Causes of cold war Assignment

Causes of cold war Assignment Words: 2277

You lose water when you sweat, urinate and breathe. For the body to continue functioning properly, you must replace the lost water with ingested fluids. Sodas are often consumed in the place of water or other hydrating fluids. Many sodas contain caffeine, which acts as a diuretic, increasing urination and leaving the body with less available fluid to carry out important functions. Additionally, some diet sodas contain significant amounts of sodium, which may draw water from the cells and promote dehydration. High Sugar Content Many soft drinks contain significant quantities of sugar.

One 1 2-ounce serving of cola, for example, includes 39 grams, or 3. 3 tablespoons, of sugar. Consuming such large quantities of sugar elevates your blood glucose levels and may increase your risk for cardiovascular disease. Additionally, many sodas contain high fructose corn syrup or HUFFS as their primary sugar ingredient. HUFFS may stress the pancreas and lead to fluctuating blood sugar levels. Consuming sugary sodas day after day can contribute to the onset of non-insulin dependent diabetes, or type 2 diabetes. Weight Gain Weight gain results when you consume more calories than your body burns.

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A 12-ounce serving of cola contains 140 calories, often called “empty calories’ because they provide no nutritional value. Drinking one can of cola a day for four weeks is equivalent to ingesting 3,920 extra calories, or a gain of 1. 1 pounds if the calories are not burned. A 160-pound person must walk for 27 minutes at 3. 5 miles per hour to burn off the calories in one can of cola, according to the calorie-expenditure analysis provided by the Monoclinic. Com. If these calories are not burned, you may gain more than 12 pounds in one year.

Additionally, sweet-flavored sodas may disrupt appetite signals and promote cravings for other sugary foods. Calcium Depletion Calcium is an essential mineral for strong bones and teeth. Consuming high amounts of phosphoric acid, a common ingredient in sodas, can deplete the calcium from your bones and decrease calcium absorption. Among women, this may lead to poor bone development or osteoporosis, a condition characterized by brittle and weak bones. Imposition Glutamate (MS) My family has had more than a passing acquaintance with MS.

For years my father woke up with splitting headaches unaffected by Ibuprofen or Aspirin, sating for at least 24 hours. Some foods seemed to give my sister an instant, tingly headache. Friends complained of nausea, migraines, dizziness seemingly uncaused by anything they could figure out. MS has been defined as the sodium salt extract of the non-essential amino acid of glutamate. Other research has revealed MS to act as an excitation of the highest degree. It overestimates the brain cells which are associated with tasting glutamate’s until the cells die.

This causes a momentary “addiction” to MS, because it creates a tongue-tingling craving for another bite, stimulating ore cells as the old ones die. Often added to salty, zesty, or creamy foods, MS gives a hearty boost often associated with the adjective “savory. ” My family did research to figure out what foods MS was in and did a few cause- and-effect experiments in our home to figure out if MS was causing the intense headaches my family members were suffering from. My sister found that her instant, tingly headache happened only when eating foods that contained strong amounts of MS.

Once she could warn my dad about which foods triggered her headache, he began to avoid those foods too, and for the cost part, his worst migraines stopped, though we began to realize that his sensitivity to MS required abstinence from several other lesser-known food ingredients also related to MS (see Foods Containing MS below). Long- Term Effects of MS Though migraines are bad enough, much of the serious damage happens in the long run to people who have been consuming MS-containing foods for years with no noticeable allergies, sensitivities, or side effects.

My family realized this when we read the book, Excitations: the Taste That Kills, by Dry. Russell Block. Dry. Block explored the lasting damage MS gives to the rain, and found MS was an initiator or encourager of Alchemist’s disease, Lou Gearing’s Disease, Epilepsy, Multiple Sclerosis, ADD and ADD, Parkinson disease, strokes, autism, learning disorders, memory loss, nerve damage, and hormonal imbalance. MS is also said to mobile cancer cells.

From this perspective, ultra sensitivity to imposition glutamate is a blessing because it forces the people who have it to stop eating MS, which could be inflicting lasting damage on their systems without them ever knowing. According to Gallon Thereof (science and medical reporter interviewed in the videos, low) MS gives a “drug effect to the tongue,” causing people to want to eat more and thus being a major cause of obesity in America. This is partly because of the taste, but also because of what it does to the brain cells triggering an insatiable desire for more.

Babies still in the womb are highly endangered by MS, as the MS that is eaten by the baby’s mother instantly goes into the baby’s system, Gallon Thereof says. Pregnant mothers should avoid all forms of it. Thereof attributes the learning disorders and slow mind function we see in schoolchildren today to the effect of MS consumed while Hess children were in the womb. Even those who don’t notice after-effects from MS should seriously consider a diet change to Stop this harmful additive from causing lasting harm.

Scientific Studies on MS Evidence for Meg’s toxicity is mostly anecdotal, scientists say, though this anecdotal evidence is enough to have given itself a name, “The Chinese Restaurant Syndrome,” because of the high amounts of MS found in nearly all types of Chinese food, and the many adverse reactions that this food seems to produce. MS remains the most-tested food ingredient, but scientists have not produced any results that back up the anecdotal evidence. People who claimed they were sensitive to MS were given pure MS and showed little to no signs of sensitivity different from those given a placebo.

Those given MS with food showed no signs of sensitivity’. Challenges in subjects who reported adverse reactions to MS have included relatively few subjects and have failed to show significant reactions to MS. Results of surveys and of clinical challenges with MS in the general population reveal no evidence of untoward effects. We recently conducted a multifaceted ODBC halogen study in 130 subjects (the largest to date) to analyze the response of subjects who report symptoms from ingesting MS.

The results suggest that large doses of MS given without food may elicit more symptoms than a placebo in individuals who believe that they react adversely to MS. However, the frequency Of the responses was low and the responses reported were inconsistent and were not reproducible. The responses were not observed when MS was given with food. Coffee is the second most universally consumed liquid substance, second to water. Coffee was discovered as a average in the ninth century, originating in the middle East.

There are many health benefits with coffee and a also few disadvantages, coffee affects the body in many different ways, the most obvious affect being an energy boost, which is the main reason why people drink it. Here are some of the affects coffee can have on your body, both the benefits of drinking coffee and the disadvantages. Benefits Of Drinking Coffee Coffee increases your metabolism, accelerating digestion. Prevents age-related diabetes. Drinking up at least scups per day can reduce the risk of cirrhosis to the liver 0%. Regular coffee consumption can improve memory and concentration. Can increase your flow of thought, and alertness.

Can temporarily leave drowsiness and fatigue. Can reduce the Rick of gallstones by 45%, Reduces the risk of colon cancer up to 25% Reduces the risk of Parkinson disease by 50-80% Can increase physical performance. Additional Coffee Benefits Other things coffee can be used for: Some moisturizer contain caffeine for it’s skin tightening and smoothing properties. A skin cream that contains caffeine can be used to reduce the appearance Of cellulite and large pores. Coffee can benefit your garden, grains can be combined with soil to make a good fertilizer, and also to keep snails and other garden pests away.

Coffee can be used to get rid of doors. IEEE: If the fridge isn’t smelling too fresh, put a bowl of used coffee grains in there to destroy bad smells. Or rub used coffee grains on your hands after handling particularly smelly food products, such as fish to lift the dour. Used coffee grains can benefit the condition of your hair, (rubbed through between washing), to increase shininess and strength. If your hair is dark, this will also rate highlights. You can use used coffee grains on your pets fur too, apparently it repels fleas. Disadvantages Of Drinking Coffee Too much coffee can cause nervousness and anxiety.

Over-consumption which initially caused a high, may result in a ‘low’ later on, causing you to feel irritable and restless. EXCESSIVE consumption is basically poisoning yourself, and you can expect to the get the chills, vomiting, fever, headaches, head-spins, and mental confusion. (At Isograms – about 1 00 cups per sitting-, coffee is potentially lethal! ) Some coffees have higher acidity levels than others. Coffee with high acidity can be overly bitter tasting and can cause stomach pains and abdominal discomfort (Darker roast coffees reduce the acidic taste. In my opinion the benefits of drinking coffee far outweigh the disadvantages. With all of these desirable coffee benefits in mind, I will draw the conclusion that coffee is the second greatest liquid substance on earth. For better or for worse, some people simply need a cup of coffee or four to get going in the morning. But which one is it: for better or for worse? Coffee doesn’t have a sterling reputation when it comes to your health, but your daily pick-me-up eight actually be better for your body than you expect. Drink Up Even though fruits and vegetables are both excellent sources of antioxidants, coffee is actually the No. Source in the American diet of these beneficial components that help neutralize free radicals, according to research presented at the 2005 national meeting of the American Chemical Society. Regular coffee consumption can provide other benefits, too – it can help protect against Type 2 diabetes, Parkinson disease, liver cancer and liver cirrhosis, according to Harvard Medical School. It can also be of use if you’re offering from a headache; the caffeine in coffee causes blood vessels to constrict, which can provide you with some pain relief.

Skip the Joe Coffee has long held a bad rap for negative health effects, and not all of the reputation is undeserved. The problem with coffee generally stems from its high caffeine content, which means you can also experience these Side effects from other beverages; however, the 1 35 milliards per 8 ounces in coffee versus 25 to 40 milliards in tea or 75 to 80 milliards in energy drinks – means it’s more likely to appear after a cup of Joe. According to Michigan State University, caffeine is a diuretic and can increase dehydration. It can also interfere with sleep and cause you to feel jittery or restless.

Beyond the caffeine, the acid in coffee can exacerbate ulcers. Coffee can also raise both blood pressure and cholesterol and speed up your heart rate, according to Brown University. All Things in Moderation As the saying goes, all things are K in moderation, and that includes coffee. Moderate doses of caffeine, equal to about 200 to 300 milliards per day, is safe for adults, according to Michigan State University. However, even up to ix cups a day hasn’t been proved to be harmful, Harvard Medical School states. Caffeine is an addictive substance, though, so cutting back might lead to withdrawal symptoms such as extreme fatigue or headaches.

Take Into Consideration Not all “cups” are created equal. When experts say up to 6 cups a day is K for your health, that means six 8-ounce cups for a total of 48 ounces. Additionally, that amount isn’t safe for everyone; pregnant women or people who are attempting to control their blood pressure or blood sugar should stick to a lower amount or avoid coffee entirely. Java is also its healthiest hen served black adding sugar or cream can increase the calorie count significantly, leading to weight gain and diseases such as Type 2 diabetes.

The Disadvantages of Drinking Coffee You may worry about drinking coffee thanks to periodic warnings about it stunting your growth or causing cancer and heart disease. There is research, however, that suggests that drinking a moderate amount of coffee a day could actually protect your health, according to Harvard Health Publications. Still, drinking coffee could have some disadvantages. Conflicting Research Drinking high levels of unfiltered coffee may increase your risk of slightly Geiger cholesterol levels, according to Harvard Medical School.

Drinking at least two cups of coffee per day may also increase your risk of heart disease if you have a genetic mutation that slows down how quickly your body breaks down caffeine. The Harvard School of Public Health, however, examined the relationship between mortality and coffee consumption in two separate studies a combined study of about 130,000 volunteers and found no correlation between coffee consumption and increased risk of dying from any cause or condition. The 2004 study even accounted for people who ensured up to six cups of coffee every day.

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