Student Assignment

Student Assignment Words: 2478

Counseling Theory Syllabus The Mission of Multinomial University: “To educate, equip, and enrich Christian students through accessible undergraduate and graduate education to become biblically competent, academically proficient, spiritually formed, and culturally engaged servant leaders, shaped to be a transforming force for their church, community, and world. ” The Mission Of the Arts and Sciences Division: The mission of the Arts and Sciences Division is to expose students to general liberal arts studies that provide a foundation for life long learning, enhancing and complementing the academic majors, and providing an integrated

Christian worldview. General Course Description This class covers the major theorists in the field of counseling and psychology. Students are introduced to the major proponents and originators of each theory and learn the basic ideas and treatment approaches of each. Students will also be introduced to the task of integrating these theories with a biblical worldview and to exploring the issues and methodologies associated with this task and how it might apply to each theory. Students will also be introduced to Christian approaches to counseling theory and possible ways of categorizing those approaches.

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Emphasis is placed on critical thinking, integrative thought from a biblical worldview perspective, and connecting theory to practical application. Course Objectives The student successfully completing this course will, in the area of knowledge 1. Be introduced to the major theories in the field of counseling and psychology so that the student is familiar with the major theorists, terms and language associated with each. 2. Articulate the roles of the counselor based on theoretical understanding, professional insight, and biblical exegesis and interpretation. 3. Be able to explain the basic ideas and tenets of each theory. Explore some of the implications of each theory. 5. Discuss each theory’s acceptance and extent of use among the general field of counseling and psychology. 6. Examine Christian approaches to counseling theory and a brief history of Integration since 1900. The student successfully completing this course will, in the area of attitudes: 1. Be confident to articulate the task of integration of counseling theory with a biblical worldview. 2. Be confident to articulate various counseling theories with each other. 3. Be confident to articulate various theoretical approaches to counseling that originate with Christian thinkers.

The student successfully completing this course will, in the area of skills: 1. Show ability and awareness of methodology in the task of integration of counseling theory with a biblical worldview. 2. Show ability and awareness of methodology in the task of integration of various counseling theories. 3. Be able to give and initial categorization to Christian approaches to counseling theory. 4. Explore personal theoretical approaches to therapy for future practice. 5. Explore the defending and articulation of this stance. 6. Explore the application of counseling theories to real-life situations. Demonstrate understanding of the differing theoretical approaches to counseling. How does this course fulfill the mission of Multinomial Bible College and the A Division? The course goals and objectives will inform and enable the student to grow spiritually and apply psychological issues to facilitate being a “transforming force in the church and the world. ” As a student is trained in understanding counseling theory and how to critically integrate theory with a biblical worldview this will empower the students to more effectively reach out and be a transforming force in the lives of others, ND thus help fulfill the mission of the school.

This course will teach students how to critically evaluate secular theories of counseling and psychology as well as Christian approaches to therapy from a biblical worldview perspective and how to articulate that evaluation. This will enable them to more effectively present a congruent practice and helping service to people in need of counseling. It will stimulate thinking toward the integration of principles in counseling and Christianity and will assist the student in the incorporation of counseling into a comprehensive consistent Christian worldview.

Class Policies Attendance For successful completion of this course, students must attend class and promptly complete assignments with high academic standards (see Multinomial University MAC Attendance Policy). Students are expected to participate in all class sessions and discussions. Reading assignments and homework, except those completed in class, are accomplished prior to class and the students must be ready to discuss the issues. All written assignments are to be turned in at the beginning of class. General expectations for each student in this course are: individual al On-time completion of all assignments. Active participation in all discussions. High academic effort in all activities. Punctual completion of all assignments. Grading, Late Assignments, Make-up Quizzes It is up to the instructor as to whether or not late assignments will be accepted. However, if accepted, an assignment submitted any time after the agreed upon date and time due will automatically have its point value reduced by a minimum of 20% per class period. Due to faculty grade submission requirements, late assignments will not be accepted later than 1 week after a course is completed. This will be strictly enforced.

Therefore, it is n your best interest to stay up to date with your work. Work Expectations While it is understood that each student works at his or her own pace, it can be estimated that, in order to gain mastery of reading, students will read approximately 20 pages per hour. This assumes careful reflection on reading, note taking, and will lead to accountability in class and papers at a mastery level. For writing at a mastery level, it is estimated that students will require approximately one hour per page of text. These estimates are intended to serve as a rule of thumb and are not to be taken as rigid rules.

It is understood that texts vary in density and words per page and that research papers may take longer to complete than reflection papers. Time indicated is to assist with study schedules and does not necessarily reflect outcome grades. Classroom Demeanor Set all cell phones to silent while in class and no text messaging; please do not work on outside materials during class time; lap top computers are allowed for note taking only. This will be strictly enforced. Plagiarism Statement Plagiarism is the use of another’s thoughts, words, or ideas without providing appropriate and complete documentation of your sources.

This includes, but is not limited to, use of text-based sources (books, articles, etc. ), media sources (movies, videos, television and radio broadcasts, etc. ), and electronic sources (CD Rooms, Internet, World Wide Web, E-mail, etc. ) without proper documentation. Plagiarism also results from using all or a portion of a classmate’s or others work as all or part of your own. In addition, it is inappropriate to submit work in this course that is currently being submitted or has in the past been submitted for another course.

Plagiarism in any form is considered academic dishonesty and can result in a failing grade for the ours. Student Assumptions There are several assumptions regarding your role as a student within the classroom. It is assumed that: 1. You will come to the learning environment with an open mind and a teachable disposition. 2. You will come to class having made a good-faith effort to read the assigned information and to complete the assigned tasks. 3. You will make a sincere effort to actively engage in class work and discussions. 4. You will show appropriate respect for the instructor as well as to your classmates. . You will turn in written work that meets minimal requirements as master’s level (well-written, no peeling mistakes, PAP style, complete). Work that does not meet minimal requirements will be returned unguarded. F you have questions or concerns about any aspect of this course, please feel free to discuss it with the instructor. “open Door” policy It is the desire of this institution that you to succeed in this course. While you must do the work to pass the class, it is understood that sometimes life happens. If you find yourself struggling, please let your instructor know AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.

Your instructor can’t help you if she/he doesn’t know there is a problem. Disabilities: In keeping with the Americans with Disabilities Act, Multinomial will provide reasonable academic adjustments or accommodations necessary to afford equal opportunity and full participation in all programs for qualified students with professionally verified disabilities. A policy statement and application forms for accommodations are available from the Student Services department. Note: This syllabus will be considered a binding contract between you, the student and the instructor.

It will be explained and reviewed fully but it is your responsibility to ask any questions necessary for clarification. Class Require ornaments ACHIEVEMENT AND EVALUATION PROCEDURE: The student’s level of achievement in the course will be evaluated according to the following: Reading The student will be expected to complete the reading assignments by the beginning of each class period according to the class schedule. (Textbook: Share) The instructor reserves the right to add other readings as they fit into the course. All other reading assignments will be available on-line through Self- Service course access or provided as class handouts.

Classroom Participation Each week we will be presenting and discussing the ideas and tenets of the ajar counseling theories and how they might fit or not fit into a biblical worldview. Value is added to the class when you participate and share your thoughts, ideas and questions. Reading Attendance and Participation Students will be awarded 5 points for each of these categories for each class totaling 15 points for each class. This class meets 7 times for a total of 105 points. Built into this total is 5 ‘freebie” points – I. E. A student can miss one of these and still get the maximum of 1 00 points or 100%.

Reading, Attendance and Participation will be self-reported on the following chart: Class Date: Attendance: Reading: Participation: 5 points if on time and present for all of class, 4 for tardy, 3 for 3 hours, 2 for 2 hours, 1 for 1 hour 5 points for read all, 4 for read 80%, 3 for 50%, 2 for 25% or less Self-evaluated: 5 for participated, O for didn’t participate Week 1 Week 3 Week 5 week 6 Week 7 Totals: Total for all 3: Theory Charts Students will prepare for a chart for each Of 10 major theories summarizes the main aspects of the theory.

This will serve as reference in the future as well as a spur to think through the ideas and implications of each theory. Include the following categories: Name(s) of the Theory and Founder(s) Main Ideas (What are the main truth claims or ideas this theory states? Include all major aspects. What is the core of this theory? ) 5 Key Buzzwords With Definitions What are 5 key terms in this theory & what are the definitions of these terms? Integration Agreements (2) (In your words that show your understanding of this theory explain what aspects Of it integrate well with a biblical worldview. What in this theory meshes well with a biblical worldview? Quote a scripture that agrees with an aspect of this theory. ) Integration Conflicts (2) (In your words that show your understanding of this theory explain what aspects of it do NOT integrate well with a biblical worldview. What in this theory conflicts with a biblical worldview?

Quote a scripture that disagrees with an aspect of this theory. ) Perception of Pathology (How does this theory define mental illness? What in this view is the core cause of pa theology? ) Perception of Psychological Health (How does this theory define well being? What in this view is the core of mental health? ) Main Goals (What does this theory try to do in counseling? ) Practical Pros (What would work well on a PRACTICAL level in a counseling setting? Practical Cons (What would NOT work well on a PRACTICAL level in a counseling setting? The 10 theories to be covered in these charts are Freudian, Analytical (Jungian), Deadlier, REBUT, Cognitive, Behavioral, Person Centered (Regain), Existential, Gestalt, and Family Systems. Due Week 2 – Freudian Due Week 4 ? Analytical/Jungian, Deadlier, & REBUT Due Week 5 – Cognitive, Behavioral, & Person Centered (Regain) Due Week 6 – Existential, Gestalt & Family Systems Grading Criteria for Each Chart Points Possible Name(s) of Theory and Foe ender(s) 1 0 Main Ideas 10 5 Key Buzzwords With Definitions 10

Integration Agreements 10 Integration Conflicts 10 Perception of Pathology 10 Perception of psychological Health 10 Main coals 10 Practical Pros 10 Practical Cons 10 Total for Each Chart 100 Total for 10 Charts 1000 Additional Reading Students will read a minimum of 200 pages in the original source material for a counseling theory. This will help with the above assignment and will aid in examining the original theorist’s thoughts. Students will inform the instructor in writing on the due date how mulch Of the reading they have completed. Due in Week 6. Total points 200: 1 point per page. Major Theory Paper

Students will declare a theoretical approach and write a 6-8-page paper choosing one of the secular theories of counseling as if they were going into practice and had to declare just one to determine their theoretical orientation in terms that are understandable to practitioners in the field in general. The paper should follow PAP style Students will need to answer each of the following 9 questions: 1 If you were going into practice today what secular theory would you choose? And why? 2 What do you perceive as its strengths? 3 How do you see it intersecting profoundly with a biblical worldview?

How could you practically integrate the two? 4 What excites you about this theory? 5 What do you perceive as its weaknesses? 6 How would you work in practice to minimize those weaknesses, I. E. How would you “tweak” your approach to strengthen your helpfulness to your clients? 7 In reading some of the source material for this theory what quote would choose that captures an important insight this theory offers? 8 What you personal experience might give you a bent towards or influence you to choose this theory? 9 What personality trait(s) might be influencing your choice of this theory?

Due in week 7. Students should be prepared to give a brief [5 minutes Max] presentation of their choice and the reasons for their choice. Grading Criteria Points Possible Answered question 1 50 Answered question 2 50 Answered question 3 50 Answered question 450 Answered question 5 50 Answered question 6 50 Answered question 7 50 Answered question 8 50 Answered question 9 50 Brief presentation, and PAP style/grammar/punctuation/spelling Total 500 Classroom Debate On the last week of class there will be light-hearted debate as to which theory is the best.

Students should come prepared to defend their choice Of theory ND point out flaws in the other theories. Week 7. Total points: 100 for participation. Final Quiz On the last day of class there will be a short quiz to test your knowledge of terms and ideas. This will be a light-hearted trivia-like time to give you a chance to test and display what you have learned. Week 7. Total points 1 00 for participation.

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Student Assignment. (2021, Dec 27). Retrieved February 10, 2025, from