Sonsona Assignment

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Making Sense: Media’s Influence on Youth Ramie Philip Jones V. Seasons, DAD Mindanao University of Science and Technology Canaan De ROR, Philippines We live in an enthralling world and even more enthralling society. From the moment we wake up until the moment we go back to our beds, we avail of media. At the end of the day, you avail of the latest news from your television and crave for your favorite music over the radio and even log on to be connected to the rest of the world through the World Wide Web.

Our society is becoming more and more capable of being constantly informed, entertained, and connected to the other individuals at the lick off button. Life without media is simply unthinkable. The youth of today is perhaps the most significant users of media. As Burning (2005) posits the idea that as intelligent as we are, with the freedom and ability to make our own choices, the issue on how much influence does media have over our decision can be put to a test.

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This could be one of the stringent issues that can necessitate a lengthy explanation and can provide a good avenue that there can be no doubt that media influences us in innumerable ways. Mass media plays a vital role in the lives of the people in the society. It is a tool for news, information, promotion, and a platform for sharing ideas. It has a unique capability to dramatist, to focus, to reinforce and more importantly, to ensure that people participate in a process called bottom up communication.

Not only that, mass media also contributes to the dissemination of information and popularization of practices that all add up to the cultural heritage of a nation. The mass media can be one enormous factor in our environment that influences decisions and acts to inspire the youth. It is noteworthy that not all messages that media projects, though, are not t all positive. Mckee (2009) has given some significant questions such as: Do you feel attempting a stunt from a movie? Do you base your fashion on what you see the celebrities are wearing?

Do you copy the hairstyle of your famous personalities? Have you ever attempted to walk model – like in an attempt to imitate those ramp models in fashion shows? If the answer is yes to any of these questions, then it is fitting to say that media works positively in exerting influence in one’s life. Youth Culture Media strongly affects youth culture. A teenager’s life has never been considered “boring. From cellular phones to pod Touch, he would present the latest Lady Gaga, and Justine Briber’s latest songs. You would also see dangling earrings to skimpy shorts and mid-rift blouses.

Name the culprit – it’s the media. Lady Saga’s fashion Ana manner AT regressing may De too much Tort our youth out won would want to De left behind? As the word bandwagon would apply, it simply meaner equipping oneself with media’s hype. There are superstars – from movie idols, singing sensations and a lot more to mention that introduce songs and dance crazes that become for a while part of popular culture. According to Mascot (1992) only those with integrity are likely to endure and become part of the culture. He continued by saying that the rest are thrown into the dustbin of history.

Examples of the more enduring musical contributions, perhaps, are the Battles’ music, the Elvis rock and the Armstrong blue. They may not sound “pleasing” to the ears of our youth today but these are concrete examples of media’s propagation of popular culture. On the other hand, Mascot pointed media for the proliferation of fashion. It is noticeable that every year the high caliber gurus of fashion led by Christian Dior, room their fashion Olympus in Paris, New York or London, make their latest pronouncements about the newest thing to wear for milady.

And annually the mass media dutifully report these pronouncements to a female world waiting with bated breath to wear what Christian Dior thinks they should wear. It is fantastic to see how men can dictate to a world of women what they should wear year after year. Historically, we can recall how the mini skirt started in a small way in London way back in 1967. It was within five years the mini skirt enveloped the whole world, which caused a drop in textile sales, and became the symbol of the female liberation from social restrictions. In connection with this, then came the maxi, a reaction to the mint, and then the midi, a compromise.

If it not the hemline it is the neckline that is going up or down. Among those who became popular icons and styles are Marilyn Monroe, the GIG pin-up girl of Vietnam, popularized the plunging neckline and the cleavage. After these, came the see-thorough and the Cardigan top, which is nothing more than a loose shirt or Jacket worn over hot pants or bikini wear, thanks to mass media. What will happen to the next millennium trend of fashion? Candy, Vogue, Cosmopolitan to name a few can give us the answers and for sure whatever it is the fashion pages of the newspapers, from television and movies will never tell a lie.

Youths are the main targets of the sophisticated fashion. Accordingly, the media executives are quick to defend their participation while selling millions of dollars in ads focused on youth. TV producers, network executives, motion picture companies and others in the media deny any impact of their programs on the attitudes and actions of youth. Meanwhile they continue to spend millions on special effects and marketing geared to increase appeal to youth markets. While corporations spend millions on market research and advertising to create products and campaigns targeted at a youth demographic, they still deny their ability to influence youth.

If this were true to fact, would Mike continue spending millions every year on product development, marketing and advertising? WSDL McDonald’s still De slung cartoon Like contracted to sell mourners? WSDL music lades De increasing the level of violence and sexual content in the music geared towards the tout audience? WSDL liquor companies be using youth oriented activities in their advertising? Of course it works on influencing youth and its ideals advertising would not be a multi-billion dollar a year business.

If it had no influence, MET would not have consultant on staff spending huge amounts of money to ensure them keeping up with youth culture (Augural, 2008). Noteworthy to mention is the Filipinos love for music. Filipino teenagers exposure to music can be described as “foreign,” this meaner that western music especially American billboard chart dominates their world. Who would want to be left out mongo the youngsters? Call it bandwagon. Pinots are always on the go with hip-hop, memo, boy band, and a lot more, which by origin are all American influence. Who are popularizing these? Name the culprit – media.

Aside from these, Partnership for Alcohol Responsibility (PAR) said that many theorists suggest with evidence, that media has an influence on or affects our society, this can be verified in the way we think and the things that we do. For instance, advertisers are placing large billboards with ads that display the names of alcohol, while television and print ads portray omen as sexual objects because alcohol and other beverages in print geared towards the youth. It is also observable that there are a lot of young actors and actresses in the Philippine showbiz endorsing alcohol and hard drinks which are not suitable for teenagers.

Come to think of it, the youngsters of today’s generation may consider them as their role models; however, the discrimination between their endorsements and their personalities should be drawn. In connection to this even American media, both programming and advertising, are highly sexualities in their content. In fact, the average young viewer is exposed to 14 000 sexual references ACH year, yet only a handful provides an accurate portrayal of responsible sexual behavior or accurate information about birth control, abstinence, or the risks of pregnancy and sexually transmitted disease.

Profound Influence and Change of Behavior The media has a great impact in the way we act and think. It can have a deep influence on the behavior of its audience. Mckee (2009) posed a thought provoking idea, he said that when people try to imitate something seen or heard, there is a difficulty in letting them distinguish between right and wrong. The teenagers of today often mimic or imitate their role models blindly.

When the Korean tallness’s became a big hit over the primetimes television broadcasting, little did the Filipino teens realize that their frequent visit to their hair stylists would asked them to pattern their hairstyle from Dado Mining Is or even Shank Chic (the two are among the stars in Meteor Garden). More often than not, what is highlighted in the entertainment industry is the wrongdoings of celebrities whom the young people idealize. And since they are heroes in the youth’s minds, they are celebrated despite the bad behavior they have been showing to the public (Mckee, 2009).

This scenario is closely attributed to social psychoanalyst, Tidier Banana, won espoused ten Social Learning I energy. He explains that people learn through observing others’ behavior, attitudes, and outcomes of those behaviors. Accordingly, most human behavior is learned observationally through modeling: from observing others, one forms an idea of how new behaviors are performed, and on later occasions this coded information serves as a guide for action. Social learning theory explains human behavior in terms of continuous reciprocal interaction between cognitive, behavioral, and environmental influences.

In a youth and violence online source, it explicitly mentioned that if the media had no influence on human behavior, whether it is reenacting violence or influencing purchasing habits, we would not see billion each year spent on advertising. The psychology of human influence by media starts in its effectiveness with print, audio, print and pictures and video. This is also reflected in the cost of advertising space paid by corporations. This is not to claim that someone who watches a violent movie will go out and commit an act of violence as a direct result.

However, someone who as a predisposition to violence who watches a violent movie along with other contributing factors has the potential to act out in a violent manner. The glorification of violence in the media has contributed to the desensitizing of children and youth in relation to violence in our communities. Younger children who watch violence or play violent video games without being taught the basics of reality versus fantasy can attempt to re-enact the scenes or actions and not realize fully that there is no rewind button or restart button in real life.

Steele (2009) stated that many people do believe that children are exposed to lenience more than in the past by the time they reach eighteen years of age. His paper shed light on this, that children watch between twenty-three and thirty three hours of television each week and morning cartoons contain twenty to twenty five acts of violence per hour. This meaner that a child will typically see around 200,000 acts of violence by the time they are eighteen years of age.

In the same manner, The American Psychological Association did a fifteen-year study (1977-1992) that agrees with the statement that violence in the media causes aggression in adolescents despite their life at home or past history of aggressive behavior. Interestingly, the study stated that it was not the most violent programs that affected children the most but the ones where violence was used as a meaner to deliver Justice. However, El Peeling (2009) mentioned that there is no clear research that leads to a conclusion on the debate encircling violence in the media.

For every test that confirms violent media causes violence there is another one to debunk it. He cited a former army psychologist Dave Grossman, who believes that Hollywood is at fault for violence desensitizing and that videotapes teach kids how to use a god. Moreover, Kyle (2008) said that one of the most extensively studied areas of media influence is of media forms which contain violence and aggression. As early as the II/Us, sutures nave snow ten gallants exposure to meal contacting violence increases the risk of aggressive behaviors.

According to studies, over the years the amount of violence people watched; books read, and the games played have increased dramatically. The overwhelming consensus of studies conducted by various agencies such as the American Psychological Association and the National Institute of Mental Health is that there is substantial evidence that there is a finagle link between exposure to violence in the media and aggressive behavior in children. Young people who view violent events such as murder, kidnapping, or fighting tend to view the world as a scary place. These fearful feelings can cause intense feelings of anxiety at a very early age.

In addition, Kyle elaborated by saying that it is a strong belief of many experts that the context of the exposure to violence greatly determines the influence it will have on the individual. According to the office of The Surgeon General, children are theoretically more susceptible to behavioral influences when they are active artisans than when they are simply observers. Kids who participate in violence through the media in forms such as violently themed video games are more likely to be affected in a more serious way than they are by more passive exposure.

With the effects of passive exposure to violence already deemed very unhealthy for children and young adults, this new view on the ramifications of more interactive violent forms of media is becoming a huge concern to parent’s, and care givers, educators. Not only that, recent studies have revealed that the media has become progressively equalized. The teens of today are commonly participating in and casually talk about sexual activity in the media. The sexual behaviors of the youngsters are no longer confined in taboo.

They are now very much exposed to the public, as commercial showing condoms and other contraceptive flourish into the scene. The depiction of sex on television and in movies is sometimes unrealistic and as Kyle claimed to be void of serious consequences. She claimed that it is more difficult for young people to apply the real life results of many of the potentially destructive behaviors that are recurrently depicted by the media and so as casual sexual relationships occur with shocking regularity. Along this line, as previously mentioned, advertisements given by media can be credited for the teenager’s consciousness toward his self.

Young people often feel self conscious about their appearance, their size and their manner of dressing. The constant bombardment of commercials from shampoo to hairline and beauty products often gives confusion to the young generation but offers a huge profit to the advertisers. If there is a gratification to the advertisers as their products are sold, will here be the same to the buyers? The teens would clamor for new cellular phone, as it will appear their “need” to have the latest MPH gadget or even ‘pod Just to keep up with their peers.

Commercials then serve to inform the viewer on the latest product or even the emergence of a more advanced and sophisticated ones. In a related note, another influence of media is the issue on body image and self esteem. Kyle salsa Tanat researchers suggest Tanat ten development AT sell-esteem In young people is drastically effected by the media they are exposed to. The media is seen to portray unrealistic standard of beauty and body weight. Lately, singing sensation, Charier Opening came out with her bottom operation. Media go gaga over this issue as the young singer wanted to have some augmentation due to health reasons.

In Philippine setting, there’s an emergence of the term, “teens,” – adolescents aged ten to twelve years old. They are neither too young nor old enough to dress up or act like adults. Market executives have developed a line of products specifically devoted to them – from hair spray, gel and cosmetics and the like. Scan a magazine and watch an advertisement, surely, one would see these array of products s the teens would “claim” their place. Young people are highly influenced by images of stars and models in the media without understanding that images are often altered to enhance appearances.

Kyle explained this by saying the depth of the effects of the media standard for body image on young people is yet to be fully determined. It has become an increased area of concern and is most certainly an area the where more study is needed to draw precise conclusions. It is popular opinion that the staggeringly large number of young people who suffer from eating disorders and engage in unhealthy dieting or aka potentially harmful diet pills is a direct effect of media influence, but there is yet to be substantial hard evidence to prove this connection.

In spite of this lack of evidence, it is apparent that young people today are under an extreme amount of pressure to achieve physical perfection. Another associated negative influence of media is eating disorders. Mckee said that there is a significant number of youth nowadays suffering from eating disorders attributable to unhealthy lifestyles that are emerging. He impugned this to the television programs, movies, and even print materials which often showcase this epistyle as fun activities despite their negative effect on health.

Contrasting to this, there is also the “proliferation” of childhood obesity. This has been due to the exposure of the youngsters to television and other broadcast media like internet. In United States alone, kids watch about 4 hours of television a day. That is double the recommended daily amount. This estimated time does not include time spent by children with other media sources such as internet, movies, or music. The increase of time spent using media is undoubtedly the most significant cause of a dramatic crease in physical activity among children.

As a result, media hypes the accessibility of vices. On a separate note, media also offers a great “diversion” for the students of today. For it has been observed that instead of reading books, studying, engaging in social activities and playing outdoors, they end up being cooped up in their rooms watching television or if not connecting to social networking sites like Backbone, Twitter and the like. And because of these technological advancements and availability of various gadgets, young people end up learning and reading things, which are not suitable for heir age.

Students are now becoming lazy by Just copying the posted information Trot ten Internet. Gone are ten clays when Dodos are Doorway Ana scanned Trot page to page. They are not even checking if the posted information is correct or not. Pornography may also come into the picture, which the World Wide Web is saturated with it and appears everywhere from the pop up banners that brings inappropriate content. Academic Achievement Students nowadays have a wide and varied exposure to the different forms of media. Such that their media habits and preferences vary according to their needs.

Their hoicks and preferences may have a significant impact on their academic performance. Given the prominence of mass media like that of electronic media in the students’ lives, it is reasonable to be concerned about the potential effects of media to their academic performance. Mass media affects can be positive or negative (Walsh, Goldman, & Brown, 1996). In one study, increase in media usage (in terms of amount) is correlated with poorer social relationships, fewer social interactions, lower reading scores, and poorer school achievements (Door & Rubin, 1995: Stanford Institute for Quantitative Study of Society: 2000).

However, increased usage of educational media has been shown to have beneficial effects (e. G. Avery, 1991). In a study conducted by Seasons (2007), it was found out that among TV, radio, electronic media and print only electronic media showed a significant influence on academic performance of students. This fairly implies that electronic medium has a positive bearing on the students’ academic performance. This positive effect can be attributed to the way students use this technology. The study further reveals that students use the electronic medium for research-related materials.

Besides, internet oafГ©g’s are situated near colleges and universities that provide venues for students’ academic work. Furthermore, according to Reuters (2003), internet serves as a primary medium for information and is accessible among the young people of today. Similarly, during the 2004 4th World Summit on Media for Children and Adolescents, it reported that: The internet has been gaining popularity among young people, though at a much slower pace than television and radio. In spite of significant differences among the developed and developing world, the use of computers and the internet is rising steadily, fastest among young men.

Moreover it also noted that: Nevertheless, even in countries where internet and computer use is low, young people actively seek access whenever possible, most often in internet cafes. Young people are enthusiastic about the internet because, more than any other medium, it helps them establish contact with the outside world and freely seek information. Perhaps it is free’ access to information that also accounts for the higher levels of trust young people (and adults as well) often place in information on the web than in information from traditional media.

A new concept In meal use emerged Ana Nils Is called multi -tasking. Cannot (2 reported a study from the Kaiser Family Foundation says that teens and kids do their fair share of media multitasking. One area that sees the least multitasking is TV. 55 percent of the time teens are not multitasking while watching TV. The same goes for video games. The activity that has the most multitasking involved is e-mail. When young people are engaging in computer related activities like looking at a Web site or instant messaging they are multitasking around two thirds of the time.

When using e-mail they are multitasking nearly 80 percent of the time. According to the study young people’s secondary activity while watching TV is eating or doing chores. While using a computer they are more likely to listen to music or watch TV. The Positive Side A coin has two sides, focusing on the positive side, media offers a lot of unquestionable effects. For one, it is through media that people get the right information. Other essential things offered by media in the form communication in society might be categorized as political, economic and social.

Under political, media has the role of providing information upon which political decisions of leaders and he general public are based. The day to day affairs of the government is closely monitored by the press, corollary to this function of the mass media is the function of creating and reflecting public opinion, which holds true not only for democratic countries but for authoritarian societies as well. People are also guarded by media by serving as watchdogs of the government.

While for its economic role, goods and services are better given through advertising and other vehicles for social transformation. And social role contributes to the popularization of practices that all ads to the cultural heritage of a nation. As Augural said media plays a very important role in creating awareness. There are certain issues which remain untouched among youngsters as they feel guarded concerning it. Media helps in providing information regarding such topics. There are many such topics that are highlighted by the media.

One other such issue is the debate carried on regarding sex education. Media was trying to highlight both the aspects of the matter that whether sex education must be allowed in schools or not. There is now a great “debate” whether or not Philippine education will adhere to the inclusion of sex education into the curriculum as this is vehemently opposed by the Roman Catholic Church. With proper sex education, media can create consciousness. Media then, may not be viewed as solely for its entertainment value but more realistically in its power of persuasion.

Not only that, media can also inculcate proper awareness on HIVE/AIDS education and dissemination. The curiosity of young people of today can be the target of this ill-fated and most dreadful disease. In a similar view, Reuters (2003) reported that teenagers nowadays spend nearly 17 hours online each week. Reuters added that electronic medium serves its purpose for information and school needs of the students. Likewise, Manmade (2004) posted results AT a meal survey, wanly revealed Tanat Internet was Emma to De ten most “informative” and perhaps more importantly, one that offers the “greatest control,” of all media.

This was significantly illustrated by the same source reporting that when students use the internet they are not only checking their e-mail, nor playing online games but also use the medium in researching and making their projects and assignments, which also confirms to what Reuters reported. Notwithstanding, the enumerated negative influence, media can also offer a wide array of information from cultural, scientific and vast knowledge source of all sorts. A student would not pile dusts in scanning a textbook but in a blink of an eye, he is offered with the information he need.

Yet, careful scrutiny should be done in order to know the veracity of this body of the knowledge. What (else) needs to be done? According to FRR. Lager (1992), in his article, Mass Media and Values, the influence of media on the youth is no longer a matter of conjecture. It has the potential for good as well as bad. According to him, there is a need to train teachers to understand deeply the role of media in the youth’s environment. Meeting this need could be a giant step toward forming the character and personality of students.

Thus, media can be turned into a positive instrument for developing values. The question now is how to inculcate these values to the youth of today. One of the ways is that teachers should be prudent and in their critical role in molding them. Since they have a critical role, the schools and teachers must be together in integrating mass media education in the curriculum and so as to influence students n what newspapers, magazines, and books to read, including music to hear and websites to visit.

They can guide their choice of radio and TV programs to listen and watch. This also estimates the roles of parent’s. In a published column (Inbox) by Philippine Star, dated December 13, 2008, parent’s voiced out their sentiments to the question, What can parent’s do to counter negative influences of media on today’s youth? Some of the responses are: Erwin Espanola, Panamanian: As parent’s of today’s youth, we must impose parental censorship at home. Let us check the television programs being watched by our children.

Felix Raiment, Manila: The bad effects of media on today’s youth notwithstanding, parent’s should be more wary about the greater dangers that the evil side the computer could inflict. Limit their exposure to media Joana Razz Bagman, Bungee: Give them adequate spanking. Limit their exposure to junk media and ground them from time to time. Just make them realize what’s good from what’s not. Delft Doctor, Met. Province: Parent’s must regulate their children from immoral TV, radio talk shows, movie shows, lewd internet programs, and pornographic tabloid newspapers.

Set a good example Feller Rowel Singing, Northern Samara: To counter the negative influences of media on today’s youth, parent’s must be involved in all aspects of their children’s lives and must communicate with their children often and discuss public issues with them in an honest family setting. Parent’s must teach their children not only with words but Walt tenet very own octagons Ana examples, Ana enlist ten Nell AT ten concur In order to strengthen the youth against the onslaught of negative influences in the media. Robert Young Jar. San Juan: Parent’s can help counter the negative influence of media y communicating and discussing issues with members of the family. Parent’s should also encourage children to voice out their opinion with both sides respecting each other’s opinion. Sometimes, it is as easy as setting good examples like choosing the right broadsheet, TV shows and radio programs, magazine and movies. Strengthen their value formation Ere Blank, Antipodal City: Parent’s should strengthen the youth’s value formation to ward off influences of vicious media peddling bawdy inanities.

Leonard Villa, Bataan City: Parent’s should constantly interact with their children and educate them on proper moral values and strong spirituality. Parent’s are their children’s strongest and most effective influence. Gerry del Canon, Mutational City: Parent’s should teach their children good values. They should be good role models. They should be patient in guiding children and seeing if they behave well and understand their mistakes. Enforce discipline Jim Veneration, Nag City: Nothing beats hard-core but magnanimous discipline on our children.

It should be a little or Just enough of everything as anything that’s too much is poison. Bong Mime, Metro Manila: As long as children have the sense of sight, they will surely absorb what media purveys, whether good or bad. Instead of lucking their eyes, try to discipline them as early as possible while they’re still young to motivate their minds to reduce any influence made by media. Influence media Jose Affable Jar. , Canaan De ROR City: We should tell media in more ways than one to be more responsible in its trade.

Shun negative media Dave Valances, Martinique: I think parent’s should remind the youth that negative media is a menace to society, retrogressing the development of the country. Conclusion We live in an enthralling world. Media “controls” our life as it also drives our economy, provides an access to wide array of information, which also furnishes access to knowledge and services. It is a world of creation and re-creation from technology to culture, where innovation plays a pivotal role.

The media is the most highly underestimated source of learning for the youth and the adults as well. A close monitoring should be observed among the youths so as to ascertain that they received the proper information and use that valuable information for their benefit. As Kyle exclaims, in almost all of the studies conducted on the effects of media on young people the results were greatly altered when there was close intervention by an adult. This would result that it is nearly impossible to protect children from potentially damaging images in the media.

However, by understanding media literacy and the conceivable negative effects that media can have on the youth, it will not be difficult to coun

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