Music of the Baroque Period Assignment

Music of the Baroque Period Assignment Words: 533

Music of the Baroque Period ay representatives Review Questions 1. What is a symphony? A symphony is an elaborate musical composition for full orchestra, typically in four movements, at least one of which is traditionally in sonata form. 2. What is a sonata? How is it related to the sonata form? A sonata is a composition for an instrumental soloist, with piano accompaniment, in several movements with one or more in sonata form. Sonata form is a piece of music in three sections, in ABA form, which are exposition, development, and recapitulation. . What is a coda? A coda is pieces at the end off musical piece that are extended past the capitulation. 4. What are the three different parts of the sonata form? Describe each part. The first part of sonata from is the exposition. The exposition Is where the composer “exposes” the themes of the music which are the first subject group and the second subject group. The second is the development. The development Is the section of the music where the composer builds on the themes that were Introduced in the exposition.

This is also where the tension in the piece is built up. The recapitulation is the third and final part of the sonata form and it Is the exposition Is slightly repeated. The tension from the development eases, and the sound is subtle again. 5. What are the three different periods of Beethoven’s work? Describe each part. Beethoven’s work was organized into the early, the middle and the late periods. Rhea early period was from 1779-1802, and that’s when he composed his first and second symphonies. The middle period was from 1803-1814.

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He experimented with different techniques at that time. The late period was from 1815-1827, and his works reflect the transition Into the Romantic period. Critical Thinking Questions 5. What are the characteristics of the music of the Classical period? When referring to he music of the classical period, people think about the Viennese school. Many great composers attended the school, such as Haydn, Mozart, and Beethoven. The Classical music period was a mix of many different Ideas, as everyone was sharing thoughts, and music. . How does the music of the Classical period differ from the music of the Baroque period? The music of the baroque period was said to be classified as a period of elaborate music. The music of the Classical period Is more “down to earth” music and sought after beauty rather than complex melodies. A coda is pieces at the end of a musical piece that are extended past the ACH part. The first part of sonata from is the exposition. The exposition is where the the second subject group. The second is the development.

The development is the section of the music where the composer builds on the themes that were introduced recapitulation is the third and final part of the sonata form and it is the exposition is reflect the transition into the Romantic period. Composers attended the school, such as Haydn, Mozart, and Beethoven. The Classical music period was a mix of many different ideas, as everyone was sharing thoughts, period of elaborate music.

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