Student Assignment

Student Assignment Words: 2976

International travel sometimes makes people more prejudiced rather than broad-minded. Give out reasons why it cannot bring benefits to those visitors. Do you have ways to improve people’s understanding of the countries they visit? Prior to mass tourism, the phenomenon was virtually unheard of that international travel has made common people have bias against the cultures in tourist destinations. It, nonetheless, has aroused the public attention these days. There are a great many reasons for this phenomenon.

What should be initially considered is that global tourism, in order to make more fortunes, ends to transmit fake information among those common tourists so it will make them fail to trust this industry anymore, and then credibility will be undermined in this process. For instance, tourism advertising is always so exaggerating that those travelers are tempted to buy what do not want indeed, such as souvenirs with low quality. Therefore, there are large quantities of complaints accumulated that may damage the reputation of the tourism industry in the long run.

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What is more, because there is a large floating population in those tourist attractions, the local living surroundings re of instability, which has made some of those travelers feel insecure, or even get afflicted with economic losses. In this case, they hold the prejudiced attitudes towards those destinations. Finally, in the course of mass tourism, those local cultures have been assimilated into their exotic counterparts so they are less unique than before, and as a consequence of this, the travelers’ experiences are not as fascinating as before.

According to the above three points, the corresponding solutions to this situation will be presented below. Firstly, a top priority should be given to the ay that authorities should take effective measures to regulate this sector by forbidding fake and misleading information. In other words, those common tourists’ interests will not be spoiled in this manner so it will be of great possibility that they will choose those places of interest. Furthermore, social stability should be guaranteed to help those people travel around the world in a peaceful and stable atmosphere.

Lastly, those local governments should protect their cultural identity effectively as they intend to generate enormous profits in this industry. That is to say, cultural originality is the foundation of he sustainable development of this industry. In conclusion, prejudice and discrimination in tourism has been in the spotlight at the moment. Therefore, it is high time that effective measures against it should be taken by the related authorities. Only in this case can the society as a whole benefit a lot. 2. Some people think that music is just only a form of entertainment. Do you agree or disagree?

When people have laid more emphasis on the importance of arts, whether music has the only role in entertainment or more is a frequent topic of discussion. Under such circumstance, people’s viewpoints vary. Some people firmly believe that the other functions of music get the upper hand. First of all, it is no doubt that music, as a profitable industry, has been generating enormous profits for the government and related businesses. In other words, it is an effective channel of making fortunes for them. For instance, musicians and music companies can gain fame and fortune overnight by releasing their music products, such as albums in public.

Meanwhile, they submit more taxes to the authorities. Therefore, it is an all- win situation. What is more, from the social angle, music serves as the carrier f culture which can transmit a variety of cultural messages to the public. A typical case concerns classical music that can help people deepen the recognition of local cultures or traditions. Finally, as an effective treatment for psychological problems, music has gained its popularity in the medical field. In many metropolises, those people who are suffering from depression or insomnia can feel secure and easy by listening to such peaceful and triangulating pieces of music.

Indeed, they never fail them. However, others are not in contradiction with the view that its role in entertaining the public cannot be ignored as well. In the first place, music can add colors to modern people’s lives because they tend to live a boring life without any excitement in their lives. For example, they, in order to enrich their lives, can go to concert or enjoy performances in their leisure time. Next, music is a feasible way for people to make friends and expand their social network. Kara Okay is an illustration of this point.

In terms of the statements identified above, I cannot oppose this opinion that music plays a leading role in economy and society, and meanwhile it can revere as a supportive part in entertainment. (336) 1 3. International travel is becoming cheaper, and more and more countries open their door to attract more and more tourists. Do the advantages of the increased tourism outweigh its disadvantages? Currently, an increasing number of people desire to travel around the world on account of less expensive international tourism. Therefore, whether or not the advantages of this type of tourism outweigh the disadvantages is ongoing and heated debate.

Some people think that the benefits this tourist industry brings to the society as a whole get the upper hand. Firstly, there is no denying that it, as a profitable industry, has been generating enormous profits for the government and related businesses. In other words, it has turned out to be an effective channel to create more opportunities for those countries to make fortunes. For instance, a great many travel agencies and people working in this trade have gained fame and fortune overnight. Therefore, it is an all-win situation.

What is more, the international travel can not only add colors to the public lives, but also help relieve the dual pressure from their work and life. On the nee hand, they can expand their horizons by experiencing various cultures. On the other hand, they can relax themselves by going out with their family or friends to the tourist attractions. However, their opponents are not in contradiction with the view that the drawbacks of the international tourism cannot be ignored as well. The more important to note is that mass international tourism has broken the ecological balance so social sustainable development has been adversely affected.

For example, in order to attract more travelers, local governments have constructed well-built infrastructure natural beauties. Although they ring considerable convenience to those travelers, the environment has been damaged in this process. The drawbacks Of the increased international travel are outnumbered by the benefits. Therefore, it has been massively promoted, and meanwhile its weaknesses should also be tackled as soon as possible. Only in this way can the society as a whole benefit a lot. (321 In some countries, the national traditional arts are facing extinction.

Some people think that the government should support them. Do you agree or disagree? What should the government do? Whether or not the government should support endangered national rotational artists ongoing and heated debate when people lay more emphasis on current affairs. In this case, it is commonly believed that the benefits of the government action get the upper hand. Firstly, research generally shows that the traditional arts can generate enormous profits for many related sectors and people because they have been evolved into a profitable industry’ these days.

In other words, by backing up the arts industry, the authorities can increase their revenues, and meanwhile, the artists and art businesses make more fortunes in this process. Therefore, it is an all-win situation. Furthermore, the endangered traditional arts should be preserved for the simple reason that they serve as the foundation of national sustainable development. As is well known, traditions represent national identity, so the conventional values and ideology which are reflected in those artistic forms can prevent modern people feeling lost and confused on the background of globalization.

People should be told their mainstream culture and morality which are beneficial to stability and peace in the society. However, their opponents are in line with the view that the drawbacks fifths reactive cannot be ignored as well. The most important to note is that the preservation for the traditional arts is a long-run investment which cannot only rely on the government funding because of its limited budget. Then, if so, the authorities may ignore their investments in healthcare and education, for example. Based on this point, it will form a vicious circulation. Nonetheless, the disadvantage mentioned above can be dealt with.

The suggested solution is that under the leadership of the government, private investors can be encouraged to put their money into this field. Len the meantime, people should be motivated to participate in conservation programs for the traditional arts. On the one hand, the government pressure can be alleviated. On the other hand, the popularity of those traditional artistic forms can be gained among the public. (331 1 . Some people think that the government should pay tuition fees for college students because they can bring benefits to the nation as a whole. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Whether or not the government should pay tuition fees for college students a frequent topic Of discussion when people have laid more emphasis on rent affairs. Under such circumstance, it is commonly believed that the benefits of the government action get the upper hand. First of all, if the government is in charge of the students’ tuition fees, national economy will be knowledge-oriented so that it can push a country forward. To put it another way, the government can increase their revenues in the future because those young people can make more contribution to it after graduation.

What is more, the government action can help improve population quality and make them literate so that they can be given more job opportunities to live and work in peace and contentment. Thus, social stability can be ensured. Last but not least, the government can help alleviate individual financial stress and confer the right of education on them for the main reason that tertiary education is probably unaffordable for most of people, especially for those from poor economic conditions. However, their opponents hold the belief that the drawbacks of the government action cannot be ignored.

In the first place, investing into higher education is a long-run investment which cannot only rely on the government ending because of its limited budget. By contrast, if it were only based on the government, it would impose heavy financial burdens on it. Next, this practice may hamper college students’ independence of the outside, which will be detrimental to their studies and future work. In other words, they are likely to lack motivation to work hard on their learning, with the possible consequence of failing to integrate into their future community.

According to what has been argued above, I cannot oppose the opinion that the demerits of the government paying the college students’ tuition are outnumbered by the merits. Therefore, this practice has been massively promoted. Only in this way can the society as a whole benefit a lot. (326*) 2. Some people think that the government should promote healthy lifestyles among the public, while others think it is not necessary. Discuss both sides and give your own opinion. Healthy lifestyles are a frequent topic of discussion when people have laid more emphasis on their own health problems.

Under such circumstance, the generally acknowledged view is that the government should promote them among common people in order to ensure their health to a large degree. First of all, there is no denying that this action can decrease the state expenditure on healthcare in the long run although the authorities have to afford the initial investments into promoting the healthy ways of life. In other words, if people are kept healthy, the government will spend less paying the heavy medical bills. More funds will be used to improve others fields.

What is more, public health serves as the foundation of peace and stability in the society. On the contrary, if people were afflicted with epidemics, they would not make more contribution to the country and the society as a whole would e trapped in a mess. Finally, people’s right of health can be ensured providing that the government stands out to publicize the notion of how to keep healthy among them. Simply, the authorities are armed with more professional knowledge about fitness or well-being than ordinary people. Based on this point, the government action gets effective and meaningful.

However, their opponents hold the belief that the drawbacks of this practice cannot be ignored. In the first place, the promotion of those healthy lifestyles is a long-run investment which cannot only rely on the government funding cause of its limited budget. Furthermore, the public are deprived of freedom to choose what lifestyle they are into. Therefore, this society is considered authoritative rather than democratic. The government should take the lead in promoting those healthy lifestyles. Only if so will the society as a whole benefit a lot. (309*) 3.

Some people think that the government should increase sport facilities for people to keep healthy. Whether or not authorities should construct sport facilities for the public is a frequent topic of discussion when public health has been in the spotlight these days. Ender such circumstance, it is commonly believed that the government has to take the unshakable duty in this aspect. Initially, fact generally shows that if the government invests funds into building sport facilities, it will help alleviate the government financial pressure in the long run.

In other words, less will be spent paying medical bills for its citizens when they are kept fit. Based on this point, it is inevitable that more investments should be put into bettering sport facilities in different communities. What is more, public health is closely associated with peace and stability in he society, so from this angle, the government has to establish more facilities for its people. Otherwise, common people would be trapped in horror and could not live and work in peace and contentment given that epidemics were prevalent nationwide.

Therefore, promoting healthy lifestyles among the public is indispensable to the peaceful society. A typical case concerns those recreational facilities constructed in local communities which have transmitted a notion of health to residents at least. However, even though the above points are reasonable, it is not to say that he only way for people’s physical health is based on the government. On the contrary, the authorities are afflicted with such limited budget that they fail to completely and effectively function in this field.

As a consequence, such nongovernmental organizations as private health institutes should be encouraged to put their money and energy into building more facilities for common people to take exercises and keep fit. But, In order to avoid them speculating in this market, they should come under the leadership Of the government. The government should take the lead in building more sport facilities for moon people, and meanwhile private businesses can play a supportive role in this aspect as well. (337*) 1 . Some people think that with the popularity of technology, such as computers, people can choose to work or study at home.

What is your opinion? Whether or not people should work or study at home with the help of technological products is a frequent topic of discussion when they have laid more emphasis on the profound effects of technology on individuals. In this case, it is commonly believed that they have to take a job or go to school in a traditional manner because the disadvantages of those products get the per hand in this aspect. Initially, fact generally shows that if people choose to work or study at home, it will make them develop the sedentary lifestyle which causes obesity and slipped discs, for example.

Because those diseases are incurable at the moment, they will adversely affect people’s life and work. Meanwhile, it will impose heavy burdens on the government in the long term for the health problems. Thus, it will form a vicious circulation. What is more, when every one can work or study on their own at home, they will be severely short of expanded social network, which will be detrimental to heir future work and life. For instance, if a student has to access education alone, he will not be armed with the most important qualification for his future which refers to teamwork spirit.

As is well known, knowing how to cooperate with others serves as the major contributor to personal success in the society. That is to say, the one that can make full use of combined efforts from his team will get more successful than his counterparts who cannot. However, even though the above two points are reasonable, the advantage cannot be ignored. By using such technological products as computers, those people can save their time and enhance their efficiency in work and studies.

For the commuters, they can avoid meeting traffic congestion and spare more time to concentrate on their assignments. Thus, they may make more contribution to their work. In terms of the statements Identified above, I cannot oppose this opinion that the merits of technological products for people to work or study are outnumbered by the demerits. Therefore, this practice should not be massively promoted, but should be resolved as soon as possible.

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