Study Habits Assignment

Study Habits Assignment Words: 3043

Too many people treat studying as the thing to do when you get around to it or have some spare time, too many people look at studying as necessary task, not an enjoyment or an opportunity to learn. ( Growl, 2006 ) Studying is important in our lives, especially to the lives of the students. Each student as unique individual has different abilities, approaches, ways of thinking, interests and ways of studying the lessons. These individual differences have significant influences on ones learning style and acquisition.

Each student has different methods and ways of studying and these methods re sometimes helpful but some are not as effective as the others. (Prospers, 201 0) One reason we often don’t start studying until last possible minute is that we have misjudged how long it will actually take as to absorb and understand the material we are studying. If you are a student attending classes, you have probably experienced many moments when it is hard to make yourself settle down and study even when an important exam is coming up. Most student put off studying until the very last minute.

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The night before the exam you’ll stay up all night cramming, getting little or no asleep at all. In the morning you’ll drag yourself out of bed and wake yourself lots of coffee and go into the exam feeling exhausted, stressed out and nervous. You’ll find it hard to focus or think and not surprisingly, you’ll probably do terribly on the test and you’ll be blaming yourself for not starting to study earlier. If this is your typical method of studying you already know it doesn’t work. Overtime you go through this ritual, you tell yourself that you’re going to be smarten up next time you face a big exam.

Next time you’ll start to study weeks in advance, you say, but instead you keep on repeating this crazy tatter. Why does this keep on happening? What should you be doing instead if you want to get better marks? ( Drew, 2007 ) This study came into realization when the researchers noticed that studying nowadays is taken for granted in elementary years and that pupils view studying as just a requirement for passing an exam. It has been viewed also that one of the major causes of dropping the quality of performance is poor and ineffective study habits due to some reasons and factors we have to find out later in our study.

This study will not only help evaluate each student’s performance in tidying but also to try to know several factors affecting their study habits and to know what improvements they should make to develop the spirit of good study habits. Theoretical Background Study habits are relevant to academic performance (Johnson, 2009). Through little efforts of modifying students’ habits in studying, they can develop an organized pattern of behavior useful to their goal of becoming a successful student who has good academic performances.

Gestalt psychology mentions the Law of Proximity referring to the way in which he tends to form groups according to the way they are spaced with the nearer once being grouped soother (Atria, et. Al, 1998). As applied to learning, this refers to the closeness in space or time. In application to learning process, immediate and regular study periods and doing school requirements tend to result in a better performance than delayed and erratic study periods do. Diverse study techniques, even for the improvement of memory stress the importance of immediacy in remembering and learning.

Thorniness Law of Exercise further supports that, the more frequent a modifiable between a situation and response is used the stronger the connection. When a modifiable connection twine a situation and response is not being used over a period of time, the strength of that connection is weakened. A behavior that is stimulated over regular periods will tend to be repeated leading to habit formation. A student who has developed this kind of behavior, in terms of having regular and scheduled study periods and follows certain methods in studying, proves to have better performance.

The key to effective studying isn’t cramming or studying longer, but studying smarter (Growl, 2006). Being in the right mindset is important in order to study smarter and making a schedule you can stick to. Spending 30 or 60 minutes every day you have a class studying for that class before or after is a lot easier and will allow you to actually learn more of the material. Taking a short break like eating a snack while studying is actually more sustainable and enjoyable and could actually refreshes the mind away from study work for a little while, giving the mind an opportunity to relax and to renew the ability to concentrate.

Another factors to be considered and determined is building good study habits are the place to study, developing time management and keeping healthy and balanced (Groundhogs). A place with a lot of distractions makes for a poor study area. Students must also realize that there is a time to be in class, time to study and time to enjoy and socialized with friends, peers or family. Don’t spend all Of your time studying but make sure that there must be an appropriate balance. The more balanced you seek out in your life, the easier every component in your life becomes.

Legal Bases Article XIV Section 3 of the Constitution of the Republic of the Philippines states that “The state shall inculcate patriotism and nationalism, poster love and humanity, respect for human rights, appreciation of the role of national roes in the historical development of the country, teach the rights and duties of citizenship, strengthen ethical and spiritual values, develop moral character and personal discipline, encourage critical and critical and creative thinking , broaden scientific and technological knowledge , and promote vocational efficiency”.

Thus, teaching the pupils on the students the proper study habits, time management and different study skills could actually develop personal discipline since studying requires great discipline in order to be effective and thus, leading to critical and creative thinking and the development of a more great efficiency. Education Act of 1984 or Bats Bananas Bldg. 32 states that “Teachers and parents must provide the knowledge and develop skills, attitudes and values among children essential for personal development, a productive life and constructive engagement with a changing social milieu. Skills, attitudes and values must be taught and inculcated early in childhood by the guidance of parents and teachers.

Likewise, the development of good study habits and skills shall be taught and shall be practiced in early years of formal education to build a strong foundation of behavior and well-established habits essential for personal Roth, leading to productive life. Article 2 Section 15 of the Bats Bananas 232 or Education Act of 1984 states that “One of the duties and responsibilities of the students is to exert his utmost to develop his potentialities for service, particularly by undergoing an education suited to his abilities, in order that he may become an asset to his family and society”.

Students must find the most appropriate and suitable means in order to develop his fullest capacities, thereby, develop good study habits earlier and starting to be productive and efficient in his studies and subsequently in the ell life, making him an asset to his family, to the school and to the society as a whole. INPUT Questionnaire I THROUGHPUT Distribution & Collection of Disassociating Treatment of Administrations and Interpretation of Data I OUTPUT Relation of Study Habitableness Performance I THE RESEARCH FLOW Related Literature Study habit is very important in achieving goals in life.

It is the key to learning. It is said that everyone cannot be brilliant but everyone can learn how to study effectively. Even highly intelligent student failed due to inefficient work and lack of knowledge on how to study effectively. Aristotle, a famous philosopher once quote, “excellence is an art won by training and habituation. We do not act rightly because we have virtue or excellence, but we rather have those because we have acted rightly. We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit”.

Mcknight(2006) stressed that habits are formed through repetition. Once formed, habits are difficult to break. Habits that are formed when we were young are likely to stay with us all our lives. Attaining your ideal study habit is a long-way process. It is developed by encountering mistakes from past styles and then using these stakes to obtain a more correct style and if it becomes a part of people’s viewpoint on studying, it is very hard to break it apart and adjust to a more favorable style.

Gladden(2009) stressed that there is no definitive way to define good study skills as every student is different and works well using different strategies. Each student has his own study habits varying on preferences on different factors. A certain study habit may be effective to one student but it doesn’t go the same way with another student. However, good students are ones who have a strong work ethics, stay organized and look for help when needed. Bedspreads(2007) on the other hand, emphasized time as an essential key.

You cannot study properly without considering it, hence time management is most certainly a study technique in itself. Lie(2009) and Landlubbers(2007) supported Bedspread’s proposal. The latter further noted that having a regular time and place for studying lessons, and making decisions about priorities concerning time and goals make a good study habits. Geometer(2005) emphasized the importance of environmental influence as a major factor in the development of students study habits. Biota, et. Al (2010) further stated that study habits are affected by both external and internal factors.

External factors include the physical location of the study area. They noted that students can learn best when they study in a specific location where there is less or no distraction at all. They further noted that distractions affect the power to stay focused. Landlubbers(2007) stated that parameterization makes good habits. He further stressed that studying is a matter of proportioning. When studying, it should be on the mind set of students that there are only two possible outcomes: to study and to succeed or to fail.

Related Studies Based on Acid’s(2008) research on the factors affecting reasoning skills, data eave revealed that the major difference between student with below average, average and above average reasoning skills center on their study habits– whether they have a good or bad study habits, and their attitude towards learning a particular skill?- whether they are interested or not, are responsible for their learning or not, and take responsible¶y’ over what they do or not. Castillo(2010) revealed in Atoner’s Survey on student achievers that the best way to raise a star pupil is through good old-fashioned parental guidance.

In other words, taking the child to mentor your kids all throughout heir early years of schooling actually helps them more than any fancy mental development program. Therefore, parents should be the first to inculcate values and study habits to their children. In doing so, they must first plant and win their minds the idea that school is important. Completing assignments right after class instead of protracts mating and watching TV is a good start and a good way to reinforce this act. Borrow(2006) recommended that good study should be taught by parents first at home. The school will later on guide the students on studying their lessons.

Teachers should impart the good values f studying. People learn first at home and all the lessons that may be well- learned or well-forgotten are just brought to school by people. In some cases, it is on how parents mold their child during their formative years of life which is a basis for the perspective of the person at education. The initial process of learning is called emergent literacy which was first used by Clay (1996) in describing how children interact with books and when reading and writing, even though they could not read or write in the conventional sense.

Emergent literacy is a gradual process that takes place over time from birth— until a hill can read and write in what We consider to be a conventional Sense. The more educationally trained a person was a child, the higher the possibility that he can develop his own ideal study routine. Lee-Chug (2007) revealed that parents of the student achiever in the survey personally tutor their children until Grade IV or V. They do not rely on professional tutors or outside-school enrichment activities. In the upper grades, the students have already excellent study habits and can study independently.

During this time, parents act more as guides, and are consulted mainly on complex lessons. She further noted that 1 0 years of the child’s life are critical not just for building relationships but for cultivating good study habits as well. Hence, investing time and effort, especially during primary school when homework becomes regular give a strong foundation for lifelong learning and can deter future problems. She then concluded that raising children and ensuring that they love learning is difficult.

It requires patience, forbearance, and a whole lot of love, but the rewards are worth it— confident children, motivated students, and soon productive members of society whom our country needs o much. Marcus Creed and Nathan R. Cancel (2008) in their research at the university of Albany said that Study habits, Skills, and Attitude inventories and Constructs were found to rival standardized tests and previous grades as predictor of academic performance, yielding substantial incremental validity in predicting academic performance.

It was found out that scores on traditional study habit and attitude inventories are the most predictive of performance, whereas scores on inventories based on the popular depth-of- processing perspective are shown to be least predictive of the examined criteria. Overall, study habit and skill measures improve prediction Of academic performance more than any other non-cognitive individual difference variable examined to date and should be regarded as the third Pillar of academic success.

THE PROBLEM Statement of the Problem The study aims to the study habits of Grade V pupils of Villa Teresa Elementary School and its relation to their academic performance during the School Year 2011 – 2012. Its aims to answer the following specific problems: 1. What is the profile of the Grade V pupils in terms of: 2. 1 Age 2. 2 Sex 2. What are the study habits of Grade V pupils? . What is the academic performance of Grade V pupils as shown in their form 138? 4. Is there a significant relationship between the study habits of Grade V pupils and their academic performance?

Null Hypothesis There is no significant degree of relationship between the study habits of Grade V pupils of Villa Teresa Elementary School and their academic performance. Significance of the Study The study is beneficial to the following: PUPILS. This study will help the pupils to assess their study habits and make them aware of their practices. It will help them to identify what type of study bits they have and help them to realize what they need to do, revise or adjust in order to do better in school and to improve their performance in class.

PARENTS. This study will guide the parents in what to do to develop their children’s fullest potentials. It will help them realize that as parents, they are the molders of their children’s attitudes and behaviors. It will educate them that learning actually begins at home and that elementary years are the crucial years of the child’s education and habit formation and that their children need proper guidance and motivation so as to perform well in school ND become disciplined individuals. TEACHERS.

This will help the teachers to properly assess their peoples according to the literacy and habits that a child acquires early in life so that they will be guided accordingly. It will also to develop their professional efficiency by being aware of their pupils’ practices and habits and by taking responsible actions so as to remedy or to straighten the habits that are not properly formed. Scope and Limitation of the Study This survey covers the Grade V pupils of Villa Teresa Elementary School, Villa Teresa, EBay, Boll for the school year 2011 – 20012.

The focus of the study s mainly to investigate and assess the study habits of the respondents in relation to their academic performance, on what causes the success or the impairment of their performance in school based on their form 1 38 or report cards. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Research Design The researchers use descriptive method to ascertain the pupils’ study strengths and weaknesses and to reveal which area they are having difficulty with. Research Locale/ Environment This study is to be conducted in Villa Teresa Elementary School, Villa Teresa, EBay, Boll.

The school is under the 3rd District of EBay, Division of Boll. It is located in the southwest portion of Boll and is 2 kilometers away from the highway and 16 kilometers from the highway to Application EBay. Respondents This study covers the Grade V pupils of Villa Teresa Elementary School, Villa Teresa, EBay, Boll for the school year 2011-2012. There are 35 pupils in the class, 1 1 males and 24 females, only in one section. Data Gathering Procedure The researchers will be distributing questionnaires to the respondents which are properly checked by the adviser, the statistician, and the English critic.

Statistical Treatment The following formulas will be utilized in the study. ) To obtain the percentage, the formula listed below will be used P = F x 100 Where: P= percentage frequency N= number of respondents 2) To obtain the weighted mean, the formula listed below is to be used W. M. = FAX W. M. = weighted mean W? weight 3) To determine the significant relationship between study habits and academic performance, the Chi-Square Test Of Independence will be used.

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Study Habits Assignment. (2019, Jun 18). Retrieved February 23, 2025, from