Tesco grammar and speech Assignment

Tesco grammar and speech Assignment Words: 986

Company’s line 24 b. Shoppers line 31 Grammar and language B: 1 . The two students tried to explain why toast always seems to land butter side down. 2. The professor could probably have foreseen the students’ reaction. 3. Tests is trying gradually to improve its position in the market. I can’t really explain why I have chosen to place the words where they are, but I think that I have placed the words correctly. Grammar and language: C: Each time the British used 10 pounds, one pound walked through one of the supermarket chain’s cash registers.

I have moved “Walked” from before “one” to its position now. Tests loses market shares to cheaper discount chains and more… – I have put an S on share. Speech: Hello, and welcome to all of you future economists here at the London School of Economists. My name is ….. And I am a PR assistant at Tests. I have worked for Tests in a couple of years now, and I always enjoy my Job, and I think that Tests is a great workplace. I am here because, I was asked to hold a speech for all of you, about Tests and the up and down turns, we have in the moment.

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In my speech, I am going to tell o about which problems we have in the moment, and how we are going to solve them. In the last 12 months, it has been going downhill for Tests. Deco’s shares are fallen by 20%, which is too much, and not too long ago our chief Terry Alley, was replaced with the new chief Philip Clarke, who got a lot to do, before Tests is running perfect again. Tests needs to reconnect with its customers, and hire more staff, so that the shelves in the shops aren’t going to get empty and that the customers won’t their stores, so that our customers feel that they are more welcome, and it is better to kook at.

We are also considering, what we are going to do with our “fresh&easy’ chain in the US, which has failed to take off, but we are not going to shut it down, we are going to focus on how we can make a profit out of it and how we can make it even better, before we extends the chain further. Even though Tests got all these problems we need to solve, there are also some bright spots, because Tests raised about $600 ML from a flotation of a property fund in Thailand last year, which is Sais’s 2nd biggest, that meant that the shares jumped 10%.

For each 7 pounds there are being used in Britain, one of those pounds is going to Tests, which means that we still are a popular store. Deco’s has replaced their old brand, with a new one called “Everyday Value” and we are hoping that the new brand is going to help us from losing market shares. The new design is also a great look that catches the eyes, which could help the costumers to buy it. At Tests we are also trying to develop Internet shopping, and applications on your smartened, so that we can be prepared to the future, when it gets more popular.

In ear 2020 everybody with the age up to 21 would have been born in the era for the internet, and that is going to hit the market in some ways, that will make us the leader on the internet market, hopefully. More and more people are going to shop online, and that means that Tests is going to need to prepare itself, by investigating in the digital era, so that we are prepared to satisfy the costumer’s needs in the future.

At Tests we also have the “click” which means that you can go on our website and then collect the items that you need to buy, then the next day you can go o the nearest Tests store, and they will have your order waiting for you, so that you don’t need to go through the store yourself. With the Tests app you simply download the app on your smartened and then you can find all the products which Tests sales, then put it in your shopping card, and then you can go to your nearest Tests store, and collect your purchase, or you can get your purchase sent to your home. Tests is also experimenting with their new airport shopping service.

In Catwalk airport Tests has set up a big touchstones, which shows some products from Tests. Underneath each product, there is a barded that you can scan using your smartened. The idea of this new virtual supermarket, is that people are on there way home from the airport, but then they realizes that they don’t got any food in the refrigerator back home, and they are too tired to go shopping, so then you can use these virtual supermarket screens, simply by using your smartened to scan the barded of the products you want to buy, and then the products you have purchased, will be delivered at your home, when you arrive.

So we are working on solving the problems that Tests has, so that we can raise our market shares again, and we are experimenting with new digital markets, so that we are prepared for the future. We hope that all of this will help us to get in right course again. If anyone of you has any questions, you are more than welcome to ask me, and I will answer as well as I can. Now I would like to say thank you because I was invited here to tell you about Tests, and I hope that you have learned something about this fantastic company. Thank you very much for your time!

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Tesco grammar and speech Assignment. (2021, Dec 31). Retrieved February 12, 2025, from https://anyassignment.com/writing/tesco-grammar-and-speech-assignment-44882/