Significance of Internet to Students Assignment

Significance of Internet to Students Assignment Words: 3852

To capitalize upon such opportunities, schools and families eagerly facilitate Internet use, particularly n East Asia, where academic achievement remains the top priority at school. At the same time, however, the Internet has also become a major concern for parents, because some online activities may seriously distract adolescents from their homework. For parents and educators alike, therefore, it is important to determine whether and how Internet use is linked to academic achievement, a key outcome of school learning.

The first Filipino logged in to the Internet was on March 29, 2000, when the Philippine Network Foundation, a consortium of private and public institutions, obtained the country’s first public permanent connection to the Internet Mingles, Magenta, Firth and Kelly, (2002). Since then, the number of Filipino Internet users has grown, gradually at first but considerably rapid in the past few years. The International Communication Union (ITS) estimates that from a mere 4,000 Internet users in year 2000, there were about 8. Million of Filipino Internet users in 201 1 . Although this rate of Internet adoption is considerably lower than its Southeast Asian neighbors, the percentage of Filipino Internet users has exponentially increased from 0. 005% of the total population in 2000 to 9% in 201 1. The Filipinos, indeed, are eating “sucked” into worldwide web Ho, (2009). Yet, despite this growth of Internet use in the Philippines, there seems to be a scarcity on data on the Filipino Internet users online behavior.

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Few studies on patterns of Internet use have been conducted, but these studies were limited in geographic coverage and to select subjects/respondents. The Yahoo! -Nielsen Net Index initiative, conducted twice since 2011 , only gathers data on Internet users in National Urban Philippines, or in only 22 major cities across the country. The Asia Institute of Journalism and Communication conducted for the United Nations Children’s Fund (EUNICE) a nationwide survey on Internet access and use by Filipino schoolchildren.

Although these studies provide a snapshot of how and why Filipinos use the Internet, they do not provide a comprehensive picture on the socio-demographic factors that promote (or hinder) access to and use of the Internet. Even government-produced statistics on the usage of the Internet ? or on information communication tech oenology for that matter are limited, not updated regularly, and not readily available to the public. Technology has developed so much that it is almost crucial to have electronic devices particularly the personal computers at home, school, internet cafe, etc.

Teenagers have gotten soused to have technology around them. However, while having these computers that make life easier, comfortable, and handy at most of the times, it could also have negative effects on their lives particularly in their studies when used too much. When these computers are used too much by these teenagers, they will develop a kind of addiction which is now commonly called computer addiction. Computer addiction is defined as such a strong involvement with a machine or what can be displayed on it that the usual criteria for impairment through addiction are met Lowing, (2009).

This is the most common addiction being observed by the researchers to the teenagers who are in their first year collegiate level. Computer games, cyber-sex, cyber relationship, internet gambling and information overload are the causes why students are being addicted to computer. These are the most common things that they do when they are in front of a computer Diverseness & Guppy, (2004). These causes can affect the academic performance of the students. There are high rate of failure and drop-out rate of the students.

The nearby computer shops trigger the students to be easily cooked in computer use. Due to the development and spread of cheaper and more user-friendly computer technology and software (e. G. , portable computers, Microsoft Word etc), the use of the Internet has increased dramatically. In 2010, the world’s Internet use was 28. 7% of the population. While this may not seem like a very large portion of the world’s population, the growth in the use of the Internet has been dramatic. For example, between 2000 and 201 0, the rate of growth of Internet use was 44. 8% (Internet World Stats, 2010).

Previous studies have been inconclusive about the relation between Internet use and academic achievement. Among high school students, for example, the amount of time using the Internet has little to do with individual’s academic achievement. Furthermore, students’ grade point averages (GAP) are not closely correlated with specific activities, such as searching for information, E-mailing and playing games Henley et al Among college students, however, searching information online about course materials helps boost intellectual development and facilitates preparation for future jobs.

In contrast, heavily indulging in online recreation has been closely linked to impaired academic performance Cubby, Alvin, & Barrows, SKU& Huh, (2005). The most effective communication resources, computers and the Internet, are part of our daily life and have become one of the important tools in the education. The Internet helps transfer information between different points therefore this satiation makes the Internet a very powerful information system.

People in different age groups and jobs, students and academicians who do scientific research and prepare projects prefer using the Internet because it is the easiest, fastest, and cheapest ways of accessing necessary information Cloud, (2011 The use of the Internet in the educational environment has enabled easy access to many resources, and information sharing has, therefore, significantly increased. Moreover, the prevalence of this sharing has brought additional benefits in that these resources can be used in any location and any time.

Although the efficiency of this technology, it is evaluated with use Of proportion of the desired results in student achievement does not exactly come out and is difficult to determine. Hence, much research has been conducted over time to understand the reasons for this situation. There are many benefits associated with Internet use, such as access to added information, worldwide access to news and events, and interpersonal communication through email.

However, along with the phenomenal growth of the Internet and its use, there has been a growing concern worldwide regarding the risks associated with internet over-use (Buckhorn, 2009; The Associated Press, 2009). It is now believed that there could be widespread addiction to it, in particular amongst college and university students (Kim, et al. , 2010). Since adolescents, especially some university students sometimes, use the Internet for reasons other than educational (they explore the funny View of the Internet).

The effect of the Internet in education is, hence, relatively limited. In this study, efficiency and effectiveness of access to resources on the Internet, rather than examination of Internet use has been investigated. In addition, we have sought to identify the impacts of Internet resources used by university students in their project, and which effects of the internet are observed during project elicitation phase. Internet use, especially in education, has been investigated for sometimes, and many different studies, exist in literature about that subject.

Hung (2009) emphasized the effects of the Internet as an effective teaching tool in university education, and proposed that many university teachers publish their course materials via the internet. They suggested that it is insufficient for university lecturers and administrators to use the Internet as a good teaching tool, and that students’ internet use should also be investigated. It is very evident that people specially students nowadays are now attached to computer the addictive computer programs and not with books in making reports and academic works.

For example: students tend to play games first, rows websites and make friends with new people by the use of the internet rather than studying. For these reasons, the researchers conducted this paper to give an overview for the readers to fully understand the causes of computer addiction and how it affects the academic performances of college students. This paper is in point a fact about computer addiction and how it declines the academic performances of college students.

The researchers performed surveys and interview to completely accomplish this paper. B. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM This study aimed to determine the effect of internet usage at academic reference of students at Far Eastern university- East Asia College. Specifically the study will answer the following questions. 1. What is the profile Of the respondents in terms Of: 1. 1 Age; 1 2 Gender; 1. 2 College Level; and 1. 4 Number of computer at home 2. What are the practices of students in terms of using computer: 2. Availability of computer at home and school; 2. 2 Availability of internet connection; and 2. 3 Computer as a means of communication 2. 4 Literacy in computer programs; 2. 5 Computer usage preferences; 2. 6 Accessibility of computer and internet; 2. 7 Degree of computer usage; 2. Internet as mode of educational updates; 2. 9 Amount of time spent using compute; and 2. 10 Amount of time spent on studying C. PURPOSEFUL STUDY The objective of the study is to know the significant effect of internet usage on the academic performance of the students.

This study explored college students regular use of the Internet and computer as well as whether usage patterns, and perceptions about the academic effects of use, relate to time spent studying and/or academic performance. D. SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY Clearly, there is a need to conduct research with the significant effect of internet usage on the students. The findings of this study can highlight the benefits and values cherished by the youths while using the internet. This information is integral in directing professionals who care or involved in the academic life of the students.

Educators: Results from this study could help educators plan for appropriate project to uplift the conditions of the college students regarding the effect of computer usage to the academic performance of their students. Furthermore, results may be used as baseline data in planning, implementing, and evaluating programs and services facilitated on making plans for college students. Students: From this study, allege students could better understand their value system and what they had gone through. With this, they could cooperate and work together with other students and educators to make academic performance better.

Parents: This would provide information to guardians in having information and guidelines regarding the effect of computer and internet on their children’s academic performance so as they can provide specific award or punishment measures. Future Researcher: This study could serve as their basis for a more sophisticated and wide scale studies on academic effects of computer usage among college students. Findings from the study could be used as a stepping Stone to conduct more researches in order to better understand and possibly enhance the knowledge of the researchers.

E. SCOPE OF THE STUDY This study will be conducted among college students of Far Eastern University- East Asia College. The researchers aim to achieve at least 30 respondents under convenience random sampling. The study covered internet and computer usage of each students in areas of literacy in computer programs, amount of time spent on computer and studying. Also the researcher studied about the common problems encountered by the allege students in terms of computer and academic relationship.

Each participant will be requested to accomplish a questionnaire on their perceptions about their computer and internet use, self-rated adequacy and educational experiences. F. LIMITATION OF THE STUDY A limitation of the study is the small size of college students and difficulty of locating respondents (who normally are not willing to discuss their perceptions in regard to the effect of computer on their academic life), seriously impeded the ability of the researchers to reach the target number of respondents. The study will not cover the computer use of other students in

Far Eastern University other than from East Asia College. G. HYPOTHESIS In pursuit of the research problem and to realize the objective of this study, the following hypothesis is raised: There is a significant effect on the internet usage on the academic performance of the college students in Far Eastern University- East Asia College. METHODOLOGY This includes a detailed description of the research design, the population and sample of the study, sampling plan and design, the instruments used, validation of questionnaire, pre- testing of instrument and gathering of data and statistical treatment of data.

A. RESEARCH DESIGN This study used the quantitative descriptive normative survey of research that concerns internet usage of selected students at Far Eastern University- East Asia College. This method according to Polite (2010) is conducted to determine the normal and typical condition of situations and people. Norms are established by authoritative standards which are obtained by getting ideal from a representative group. B. POPULATION AND SAMPLE OF THE STUDY There are a total of 30 respondents in the study.

The 30 respondents are comprised of male and female which corresponds to 100% of the total 30 allege students. With this figure, the required 100% of the population is achieved, the sample hence considered as a good representation of the population. Respondents of the study are the selected students of Far Eastern University- East college. SAMPLING TECHNIQUE The respondents are selected in a non-random sampling. According to Polite (201 0),this kind of sampling is purposely chosen for an in depth understanding of a particular experience, situation, cultural element or misconduct.

Non-probability purposive sampling type is utilized. The researcher selects and studies a specific number of a special group that presents the target population with regards to certain characteristics such as age, sex or economic status. The subjects are selected based on the certain criteria for the purposes of the study. The 30 students from Far Eastern University- East Asia College who were qualified based on the criteria made were selected to determine their internet usage including its effect on the academic performance of each students.

GATHERING OF DATA Data were collected in the year 201 3 on the month of August. Participation in the study was requested from the research advisor to conduct the study on its department. The researchers seek the help of the research advisor in constructing the research questionnaire. C. INSTRUMENT The primary tool used in gathering data is a self-structured questionnaire consisting of three parts. Part I gathered information on the college students socio-demographic characteristic in terms of, age, gender, educational attainment and number of computer owned at home.

Part II identifies how do the selected students use the computer in terms of its usage at home, connectivity to the internet, availability of computer, usage of email by professor and weighing studying from self-entertainment. Part Ill identifies he literacy of each college student on using the computers program and tools, programs and website they most prefer to spend their time, time of accessibility to computer and its degree of usage. Part IV of the research questionnaire involves an open question regarding the usefulness of accessing internet on modern gadgets and its effects on relationship with parents or guardians.

Validation of the Questionnaire The questionnaire has been subjected to content validation. According to Franken and Wallet (1994), the judgment on the content and logical structure of an instrument as it is to be used in a particular study is enough for alteration purposes. Through the process of validation, the questionnaire will be able to measure what it intends to measure. DATA ANALYSIS: STATISTICAL TREATMENT The data that will be gathered from the instrument will be collated, analyzed and treated with statistical measures.

The statistical measures that were used in the study are the following: Question 1: Profile of the college students: Percentage. It is computed to determine the proportion of a part to a whole. (Spears, 2005) Thus, % = fin x 100 Where: % = percentage f = frequency n number of cases Question 2: Computer usage of College Students: Arithmetic Mean. It is the most reliable measure of central tendency of the given variables in a study. (Spears, 2005) Thus, X = fin Where: x = mean f frequency or sum of score n = total number of choices Question 3: Computer Literacy of College Students Standard Deviation.

It shows the absolute measure of variability. Its computation is based upon the squares of deviation of every measure from the arithmetic mean. Thus, SD nix- (x)an (n-l) Where: xix = sum of squared mean n = number of population x = arithmetic mean Question 4: Open question about internet on modern gadgets and its effect n parent relationship will be analyzed using a descriptive manner. The hypothesis will be tested by using the formula of chi-square. Chi-square is usually used with a sample is more than 30 at a level of significance of 0. 05 and 0. 01 ran’s, 2002).

Thus, (e) Where: xx = chi- square f a? actual frequency or number of observations in a cell f e actual frequency or number of observations in a cell in the theoretical distribution. = symbol for “summation” the differences are cumulative RESULTS AND DISCUSSION This chapter presents the analysis and interpretation of the statistical data on he significant effect of computer usage on the academic performance of college student of Far Eastern University- East Asia College. The data gathered were based from the questionnaire by the researcher to the respondents including the checklist and open ended questions.

A. Demographic Profile of Respondents A total of thirty (30) respondents were selected for this study. Of this number, all returned the questionnaires given them, with satisfactorily complete answers. These 30 respondents, therefore, constituted the sample of the study. Table AY Demographic Profile of Respondents Age Frequency I Percentage I 161 21 6. 7% 171 14 | 46. 67% 181 61 20%1 191 41 13. 33% | 201 21 6. 67% 21121 6. 67% N = | 30 | 100% | Table A. L shows the demographic profile of respondents in terms of age. Based on the data gathered, most respondents are on age of 17 with 46. 7% followed by 18 years old with 20%. Most of the respondents are on their teenage stage which is believed to use the computer more. Ages of 16, 20, and 21 ranked last on the table. According to Pew Internet Project (2009), reveals that 93% of the teens ages 12-17 go online, as do 93% of young adults ages 18-29. Three quarters (74%) of all adults ages 18 and older go online. Over the past ten years, teens and young adults have been consistently the two groups most likely to go online, even as the internet population has grown and even with documented larger increases in certain age cohorts.

As of the data gathered it clearly shows that among all the respondents in the Far Eastern University- East Asia College belongs to the teenage students. Table A . 2 Gender of the Respondents Gender I Frequency I Percentage I Male 15 | Female 1 151 50%I 1 301 100% | Table A . 2 illustrates the gender of the respondents. There is an equal distribution among male and female students even if the researchers had seed a convenience or accidental random sampling method. Both male and female respondents have a total of 50% share on the table presented above.

Based on Social network demographics in 2012 which was done by Royal Pinging, 84% (1 6 out of 19) of the sites have more female than male users. On the other hand Twitter and Backbone have almost the same male-female ratio; Twitter with 59% female users and Backbone with 57% on both gender respectively. Table A . 3 Level of Educational Attainment of Respondents College Level I Frequency I Percentage I 1st year 1 31 10%l 2nd year 22 73. 33% | 3rd yearly 51 16. 7% Table A. 3 displays the level of educational attainment of respondents on college level. Most of the respondents with a total of 73. 3% belongs to the second year students, followed by 3rd year students with 16. 67% and first year students rank as last with 10%. Accordant to the study Of Jacob Nielsen (201 0), One-fifth (20%) of today’s college students began using computers between the ages of 5 and 8. By the time they were 16 to 18 years old all of today’s current college students had begun using computers – and the Internet was a common place in the world in which they lived. He added that Students are indeed comfortable with technology: it doesn’t intimidate them the way it does some older users.

But, except for computer science and other engineering students, it’s dangerous to assume that students are technology experts ? or “digital natives” as it’s sometimes called”. Table B. 1 Question: Answer the following questions about your computer use. Computer usage I Yes I No I 1. Do you use the computer at home for school work? | 100% 0% | 2. Is your computer connected to the Internet? | 93. 33% | 6. 67% 3. If you do not have a computer/Lenten can you use one/it from somewhere else? 6. 67% | 16. 67% 4.

Does your teacher use email for communicating with your parents? | 46. 67% | 53. 33% | 5. Does your teacher uses email for school assignments? | 96. 67% | 3. 33% 6. Do you spend most of the time surfing the internet for self-entertainment rather than studying? 90. % | 10% | Table B. 1 clearly shows how do the college respondents used the computer. Based on tally scores gathered by the researchers, 100% of the respondents had used the computer and internet for school work. In contrast to this, Based on the study of Internet See Behavior and Attitude of College

Students: a Survey of Leadership Colleges’ Network (201 0), most participants (100 percent) stated that they used the Internet to update their knowledge and for educational purpose. On the second place is the usage of computer to check the assignments sent by the teachers by email with a percentage of 96. 67+6. “College students are frequently looking for email, with 72% checking email at least once a day”, emphasized by Pew Internet ; American Life Project (2010). On the consecutive place was the usage of computer internet and surfing for self- entertainment with a percentage of 90% and above.

According to College Students on the Web by Jacob Nielsen (201 0), teenagers prefer websites that have dynamic and engaging interactive activities, such as quizzes and games. They like sites to be “fun. ” On the other hand, most of the teachers at the Far Eastern University, East Asia College does not utilized the usage of email in communicating with the parents of the respondents with a total percentage of 46. 67% and ranks as the lowest in terms of computer and internet usage. Table 1. Please check the following computer tools/programs you know how to use (check all that apply): Tools/Application Frequency I Percentage

Email | 29 96. 67% | Microsoft Word 30 | 100% Microsoft Excel 27 | Windows Movie Maker | 20 | 66. 67% | Microsoft powering | 23 | 76. 67% torrent 22 73. 33% | Video converters 25 83. 33% Table 1 Table 1 illustrates the knowledge of the respondents in using different computer programs and applications. It is clear that almost all of the college students knows how to use Microsoft Word which is on the top place with a total percent of 100%. Followed by email usage and Microsoft Excel, both are having a 90% and above percentage. Video Converter is the only application who weighs above 80% with a total of 83. % over all. On the other hand, Microsoft Powering and torrent applications are both having 70% and above percentage. Pew Internet ; American Life Project (2010) said that “College Internet users are twice as likely to have ever downloaded music files when compared to all Internet users: 60% of college Internet users have done so compared to 28% of the overall population”. Windows Movie Maker was pegged to the bottom with a percentage of 66. 67%. The respondents seem to have a difficulty in using such program. Table 2. Which do you spend most of your time doing on the computer?

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