FDI’s Contribution to Ireland’s Economic Development Assignment

FDI’s Contribution to Ireland’s Economic Development  Assignment Words: 1661

In Ireland contributed to our economic development and what are the prospects of attracting FDA capable of a making a similar contribution to sustainable economic growth in the future. Ireland is one of Rupee’s leading locations for FDA. “Multinational enterprises are a very significant component of the Irish enterprise sector and will continue to play an important role in our economy” (Houses of the Researches, 2012). Abstract This piece examines the critical importance of FDA in the growth of Ireland. It explains the reasons for Ireland’s success.

The analysis is carried out in terms of employment, sports, outputs, Government assistance and advantages and disadvantages of Fid’s Investing In Ireland. Without the Influence of FDA Inflows, the economy would not have grown to the extent It has. This piece will discuss the growing FDA levels and the prospects of attracting FDA into Ireland, promoting sustainable growth, the Irish economy and employment & export levels. Len order to speak about Foreign Direct Investment, one must look at its statistics and the developments for which it is responsible for.

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How has FDA contributed to Sustainable Economic Development in Ireland? The impact of FDA in promoting the growth of host country exports and linkages to the outside world cannot be understated. In Ireland’s case FDA has been responsible for transforming the economy from primarily an exporter of agricultural products to a worldwide leader in the exportation of high tech manufactures. Another of the early consequences of the influx in FDA was that it assisted the decoupling of the Irish economy from almost total dependence on the I-J as an export destination.

The arrival of FDA in the late sass onwards played a key role in allowing Ireland to escape a Web of dependency caused by geographical factors, whereby small economies become locked into the growth performance of their surrounding region, which is often dominated by a single large economy, being the United Kingdom (I-J) in Ireland’s case. Improvements in competitiveness in areas such as office rents, construction costs, unit labor costs and business services in recent years have growth within Ireland. Simply attracting FDA is not enough to generate economic growth in an environmentally sustainable matter.

FDA needs to be a part of a comprehensive development strategy aimed at raising the standard of living of a nation’s population with minimal damage to the environment. FDA policy needs to be conducted in a parallel with significant and targeted domestic policies that upgrade the capabilities of national firms and provide a benchmark for environmental protection. Are there any prospects of attracting FDA companies that are capable of a making a similar contribution to sustainable economic growth in the future?

As Ireland’s economy is a small open one, it is a given that foreign companies locate here for exporting. The size of the market here along with statistical data of export fugues shows that foreign companies based here do so to take advantage of low tax rates and for export of their goods and service, with a minimal percentage for sale on the domestic market. Irish plants on average export 35% of what they produce, while foreign plants on average export around 86%, with some U. S companies exporting up to 96% or produce.

Therefore, it is clear to see how the domestic market in Ireland is such a small proportion of foreign companies’ customer base. This means Ireland is a production platform rather than a marketplace. Foreign companies within Ireland typically build larger plants, are more productive and are more profitable than their Irish counterparts. This has been measured by gross output, output per person and profit per person employed. On average, U. S plants are over 12 times larger, 4 times as productive and over 6 times more profitable than their Irish competitors.

Foreign plants based in Ireland are predominantly owned by U. S, U. K and German companies. They tend to import their raw materials and export produce. Advantages for Global Investors Ireland is ranked as one of the most attractive business locations in the world due to the combined forces of a talented workforce, an outstanding track record in FDA, a competitive clear and transparent tax regime, access to EX. Markets and an international reputation for research, development, innovation and technology.

Talent The MID World Competitiveness Yearbook 2012 ranked Ireland first in the world for availability of skilled labor and for flexibility and adaptability of workforce. Ireland has a young, well-educated labor force and scores very highly on labor productivity. Track Record 3% of companies rate their investment in Ireland a success. Ireland is rated first in the Rezone for ease of doing business and first for inward investment by quality and value. Tax Ireland has a transparent and simple 12. 5% corporate tax rate on trading income. We also have an extensive and expanding network of high quality tax treaties.

Technology Ireland continues to attract the best in scientific and technology investments. To date, These attributes result in Ireland housing: 8 of the top 10 global CIT companies 9 of the top 10 global pharmaceutical companies 3 of the 5 top games companies 0 of the top ‘born on the Internet’ companies 50% of the world’s leading financial services firms 17 out of 25 global medical device companies (Archive, 2013) Disadvantages for Global Investors Ireland’s four main disadvantages in the eyes of global investors lie largely outside the government’s immediate control.

Two relate to facts of geography. “The size of the domestic market was cited as a downside by one-half of all respondents (5%), and Ireland’s peripheral location was mentioned by nearly one-third (3%).

The other two relate to risks associated with the current national and international agronomic situation: the instability of the Euro zone (33%) and uncertainty about government finances (32%)” (The Economist, 2012) Poor Tax burden Size of domestic market Red tape and bureaucracy High cost of doing business Peripheral geographic location Uncertainty about government finances Instability in the Euro zone GOVERNMENT ASSISTANCE The Irish Government, recognizing the benefit of investment, have funded under the national Development Plan (AND) a specifically designed organization in place to direct investment into Ireland.

The Industrial Development Agent (IDA) promotes investing in Ireland using initiatives such as funding and grants for foreign companies basing here, support for already established multinationals and encouragement and assistance in maintaining and developing new and existing investments. The IDA works at attracting investment from companies within the manufacturing and services industries, with a focus on “High End Manufacturing, Global Services (including Financial Services) and Research, Development and Innovation” (IDA, 2014) These can then be divided into smaller areas such as Pharmaceutical, Information Communications Technology (ACT), Engineering, Professional Services, Digital Media, Consumer Brands and International Services.

Along with these, the Ida is placing specific emphasis on the future and looking for investment in sectors including Clean Technology and Convergence & Services Innovation. These are ideally suited to Ireland’s skill-set, experience, geography and of course climate. For the purpose of research and specifically directed initiatives, the IDA has separated the sectors in which FDA is directed towards into the following: Business services, Consumer services, clean technology, Entertainment and media, imputing, International financial services, Life sciences – medical technologies, Life sciences – pharmaceuticals.

Initiatives used by the IDA to attract investment from overseas include: Focusing on sectors closely linked with the needs of the Irish economy which can operate competitively in the global marketplace from Ireland. Compiling up to date and relevant statistics and facts for companies doing research into investing in Ireland. Linking third level education with international businesses to get the most of investments made in education and to enable companies to avail f the highly skilled population, along with providing access to research centers.

Actively building world leading clusters of knowledge based activities by pursuing Ireland’s policy of becoming knowledge based economy. Influencing the competitive needs of the economy by actively participating in the development and improvement of infrastructure and business support services, communications, education, regulatory and legal issues, particularly with regard to EX. Policy. Introducing potential investors to local industry, government, service providers and research institutions. Provide advice and assistance on finding suitable properties for potential investors.

According to the IDA website, Ireland is 13th out of 125 countries on the global innovation index, in the top 10 of the world’s freest economies, has replaced Singapore as the most globalizes western economy and is in the top 10 countries for ease of doing business. Multinationals which originally located here to take advantage of low corporate tax and the pro-business environment have stayed and the majority of which have expanded their operations in Ireland due to the provision f a highly skilled workforce with excellent language, technical and customer services capabilities, along with continued low tax incentives.

The securing of FDA is not only beneficial to the foreign companies investing in Ireland but to Irish workers and the Government here. The injection of capital will not only benefit the economy but also the local area, along with rejuvenation of parts of local towns, creating local Jobs both directly and indirectly. The IDA focuses on increasing local potential of areas in its effort to attract FDA through a national program of strategic investment in infrastructure, properties and large sites.

National policy developed in the national spatial strategy (INS) was set out in order to achieve a better balance of economic, social and physical development across Ireland. It is clear to see that with such an emphasis on FDA and its importance, indigenous industry and firms can and are being overlooked and are often suffering, struggling to compete with the emergence of new larger competition. It could be stated that with the little growth potential of the indigenous industry that it is more important to promote foreign investment than to try promote indigenous industry towards the international marketplace.

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FDI's Contribution to Ireland's Economic Development Assignment. (2022, Jan 15). Retrieved February 10, 2025, from https://anyassignment.com/sociology/fdis-contribution-to-irelands-economic-development-assignment-2-51024/