Video Game Delivery Project Team Assignment

Video Game Delivery Project Team Assignment Words: 2288

Additional activities in Work Breakdown Structure Key schedule milestones of the video game rental program Giant chart and network diagram people assignment Of each activity The strategies for making up lost time. 1. Project Integration Management Integration management is an element of project management that coordinates all aspects of a project. Project integration, when properly performed, ensures that all processes in a project run smoothly. Integration management will produce a series of deliverables.

There are at least five other websites that allow users to rent games via mail: Gamely, Genera, Campaigning, Gettysburg Game, and Octagonal. We have focused our research on Gamely. Com because of its popularity and also it offers variety of services to satisfy customers. The capabilities of the website and the information system are detailed below. 1 It allows customers to order video games over the internet. 2. It provides an ability to track the shipping of products as they are delivered to and are returned to their storage facilities. 3.

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It allows addition up to 2 games at a time to be handled and can automatically send another game from the list as soon as one of them has been returned. 4. It an track the availability of its stocks. It uses a system that marks the availability of the specific game with an availability stamp of High, Medium, Low and Very Low, depending on the % likelihood of its arrival date. This function will be the most difficult to implement, but will essentially be a crawler for the massive database of available titles. 5. The system allows monthly rental of the games. It allows user to sort the arrangement of products according to several criteria like category, console, cost, popularity, release, rating etc 7. It allows for the use of different payment methods. There must be a system in place that will allow the customer to place an order with the website. A Transaction Processing System would also be put in place to cover the duties online payment processing. The TAPS system must be configured to allow purchases to be made online (credit card, check, Bank Transfer, etc), and also via a brick and mortar system. . It allows buying a gift certificate for someone. 9. There is a rewards system which adds a specific amount of points with each new selection. 10. A video is also available that details the service of the site. 1 1 . A support system involving multi-lingual staff is a necessity for international markets. This may include any or all of the following: online 24/7 web-based support, phone support, frequently asked questions, email, am/ ICQ/yahoo/ms contact). 12. Customers can rate and review the game they rent. 13.

The game rental program can track customer usage patterns 14. Customers can return the games via express mail. The following details the necessity of each of the capabilities in regards to the proposed web- application. Option Mandatory Optional Nice-to-have Yes 2 3 Only one game is mandatory 4 Yes it must be able to say if a game is available or not It does not need to sort by percentages a simple yes or no is sufficient but it’s nice. 5 6 7 8 9 10 It attracts attention which is always good, but not mandatory 1 1 12 13 14 2.

Weighted Decision Matrix A decision matrix to support the functions described above is as follows: Customer Use – 25% – Customer use was stressed by the company as one of the most important aspects of this project. It also happens to make or break online businesses, hence the largest percentage. If the system is too obtuse or difficult to operate, no one will use it. Ease of Development- 15% – As this system can be quite a tedious undertaking, development was awarded a higher percentage than the remaining factors.

Ease of Implementation – 5% Implementation was only awarded 10% because the infrastructure is already largely in place. Return on Investment – 20% – Generating profit is something that is the most important for a business. This was allocated at 20% because cost, expected life, development, and implementation percentages have individual percentages Cost – 15% – The bottom line is something that must always be observed, hence the cost percentage. Visibility – 10% – Increasing visibility is something that comes into playing more in the optional and” nice to have” functions so It is included at a lesser percentage.

Expected Life – 10% – Many of the systems, once established, only require maintenance and little upgrading. As such, it is important to allocate a percentage of the matrix to this, albeit not that large a percentage Weighted Decision Matrix for Rental Game Program Created by: Assai Date: March 09 Criteria Weight Order games via internet Track game delivery Rent any game Multiple payment methods Customer Use 80 90 Ease of Development 0 30 60 Ease of Implementation 5% Return on Investment so Cost Visibility Expected Life 10% Weighted Function Scores 100% 72. 5 69 78. Four most crucial functions are selected to be evaluated from the mandatory functions, including order games via internet, track game delivery, rent any game and multiple payment methods. Seven evaluating criteria are developed, for example: cost, visibility, expected life and so on. In these criteria the most important is customer use, because the single objective is to meet the needs of our customer, and net income is just a by-product, which is enervated when our customers are satisfied with what we do. The second and third most important criteria are ROI and ease of development.

We weighted the four functions with these criteria and obtained the weighted function scores: 72. 5 for order games via internet, 69 for track game delivery, 81 for rent any game and 78. 5 for multiple payment methods, which are shown in the diagram named with Weighted Scores by Functions. What we can be informed from the diagram is that rent any game is the most crucial function, which should be developed at the very first place. It is taken for ranted for if our customers cannot tent the game, all the functions we develop would be useless.

Multiple payment methods is the second most crucial function, whose score is very close to rent any game and much more than the other two functions. We admit it is a little unexpected. However, it also indicated that we might fail to pay enough attention on it before, and we should provide as many as payment methods that our customers want. The last two functions, track game delivery and order games via internet, are still significant important. Especially the former one, although it might be the cost difficult to be developed in the four functions, it can upgrade our service convenience feature greatly. . Financial analysis for video game rental program (apart . 3 business_case_financial. XSL) 4. Project Charter for video game rental program project Title: Video Game Delivery project project start Date: March 01 2015 Projected Fit-shish Date: Feb.. 28 2016 Budget Information: The company has allocated $500,000 for this project. A significant portion of this amount will be allocated to internal labor. The total cost of the project including maintenance and the total benefits are Project Manager: Assai Project Objectives: The primary objective is to develop a monthly video game rental service.

Develop a Web-based application and support structure to provide customers with video games on a monthly rental basis. This project will include information and products in several different languages. Create a search feature as part of the application that will allow users to search by a number of different criteria. Modify the existing distribution functions and infrastructure as necessary to accommodate distribution of the product. Develop a tracking system for deliveries and returns that is internally and externally accessible.

Create an application for users to review their previous rentals and their experiences with the service. Institute a referral and advertising tracking system that will allow corporate partners, affiliates, and the company to track usage. In addition, this project will increase revenue, profits, and visibility while simultaneously diversifying and expanding the current customer base. Approach: Assess the needs of the system and its critical components for the web application, database and website. Develop a database that has the ability to provide the support for the web-application.

It must include the ability to sort the data as well as the user data for shipping and handling of games and feedback. Develop the web-based application that will be able to track the shipping details of customer’s orders, incorporate the database and payment systems and provide feedback. Research software to provide accurate security for online transactions, manage user inputs and be user friendly. Develop a proper mechanism by which to test results and effectiveness of the system and how customers will view the product.

Roles and Responsibilities Role Name Organization/Position Contact Information Project Supervisor Lori UP Marketing Project Manager Assai CIO Design consultant Julie Outsourced Deeds Programming consultant Guard Outsourced BBC Corp.. Sec rite consultant Andy I. T. Supervisor 1 5. The integrated change control process In order to implement changes in this project, there are different project management methodologies used in order to help disseminate information to the Client who are interested in renting this game, and to change the projects on time and in budget.

The functionalities of the rental application project include changing lifestyle of clients and decreasing the costs in playing new games. It means that We have to continuously change this structure Of this application to match the needs of customer. Actually, how would the project manager Assai plan to manage a change on this project of this manner? Communication, plan change, experiment, feedback, and agreement. Communication is an essential part during the whole process because if this project plan is not suitable to this renting game application, it would be doomed and all efforts would be wasted.

In addition, communication allows keeping the Vice president Lori well informed. So communication is important for a team to change this project. First, developers need to know what kind of functions this application needs and which part of this project should be improved. The Manager Assai should figure out what kind of problems would concern Vice president Lori. In addition, a good and experienced project manager Assai is the essential factor to be successful for the whole process. Another challenge is how to guarantee that the project can satisfy the needs of the organization.

The most important part can help to rent games to customer. In this way, the project manager Assai will need to decide the time, money and scope of this project with client. Every project plan should fit the company’s vision, strategy, needs, mission, goals, objectives and situation because every project is unique. This project manager Assai would consider about the current and future need from this company. For example: Vice president Lori wants to add reward system in this renting game application.

Vice president Lori needs to communicate with the manager Assai to talk about this detail of this reward system. When the project manager Assai has finished this conversation with Vice president Lori, the project manager Assai needs to have a meeting to talk with the team members who are in charge Of this reject because their people are familiar with the requirements, function, and service. The change should be finished by this member who has developed this project. So who will be involved in making change control decision?

The project manager Assai and the team member would be involved in this conversation. The project manager Assai will communicate with the client to know which part need to change. Change Planning is essential to this application because most plans usually focus on improving a solution that has not been suitable to this application. For example, when client find that the payment methods are limited. Vice president Lori want to use more way to pay this renting video game.. The project manager needs to submit a project plan about changing.

It will talk about what time this project should be finished, which team should do this project and what kind of specific problems need to be fixed. Currently, if this company doesn’t have advanced software, the project manager Assai can use the Change Request Form. When using this form, the project manager Assai needs to finish all Change Request Forms about this change of this application. Using this way is a good method to manage the change of this application. Experiments in this whole process are done in order to decrease the cost.

No one in the team wants to spend a lot of time On changing this application again. Maybe, when a team have finished this change, a member just may directly do some experiments. Feedback. The result of this project application must be approved by Vice president Lori. If there is something wrong with this function, this application will have to be changed again. This project plan has to transform this project into the normal operation of company. There are a lot of problems that would appear when this application is operating.

There is another challenge about how to deal with when an application fails when closing it. The feedback from customer is essential to helping this team to improve all kinds of functionalities. In this way, this application would be more acceptable by the client. The project manager Assai has to check which part is not right and change this part. She makes sure this website can be successful in the end. Agreement, when this company accepts this program and thinks this can support some service for this company, the project manager Assai and Vice president Lori can sign a contract to finish this whole application.

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