensation and benefits which are offered to him. HARM plays a very important role in managing, controlling, developing, and maintaining workforce which significantly contributes to the existence and reparability of the organization.

They are in continuous contact with the top- level management of the establishment and are responsible for assisting the management for running the processes efficiently. They are also responsible for attracting skilled workforce, and carrying out recruitment and induction procedures, training and development, and settlement of the employee in a particular work environment he is comfortable in. Sections of Human Resource Management In most of the companies, there is a human resource department, which is further divided into ;o main sections depending on the type of functions ND responsibilities they carry out.

The first one is the HER administration section, which is responsible for taking care of employees’ general work related problems such as working conditions, extra work pressure, and conflicts between employees, bosses and the top management. Whereas, the other section is responsible for handling recruitment functions, training employees according to corporate policies, providing information about the company in induction sessions, corporate education, etc. In this way, they handle most of the functions in an establishment, as a result, the top management highly depends on them.

There are some cases wherein the obligations of the HER department come into contrast with each other. There are few incidents where it is not possible to conclude an appropriate resolution which is suitable for both, the objectives of the organization and the wants or needs of employees. At this stage, the human resource department needs to be very careful on what decision it takes as it may have an adverse effect on either the management or the company’s workforce.

This is where the skills, talents and abilities of the HER personnel come into act, who eventually satisfy the top management long with employees, maintaining a healthy corporate relationship between them. Whenever versatile departments in a company require qualified employees for working on projects, they approach the HER recruitment section who then starts their recruitment processes by calling potential candidates, sorting eligible candidates, conducting HER and functional intent/sews, and selecting candidates and introducing them as new joiners of the company.

In this way, they provide the company with efficient workforce who can increase and maintain the quality of employee performance in the organization. They also handle disciplinary procedures; and employee motivational factors, health insurance, and retirement and profit sharing processes. As a part of the company, the HER department ensures that the decisions taken by them are according to the organization’s rules and regulations included in the company information texts and handbooks. The HER personnel assist and guide employees in doubts regarding company processes such as leaves, holidays, insurance, income tax, etc.

In this way the human resource management is very crucial in any organization, be it from the IT or manufacturing arena. However, there are many more functions and operations this department carries out and are important for smooth running of the company. By Stephen Ramp Read more at Puzzle: http://www. Puzzle. Com/articles/what-is-human- resource-management. HTML Brief History of Human Resources and HER Management Human Resources is a business function, which manages, leads, facilitates and provides tools for the human capital management in the organization.

HER sets strategic processes and procedures, runs difficult and complex communication campaigns as the organization attracts the best talents from he job market, retains them with the attractive compensation packages or it develops them in talent development programs. HER runs many processes, which are crucial for the modern organization. We cannot believe that the successful business could exist without the Recruitment and Staffing Compensation and Benefits, Training and Development or the Leadership Development. However, in the past the companies did not use any of the HER value added processes.

The story of Human Resources started as evidence of all employees. It dealt with issues and requests. Nothing more was expected to be delivered. The HER Management history is fascinating. The wars usually change the path of Human Resources in organizations and society. The history of Human Resources starts to be interesting with the evolution of the large factories. It was in the 18th century. The rapid development of new industrial approach to work changed the world dramatically. The quick and cheap production became a priority for many industries.

The factories hired thousands of workers, who worked up to 16 hours a day. Soon, many entrepreneurs discovered that satisfied employees are more effective and can produce more than depressed employees. Many factories started to introduce voluntary programs for employees to increase their comfort and satisfaction. On the other hand, the government started to intervene to introduce some basic human rights and the work safety legislation. The second rapid development of Human Resources started in the beginning of 20th century. Most organizations introduced the Personnel Management.

The personnel department had large responsibilities. It was dealing with issues, introducing the new law requirements. It had the responsibility for the implementation of different social and work place safety programs. Everything was focused on the productivity of employees. The regular productivity increments were the key measure for the management of employees. The significant change was introduced after the 2nd World War because the military developed many training programs for new soldiers. After the war, the training became a respected process in personnel department.

During this period, the trade unions evolved. The trade unions changed the rules of the game. The employer got a strong partner to discuss with. Trade unions introduced many improvements at no significant costs for the employer. Today, trade unions are not as strong as they were used to be, UT many organizations still benefit or suffer from a strong presence of trade unions in their factories. The real HER Revolution began in ass’s of the 20th century. The technology and the globalization have changed the rules of the game.

Most HER Functions are running complex HAIR solutions, which make information about employees available anywhere and anytime to managers and HER Professionals. The economy of the wealthy western countries shifted towards the services economy. The quality of services became the crucial competitive advantage. HER became necessary because the structure of the workforce changed. The leadership development was the right answer. Managers and leaders have to think global today; they have to understand to different cultural backgrounds.

The corporate culture cannot be country specific; it has to reflect many nations working for the organization. This is a fantastic opportunity for Human Resources. Human Resources Management is global today. The global HER policies drive processes in different countries, but the processes produce comparable results. The employees relocate from country to country. The future of Human Resources is bright. The globalization cannot be stopped because nations collaborate. The organizations become less country specific, and they cannot identify themselves with one country.

New technologies will bring other revolutions to offices. The commute working is standard today, but it will become a norm. The technology will connect employees as they would sit in the next cubicle. Pads will allow quick and instant access to information about employees and managers will be able to make all decisions and approvals online. However, the future of Human Resources will be about new networking methods and how to make employees know each other.

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