Marketing and Sampleassignment Assignment

Marketing and Sampleassignment Assignment Words: 727

Bookmark to defined. Figurer (Santa 15 3 INTRODUCTION: advance technologies makes it possible to the foreign companies around the world to extend their business activities to Australia and vice versa. The time when business was defined as territories of states has gone and new era is defined to think about the world as global village for business and commerce. Nowadays it is very important for companies in Australia to determine their core capabilities and to identity their position in the market in order to come up with excellent marketing strategy. Santa Airways SOOT and PEST Analysis SOOT is a marketing technique for understanding the Strengths and Weaknesses of an organization, and to identify the Opportunities open to it, or Threats may face it (Mind Tools). Below SOOT illustrated (Adam); Santa strengths: It consists of 32,500 employees. Santa considers safety as their first priority; it spends $1. 4 billion every year for aircrafts performance and safety Weaknesses: It is very tiring and exhausting Job and requires working for long hours Opportunities: work.

Threats: 5 Figure 1 (Examine) PEST is a business measurement tool which stands for Political, Economic, Social and Technological factors, I which used to know the impact of the external factor on company (Evenhanded). Here are some of the factors which affect Santa (Wenches): Political: British Airways and Santa mere merged. Which it was a truly global airline step, because the two sides’ route network coverage matched well (Devalue, D. T 237). Economic: Santa was affected by the financial crises the percentage of business and first class was decreased crises, (Graham 106).

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Social: The technological innovation affected Santa in a positive way such as: ; 6 Developing AWAY and 8747, these two plans can fly between two continents without topping. Providing internet service on airplane, which was a great attraction to business man (Labels, Bunch and Peters 1). Figure 2 (Proven Models) Santa Macro-environment Macro environment is the major external uncontrollable factors, which affect an organization ‘s decision making, strategies and performance.

For instance: economic, social, technological, and nature factors (investigators). The most important factors that influenced Santa and its profit are (wenches): Government: Natural Factors: Due to environmental circumstances some long route direct flights are often delayed (Adam). PEST is a macro environment frame work so these factors in addition, to what was mentioned in the PEST above are the most important factors affected Santa. Figure 3 (Santa Airways) Santa Micro-environment Santa micro environment is number of factors that are part of Santa marketing process, but remain external, however it has element of control on this environment, for example: Suppliers: Customers: But as result of the financial crises the number of first-class travelers decreased (Geri and Ralston 319) 8 Competitors: International Air Transport Association announced that the top for cargo traffic Nanking was Lufthansa, and the British aviation is at the top of passenger.

Which put Santa is in the tenth of this list. Other stronger competitors have influenced Santa and its profit like; Tithed and Emirates. Figure 4 (Studied ) Marketing Research There are two methods of marketing research: Primary research seeks to understand customer motivations, opinions and needs through quantitative and qualitative field research. Importance of market research: ;Increased Sales. This research helps the marketers to make a decision about the product or service; such as the price and the target. Better Customer Management.

Market research helps to investigate about the customers’ needs and the best ways to satisfy them. ; Understanding the competition. Santa collected a lot of data about its customers, suppliers, competitors, products and services, this help it to make a decision about consumer business and business to business market. For example collected data about its customers like their social classes, income help it to know how to target; after collecting data about customers Santa realized that there are customers who will pay more to get high standard service, on other hand;

Example of business to business; Santa need to make an agreement with some food companies to provide it with food for its passengers, collecting data about the suppliers helps it to select the best supplier that gives best price, service, and foods. Collecting data about Santa competitors helps it to figure out their strengths, so it will try to do something better than them, and their weaknesses, to avoid them. This makes it a very strong competitor.

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