Student Assignment

Student Assignment Words: 2457

There has seldom been a time when leadership was more challenging or more important. To be a leader, one has to make a difference and facilitate positive changes. Leaders inspire ND stimulate others to achieve worthwhile goals. This unit considers contemporary approaches to leadership, innovation and change from the philosophical perspective that leadership skills can be taught. To this end, the unit examines case studies and relevant theoretical perspectives and encourages critical self-reflection.

Learning Outcomes On completing this unit, students will have acquired: D 0 00 0 0 0 An understanding of the theory and practice of leadership An understanding of leadership in the Australian and international context Knowledge of how to enhance leadership skills An understanding of the relationship between entrepreneurship and leadership Knowledge of entrepreneurship in business, government and civil society Knowledge of innovative types of organization The capacity to undertake projects requiring research, analysis and the effective communication of the results b Generic Skills This unit focuses particularly on the generic skills and attributes of written communication, analysis and inquiry, working independently and with others and professionalism and social responsibility. Details of the generic skills and attributes which graduates of the University of Canberra are expected to obtain are available here: http://www. Enabler. Due. AU/cleaning/learning- support/us-graduate-attributes.. C Prerequisites and/or co-requisites Introduction to Management or permission of unit convener. Page 3 of 13 3: Delivery of Unit and Timetable Delivery mode This unit is delivered in face-to-face (OFF) and online (ONLY) modes. Students must enroll in the mode of their choice via Imply. Details for each mode are provided on the unit Model site. Assessment items are based on the following: 1 .

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An individual academic essay designed to assess your knowledge and understanding of leadership theories; 2. A group essay designed to sees your teamwork skills and knowledge of innovation and leadership; and 3. Regular quizzes to assess your breadth of knowledge of the key concepts and issues taught in this unit. B Schedule of lectures and tutorials by week Week 1 Activity Developing the leadership “attitude” (face-to-face and online) OFF: Face to face lecture (video recorded), no tutorials ONLY: Video-recorded lecture, no online discussion Essential reading: As per Model Week 2 Activity How do we know *what* makes a leader? (online only) OFF: Tutorials as per timetable: Introductions & administration ONLY: Online discussions as per

Model: Introductions & administration Essential reading: As per Model Week 3 Activity Styles, situations & contingencies (online only) r-OF: Tutorials as per timetable: Researching & referencing workshop ONLY: Online discussions as per Model: Researching & referencing workshop Essential reading: As per Model Week 4 Activity Becoming a leader (online only) OFF & ONLY: Model Quiz (10%) No tutorials, no online discussions Essential reading: As per Model Week 5 Activity Leading. Strategically. (online only) OFF & ONLY: Individual Academic Essay Due (30%) No tutorials, no online discussions Essential reading: As per Model age 4 Of 13 Week 6 Activity Leading. Self. Online only) OFF: Tutorials as per timetable ONLY: Online discussions as per Model Essential reading: As per Model Week 7 Activity Leading. Others. (online only) OFF & ONLY: Model Quiz (10%) No tutorials, no online discussions Essential reading: As per Model We 8 Wee k 9 Activity Mid-Term Break (class free period). No lectures, no tutorials, no online discussions. Activity Creativity (online only) OFF: Tutorials as per timetable ONLY: Online discussions as per Model Essential reading: As per Model week 10 Activity Leadership-Entrepreneurship=l-dervish? Online only) OFF & ONLY: Model Quiz (10%) No tutorials, no online discussions Essential reading: As per Model Week 1 Activity Leading. Globally. Online only) OFF & ONLY: Group Essay Due No tutorials, no online discussions Essential reading: As per Model Activity Leading by design (online only) OFF: Tutorials as per timetable ONLY: Week 13 Activity Leading: “l love change” (online only) OFF & ONLY: Model Quiz (10%) No tutorials or online discussions Essential reading: As per Model Page 5 of 13 Week 14 Activity OFF & ONLY: No lectures, not tutorials, no online discussion Unit Resources e-Text The set text for this unit is an e-text: Claws, J. G. (201 1). Level Three Leadership: Getting Below the Surface, 5th Edition, Prentice Hall. Details will be available on the Model site. However, a more expensive hardcopy version may be available from the Coop Bookshop on campus. Students are expected to bring their own annotating equipment for use during lectures and tutorial activities. Students are welcome to bring electronic devices into the classroom. See Model. B Materials and equipment Unit website 5: AAA Assessment Assessment overview Performance evaluation and grading will be based on the submission of (1) an individual academic essay (designed to assess your knowledge of leadership theories); (2) a group essay (designed to assess your teamwork and knowledge of leadership and innovation); and the completion of (3) four Model Quizzes (to assess your knowledge of the key concepts and issues taught in this unit). To pass this unit, you MUST attempt and/or submit all assessment items AND obtain a mark of at least 50% overall. Failure to submit any assessment item or complete a Model Quiz automatically results in a fail grade for the unit.

Unless an official extension is granted, assessment teems must be submitted no later than one week after the due date to be counted as “submitted”. Assessment items submitted later than one week after the due date will not be regarded as “submitted” and therefore will not be marked. Assessment Item (Students MUST submit all items to pass this unit) Essay 1: Individual Academic Essay (1500 words, minimum 12 academic references) Essay 2: Group Essay (2000-2500 words) 4 x Model Quizzes Due Date of Assessment Items pm Friday Week 5 pm Friday Week 11 Weeks 4, 7, 10 & 13 Weighting (100%) Page 6 of 13 b Details of each assessment item Assessment Criteria This section is to be read in conjunction with section ah: Additional Information.

Assessment criteria includes the information provided in this unit outline, information provided in lectures, tutorials and online discussions (in particular the Week 2 lecture and tutorial and online classes), and the additional information provided at the end of this section. Failure to read this unit outline or to attend classes (or participate online) does not constitute grounds for special consideration or review of results. Students are expected to have the capacity and commitment to attend class r to actively participate in online discussions. Students who are unable to commit to attending classes should enroll in the online (ONLY) mode for this unit. Individual Essay: There is one question, as follows: To what extent do leaders influence organizational effectiveness? In answering the question, demonstrate the application of leadership theories and concepts taught in the unit.

Important Notice: A minimum of 12 different references is required for this essay. Be careful using the Internet – it offers information, sometimes wildly inaccurate, while also not necessarily providing a strong critical analysis. The use of encyclopedia-style Web sources (e. G. Http:// womb. Wisped. Org/ and www. Differentiator. Com) is NOT acceptable at this level of study and any instance of using such references will attract a fail grade. To receive a Distinction grade or above, you will need to draw upon academic journals, texts and high-quality references, and exceed the minimum standards. Students must submit their academic essays in a Microsoft Word document electronically via Model.

Essays submitted in any other format will not be marked and will receive a fail grade of zero. It is also squired that essays include a list of references at the end of the essay (in alphabetical order by author surname) which is presented in a recognized Author/Date referencing system. This must be part of the essay document, not a separate file (see http://WV. Canberra. Due. AU/library/research gateway/research_help/referencing-guides). You MUST write in the third person for all assessment items in this unit. For example, rather than writing ‘In this essay, I discuss… ‘, write: ‘This essay will discuss… ‘. Writing in the third person is a formal writing skill which you must practice while undertaking this nit.

If you do not write in the third person your essay will attract a fail grade. Group Essay The group essay focuses on leadership and innovation. The essay question is: Many popular leadership books focus on transformational leadership. Why are leaders expected to be able to transform organizations? Specific Instructions: 1 Groups: Form a group of no less than two (2) and no more than three (3) persons (from any tutorial class or mode). Individual contributions will not be marked – groups of two or three Page 7 of 13 only – so choose your team early. 2. Word limit: Write an essay of between ,000 and 2,500 words (do not go above or below the word limit).

To determine your word count, highlight from the first word of the first sentence to the last word of the last sentence (this includes all quotes and in-text references), and use the Microsoft Word word-count function. 3. Teamwork: One of the principal objectives of this assignment is to develop teamwork – a necessary and highly valued component of modern leadership. Consent intently, all group members are responsible for the performance of the group and the timely submission of the assignment. Issues such as leaving the group assignment until the last moment or poor performance by group members will not be considered reasonable grounds for extensions or special consideration. Model Quizzes There are four Model quizzes, one each in Weeks 4, 7, 10 and 13.

The quizzes are designed to assess your knowledge of the key concepts taught in the unit, from all topics covered in the lectures, the tutorials, the online discussions, the readings from the e-text, and the unit website for the period before each quiz. You will have thirty (30) minutes to answer twenty (20) multiple choice questions in each quiz. Details will be revived in classes and discussions and on the Model site. Special assessment requirements ad Supplementary assessment Refer to the US Supplementary Assessment policy. Academic Integrity Students have a responsibility to uphold university standards on ethical scholarship. Good scholarship involves building on the work of others and use of others’ work must be acknowledged with proper attribution made. Cheating, plagiarism, and falsification of data are dishonest practices that contravene academic values.

The Academic Skills Centre provides opportunities to enhance student understanding of academic integrity. If Text-matching software Text matching software (Argued) will be used in this unit to check for plagiarism. Students at Level 2 are expected to be conversant with the consent ounces of plagiarism. Before submitting your work for assessment, you are required to submit your work for checking by Argued. Further instructions will be provided in class or via Model. Page 8 of 13 Student Responsibility Workload The amount of time you will need to spend on study in this unit will depend on a number of factors including your prior knowledge, learning skill level and learning style.

Nevertheless, in planning your time commitments you should toe that for a ICP unit the total notional workload over the semester or term is assumed to be 1 50 hours. These hours include time spent in classes. The total workload for units of different credit point value should vary proportionally. For example, for a ICP unit the total notional workload over a semester or term is assumed to be 300 hours. B Special needs Students who need assistance in undertaking the unit because of disability or other circumstances should inform their Unit Convener or US Accessibility as soon as possible so the necessary arrangements can be made. Participation requirements

Students are expected to participate in all tutorials (face-to-face) or discussions (online) and to do the required readings before the commencement of each week. Students are expected to undertake the necessary reading and research for written assignments. Withdrawal If you are planning to withdraw please discuss with your unit convener. Please see Withdrawal of Units for further information on deadlines. E Required IT skills Students must submit all work in the required electronic formats outlined in tutorial classes. Make it a habit to provide in-text references AND a list of preferences at the end of ANY assignments submitted while at university. Costs Work placements or internships Students are expected to purchase either the e-text or a hardcopy of the required textbook.

This unit focuses on fundamental scholarly skills and is designed to provide you with a solid introduction to the tools, attitude and confidence necessary for a successful learning experience while at university. Consequently, work placements or internships are not available in this unit. Additional information Important unit Rules Unit Outline: This unit outline is a formal document and it is the student’s accessibility to read the document in its entirety. Students can avoid incorrectly submitting assessment items and other issues which may affect the students grade simply by reading this document. If you have Page 9 of 13 any questions about the unit outline, ask your lecturer or tutor.

Where to Submit Assignments: All assignments are to be submitted via Model as electronic Microsoft Word documents. Assignments submitted elsewhere or in other formats will be not submitted and will immediately attract a fail grade. Writing style: All written assignments are to be written in full prose, hat is, full sentences using the generally-accepted academic essay format. Dot-points or numbered lists are NOT acceptable and written assignments with dot-points or numbered lists will achieve a lower grade. Referencing: All words taken from any source must be presented within quotation marks and acknowledged with a reference using a formal Author-Date referencing system.

All written assignments are to include a reference list at the end of the assignment. A reference list is a list of the references actually cited in the essay, presented in alphabetical order by author surname. Dot points or numbered reference lists are not acceptable. Failure to follow this convention will result in a lower mark for the relevant assessment item. DO NOT use lecture notes or tutorial discussions as references for assessment items – you must undertake your own study and reference the main source. Use of lecture and tutorial discussions as references is unacceptable and may contribute to a lower mark for the relevant assessment item.

Students are expected to look for material which is additional to the e-text in preparing their assessment items, and over-reliance on the e-text or the Internet for sources may reduce the marks awarded. Assessment Criteria: Assessment arterial are outlined in lectures, tutorials, online discussions and on the unit website. Sample essays at each grade level are provided to assist students to grasp the relevant standards. Additional information relating to assessment is outlined below: Grades: High Distinction: Work of outstanding quality on the learning outcomes of the unit, which may be demonstrated in areas such as criticism, logical argument, and interpretation of materials or use of methodology.

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Student Assignment. (2022, Feb 11). Retrieved February 23, 2025, from