Baroque Assignment

Baroque Assignment Words: 358

Fountain in Rome, Salisbury Cathedral and Miracle Palace in Salisbury. In music, the Baroque style makes up a large part of classical music. Important composers include Johann Sebastian Bach, George Handel, and Antonio Vivaldi. This style’s popularity was encouraged by the Roman Catholic Church, which had decided at the Council Of Treat that the arts should portray religious themes and direct emotional involvement in response to the Protestant Reformation. The aristocracy, too, appreciated this style as it allowed them to impress their visitors and express power, triumph and control.

Baroque palaces were built on a monumental scale to display their wealth and grandeur. According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the word baroque Is derived from the Portuguese word “barroom”, Spanish “barroom”, or French “baroque”, all of which refer too “rough or Imperfect pearl”, though whether It entered those languages Oval Latin, Arabic, or some other source Is uncertain. There are other theories as to where the name comes from, but none are confirmed. The term “Baroque” was initially used in a derogatory sense, to underline he excesses of its emphasis.

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In particular, the term was used to describe its eccentric redundancy and noisy abundance of details, which sharply contrasted the clear and sober rationality of the Renaissance. Ay Straightforward arouse ere Baroque is a period of artistic style that started around 1600 in Rome, Italy, and spread throughout the majority of Europe during the 17th and 18th centuries. In ere Baroque age is roughly divided into three parts: Early Baroque, High Baroque followed.

The Baroque style is characterized be exaggerated motion and clear detail seed to create drama, exuberance and grandeur in painting, sculpture, architecture, ere chiaroscuro technique is best visible in the painting “The Massacre of the Innocents” by Peter Paul Rueben Other famous Baroque painters include Aggravating Ionian Sebastian Bach, George Handel, and Antonio Vivaldi. Dictionary, the word baroque is derived from the Portuguese word “barroom”, Spanish ‘barroom”, or French “baroque”, all of which refer to a “rough or imperfect pearl”, though whether it entered those languages via Latin, Arabic, or some other source is

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