Reflection of Christianity vs. Wicca Assignment

Reflection of Christianity vs. Wicca Assignment Words: 1228

Professor Daniel Hence March 9, 2013 The origin of Christianity, a monotheistic religion, dates back to the Roman Empire. Based on the Jewish religion and belief of a Messiah, Christianity emerged with the birth focuses. Christians believe He was the Messiah and Son of God (Guppies, n. D. ). I was raised In a Christian home. The only other religion I’ve been exposed to is Catholicism, as my maternal grandparents practiced.

I consider myself to be a born again Charlatans which means I’ve asked God for forgiveness of my sins and have accepted Jesus as my Savior and my soul will spend eternity in Heaven after my physical body dies. This paper will explore Christian beliefs and compare them to Wicking beliefs. Christianity The Baptist denomination of Christianity believes that Jesus is the Son of God, born of a virgin, lived a perfect life, died on the cross for the sins of man, and rose again on the third day, ascended into Heaven and sits at the right hand of God.

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Baptists also believe that God the Father, Jesus and the Holy Split are one, also called the Trinity. Christians believe that the Bible is truly God’s spoken word written by en in which the words were instilled by God. And lastly, Christian’s believe, as spoken by Jesus, that the only way to get to Heaven after death is by believing that Jesus is the Son of God, sent to earth to die on the cross for the sins of the world, acknowledging this as truth, confessing in one’s own sin, and asking Jesus to save Book of Life” forever and will go to Heaven.

There is a strong sense of community among Christians. Becoming involved in a church and fellowships with other Christians is encourage by God in the Bible. The church I grew up in was a very tight-knit group of approximately 300 restrainers. Most members were heavily involved with the church and its programs. The church also reached out to the community surrounding it in which to spread God’s truth, show a love for others and encourage salvation by having various programs such as a food and clothing pantry, children programs, and small group meetings for various personal needs.

According to Mallory (2010), central myths are traditional stories that represent a groups beliefs and are often retold or reenacted. Some example of central myths are the parting of the Red Sea by Moses to allow the Israelites escape from Egypt, the Tory of Jesus birth, which is most common and the basis of Christianity and the Christmas holiday, and the story of Jesus feeding 5,000 people with 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish. Around the holidays many Christian churches will reenact the story of Jesus birth.

In the Christian religion, rituals are symbolic and reflect God’s will for a Christian as well as represent the belief system. Baptisms are outward affirmations of being born again. Water washes away the “old” self and one becomes “new. ” Communion is a ritual in which Christians participate to reflect upon the sacrifice Christ made on he cross and symbolizes the body and shed blood of Christ. Ethical Christian behavior is clearly defined in the Bible regardless of denomination. Whether or not one chooses to follow the behaviors literally is a matter of choice.

God commands Christians to model Christ-likeness which can be summed up into one word, love. God wants Christians to love others as we love ourselves. If Christians discipline themselves in the practice of love, then other ethical behaviors will follow. Mallory (2010), states ” emotional experiences typically associated with religions are read, guilt, awe, mystery, devotion, conversion, “rebirth,” liberation, ecstasy, bliss, and inner peace” (p. 6). Although emotional experiences are individualistic and personal, I can attest to feeling each of the above mentioned emotions at one time or another in my lifetime.

For example, I have felt guilt for sinning against God, I have been in awe of the beauty of creation, I’ve felt the mystery of things I do not understand, and inner peace in times of deep need and prayer. Material objects of expression are, in large, considered idols. God states in the ten commandments, “Thou shall have no other Gods but Me” (Exodus 20:3, King James Version). The cross is often hung in Christian churches as a reminder of Chrism’s sacrifice, but the cross is not used in ritual ceremonies to perform tasks.

However, the Bible is held very sacred among Christians because it is the core of the religion and belief system. The physical book itself is not worshiped as an object, but it is believed to be God’s word and roadman to Heaven and living a Christian lifestyle. The Word of God and one’s personal relationship with God are central to Christian beliefs and most sacred. Wicking Religion Which is a epigenetic, nature-based religion in which participants worship many Geiger power, or single leader which directs Wicking belief system. It is quite the opposite of Christianity and other monotheistic religions (Mallory, 2010).

Wisconsin have 13 central beliefs. At the core of these beliefs are: of 1. A responsibility to become harmonious with nature and the natural rhythm life forces. 2. Not to harm nature, therefore most Wisconsin are vegetarians. 3. Acknowledge use of great or supernatural power which within every humans potential. 4. “Affirmation and fulfillment of life in a continuation of evolution and development of consciousness giving meaning to the Universe we know and our arsenal role within it” (Robinson, 2010). 5. Recognize the equality of men and women.

Wisconsin will carry out their practices in solidarity or in small autonomous groups. The two main groups are Covens and Circles. Covens are intimate with a fixed membership and Circles with varying membership and less cohesiveness. Which is centered more in symbolism than myth. However, the relationship between male and female symbolized the eternal involution and evolution on which the Universe is based (Robinson, 2010). There eight seasonal celebrations that correspond with the solar cycle in which Wisconsin participate. Celebrations consist of performing magic and rituals.

Wisconsin also celebrate life transitional moments (Hardly, 2008). The central ethical system in the Wicking religion is if one does good or bad unto all, it will return three-fold back to you. As long as one’s actions does not cause harm to the environment, others, or future generations, one can do whatever one wishes (Robinson, 2010). The Wisconsin believe that practicing magic can create change in their lives both on a physical level as well as an emotional level. Many objects, such as magic wands, crystals, rocks, herbs, or oils are used in rituals to reform magic.

Since their goal is to remain harmonious with nature, the moon and the sun are Wick’s most sacred symbols and the seasons are basis for most all rituals and celebrations. Although completely opposite religions, Christianity and Which are similar in that both promote harmony with others, respect for our earth, and living a “good life. ” (However, defined differently in both religions). A major difference is one religion is monotheistic and the other is polytheistic. Lastly, the biggest difference is what is held most sacred in both religions. In Christianity, being saved and a arsenal relationship with God is of utmost importance.

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