Writing and Mini Ethnography Assignment

Writing and Mini Ethnography Assignment Words: 586

Many anthropologists study their own societies rather than a foreign one. For this assignment, you will apply what we have learned in class to think like an anthropologist studying your own society. 1. Choose a location that you have never been to before. Write down some questions you have about that location concerning what you expect to see. 2. Spend 1-2 hours at that location “doing fieldwork. ” Take detailed notes on your experience. Document your observations, describe the setting, note any conversations you have.

Write down any thoughts, self-reflections, and reactions you have during and after your fieldwork. You should have enough detail In order to “relive” the experience later. Type up your notes to turn In. You should have 1-2 pages of notes. (A page is one full page of text. This page count is separate from the essay. ) 3. Write an essay that reflects on your experience. What does It say about the people or culture you encountered? Be sure to distinguish between the data you collected, your personal thoughts, and background information.

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Do background research to support your interpretations. Cite any sources you use. Write 2-3 pages. (A page is one full page of text. Notes do not count towards the essay length. ) Examples: Ride the city bus. How many people were on the bus? Which route was It? What time? How did the bus smell? What kinds of things did you see while you were riding? What did people do while riding? Where were people going? Did people talk? What did they say? What were people doing? Did anything happen that seemed unusual, ordinary, or Interesting to you? Why? Go to an art museum.

How many people are there? What are their ages/genders/tentacles? What type of art Is on display? What type of art gets more attention? Who is looking at what? What are people doing besides looking at art? Did people talk? What did they say? Did anything happen that seemed unusual, ordinary, or interesting to you? Why? A bar or restaurant. How many people are there? What are their ages/genders/tentacles? What are people doing? What is the environment like? What are people talking about? How are they socializing or interacting with each other?

Did anything happen hat seemed unusual, ordinary, or Interesting to you? Why? Format: One of the ways measure how much effort you made Is length of paper. Follow these guidelines so that I can measure its length. All papers should be typed, double spaced, in Times New Roman 12-point font with one inch margins. Turn in any format able to be opened in word. Citations: Have at least one source cited in your essay. Sources should be cited using any standard format (ML PAP, etc. ). Cite at the end of the paper and within the text.

Grading: You will be graded on how well you answer the questions above, appropriate length, general quality of writing, and having correct formatting and citations. 1 OFF with any information that has been copied from another source and is not properly cited. You must cite the ideas of others. You may properly quote and cite information, but this should not compose more than 10% of your paper. Completely rewrite what you read. Do not simply change a few words. If you are not sure about something, see this site: HTTPS://owl. English. Purdue. Deed/ owl/resource/589/01/ or ask me before you turn it in.

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Writing and Mini Ethnography Assignment. (2022, Mar 01). Retrieved February 16, 2025, from https://anyassignment.com/samples/writing-and-mini-ethnography-10426/