Reflection of Nursing Student Assignment

Reflection of Nursing Student Assignment Words: 1372

As a second year nursing student I felt mixed emotions of excitement and anxiety when I was thinking about my upcoming clinical placement because even though have been working as a patient care assistant at Royal Darwin Hospital for a year and had already undergone clinical teaching block for one week . The responsibility of being a nurse is big and much complex than my current job [1. 2 Fulfils the duty of care] especially when handling assigned patients.

Thus, need to have a good supervision from my clinical preceptor to meet the best possible nursing care to my patient with in my scope of reactive [2. 5 Laggardness and practices within own scope of practice]. My four weeks of clinical placement was taken place in B ward (Surgical Unit) at Royal Darwin Hospital. In the first day of my clinical placement we had an orientation together with the Clinical nurse educator, she told us about the rules and regulation of the ward and the do’s and don’t inside the ward [2. Integrate organizational policies and guidelines with professional standards]. And after that she showed and toured us around the ward making sure that we student nurses ill familiarized the area and know where to find fire exit, fire extinguishers and resuscitation trolley in case of emergency [1. 3 Recognizes and responds appropriately to unsafe or unprofessional practices J. She also introduced us to the B nurses from different cultural backgrounds as we will be working with them for four weeks [2. Practices in the way that acknowledges the dignity, culture, values, beliefs and rights of individual/groups]. During my clinical placement there is one patient that really caught my attention. This patient was assigned to my care as part of my clinical training. He’s name is Mr.. Wilson (Pseudonym) 46 yr old indigenous male patient 3 days post pop; complete toe amputation left foot. He has history of diabetes mellitus for 10 yr. When entered in his room notice that my patient was sweating profusely, restless and skin warm to touch [5. Uses a relevant evidenced-based assessment framework to collect data about the physical socio-cultural and mental health of the individual or group]. Before took his vital signs I introduced myself and told him that I am Stephen Lenses a second year nursing student from CUD. And then ask for his permission to take his vital signs. He is alert and orientated, febrile with current vital sign BP. In normal range; Respiratory rate 20; ESP. 99% in room air; Temperature at 40. 2 degrees/Celsius. He has IV canella in situ right arm.

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I asked him if he had pain anywhere and replied none at the moment. I opened the dressing and checked the wound site and saw that there is swelling in the surrounding area; homogeneous small amount in the wound site could be a sign of infection. He currently in a daily wound dressing plan [5. 2 Uses a range of assessment techniques to collect relevant and accurate data]. After gathered the relevant information and wrote it in patient’s chart I went and tell my clinical preceptor and told her about the current condition of my patient. Seed for her evaluation so she went and verified my observation and pleased about the result [4. 1 Use best available evidence, standards and guidelines to evaluate nursing performance]. We gave Panola 1 gram PRNG to Mr.. Wilson to reduce his temperature to normal level. However, I need to check his temperature after 1 hour to observe for any changes [6. 2 Establishes realistic short- and long-term goals that identify individual/groups health outcomes and specify condition for achievement]. As we were doing the drug administration we observed for 6 right of drug administration.

He is currently in IV antibiotics twice a day we sorted out together with my clinical preceptor that it might need a review from the attending physician to increase its effectiveness towards the patients wound healing. After the end the shift, I did the hand over together with my clinical preceptor to the upcoming nurse to ensure the continuity of care of my patient [6. Plans for contain duty Of care to achieve expected Outcomes]. My four weeks of clinical placement had thought me lots of things that can help me to become a better nurse in the future.

I give my outmost respect and thanks to my clinical preceptors to the learning and knowledge they have imparted. I have learned a lot from clinical placement because B ward is a surgical unit I came to understand the complexity of wound care. Every wound should be assessed according to its type and severity because every type of wound has its appropriate dressing. Aside from learning clinical reoccurred such as wound dressing, drug administration (within scope of practice), NASA-gastric feeding and etc, I came to learn the importance of teamwork it makes the job easier and allows good communication within staff members of the ward.

I am looking fond for my upcoming clinical placement in 3rd year to gain more knowledge in and experience to develop my nursing skills and become a competent nurse in the future. REFERENCE: MANIC – see Australian Nursing and Midwifery Council Australian Nursing and Midwifery Council 2005, National Competency Standards for the Registered Nurse, Australian Nursing and Midwifery Council, Victoria, viewed 4 November 201 1, <http://www. Captive. Com/content/Document/Practice nursesCompetency_standards_RNRUNdfUDFt;. Sample 2 In my placement as a second year student, most of my duties are focused on providing nursing care and general ward duties to my patients. This means to say that a great amount of fundamental knowledge in nursing care is incorporated in every task execute. These tasks would also encompass assisting patients in meeting their activities of daily living assessment of their veverbalealth condition and implementing nursing interventions that are dependent of the other members of the health care team.

In addition to this, there will be instances where several medical cases give rise to providing special attention and intervention to meet health needs. The ward where I was assigned focuses on the care of ororthopedicnd spinal precaution patients. There will be instances where multiple diagnosis or exacerbations of past medical conditions are present, but still, concern for musculoskeletal deviations is dominant. A particular patient admitted to the ward one quiet Sunday afternoon became memorable to me. He is a 67 years old man of Chinese ethnicity admitted with a diagnosis of fiformabilityyndrome.

He has history of acute kidney failure and suffered from a motor vehicular accident 2 weeks prior to admission. This syndrome is characterized by diffuse pain with tender points that are hypersensitive with pain. This patient frequently complains of pain located on both of his upper limbs (Nash 201 1). What is interesting in the case of this patient is he can’t speak in English and he complains of pain even with light touching of the skin of his forearm. I ollaunderedo my preceptor that look after that patient since it will be a good learning opportunity for me.

One of the duties I established upon his admission is maintaining a proper communication by involving his wife which serves as the interpreter in the plan of care. acAcknowledgehe pain of the patient and instructed the wife to tell the patient to have a rest and keep his movements minimal. Involving the wife in the care increases his confidence in taking care of the patient. These interventions are necessary while I collaborated with my clinical preceptor and the other members of the health eaamuch as the physician in-charge, physiotherapist and the pain management team.

It is important for patients experiencing this syndrome to acknowledge that the pain is real, not imagined and even though it is not a dedebilitatingisease, management of pain is important (ChChild’s008). Proper education to the family of the patient increases their understanding of the condition and decreases their anxiety. Since I am a student nurse directly involved in the care of the patient, I also feel anxious about dealing with the pain of the patient and the concerns of the family.

However, must utilize my knowledge regarding management of pain and show that I am confident in cocontainojoyouslyssessing the patient’s overall health status.

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