Self relection Assignment

Self relection Assignment Words: 515

Since BELL 312 is full with presentations and assignments, I never felt truly connected tit any piece that I was asked to speak out and it showed, so come into University being forced to do it all over again was definitely something I bored to do and something I wanted to get over with, but now I find myself enjoy doing every presentation confidently. In BELL 312, I enjoy the process of coming up with my own ideas and concepts and trying to make a presentation seem confident , stronger and able to speak out clearly without feeling shy to my classmates.

Frankly speaking , BELLED has changed me a lot. Not only I have learned to enjoy myself in delivering good presentations but I have grown with some positive values that you have instilled in me. Discipline, punctuality, respect for all people, committed to the duties and responsibilities are the positive values that you have tied together into myself. I thank you for being a kind lecturer to me, Miss ! I have learned that English is part of the important aspect in life that will drag me out from conservatism antiquity. I can say that societies nowadays are quite ugly.

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If we do not know how to speak in English very well, you will be bullied with cynical smile and a little silent laugh. Therefore, fluency in speaking is a “Must” for me though my grammar isn’t really impressive. Throughout my many semesters left here at CCITT, I really want to improve myself in every incoming presentations for the sake of carrying high marks in my on going assessment marks. This has been a very powerful semester for me as I have gained a lot more confidence in my communication skills and truly do believe that BELLED can cyclically transform students from being cowed to brave plus talkative person.

The biggest relentless task from you was to conduct an interview for selected companies. That was when my team and I have to deal with various ills of human. We got annoyed, not given a good service and our arrival was not welcomed. It taught me to be more mature with tolerance. It also taught me to be serious in performing a well- organized task. In such circumstances, cooperation in a group was the only solution. I have learned to give a full commitment to my group members, eluding myself from Ewing “Parasite” in the group.

Before I end up my self reflection,’ would like to describe you as a lecturer who can can inspire hope, ignite the imagination, and instill a love of learning. To me, education is not solely about earning a great living. It means living a great life. It was great to have as a lecturer. You made my Job rewarding with each and every sense. With a lecturer like you , classes were far from boring! Now it’s time to say goodbye. What more can I say other than that I shall miss you because you brightened up my

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