Self-Evaluation and Behavior Analysis: A Questionnaire Assignment

Self-Evaluation and Behavior Analysis: A Questionnaire Assignment Words: 648

The time that I have felt respected was when I was on the classroom and all my classmates were there and the teacher call me and take me out of the classroom and told that I did really bad on the test that I should study and focus more on my music class. Instead of embarrassing in front of everybody he said positive things to me Journal entry’ 20 1)Make a choice: Write about one of the following (A or B) A. Write three different responses to the instructor described in the following situations. 1. Placating. Don ‘t worry I know you have tons of students I will not be able to pass the coo SE anyways 2.

Blaming Is your fault teacher you pick which ones you want in your course leaving me out and making me wait to graduate when I just need one more course 3. Leveling feel so bad about hearing this but it’s okay I understand that you have too m any application do you know who I can talk about this ? 2. ) Write about what you have learned or relearned about being assertive. Don’t not but I’m not having being assertive to my goals. Journal entry 21 1) Wire about a time when you were Off COOL_Jeers and took effective to get back on course.

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This happens when I was hanging out with the wrong people they were bad in fluencies we skipped classes. But I decide to stop and no to talk to them again now and ad y I see how they are and the struggles that they have. And thought that will be me right now I f I never had decides to stop hanging out with them. 2. ) Write about an area of your life in which you are off course today. I’m off course today because I’m not able to manage my time because I have too many things going on Journal entry 22 1) Write about one of your slaughtering behavior patterns. It until the last minute to do important assignments One example when I did this was I’m my English class when have to give an e say on Friday and did Thursday night this is because of procrastinate 2)Repeat Step 1 for one for your slaughtering thought patterns or for one of y our slaughtering emotional patterns. I’m really shy to ask for help because I feel they going to think I’m stupid I ERM ember no asking my English teacher for help and how to pronounce some word and in the veer bal test did bad.

Journal Entry 23 1) Write a dialogue with your inner guide that will help you revise your selfsame tagging scripts. GIG In what area of your life are you off course? Me I can’t manage my time GIG can you told me more about this ME When I was not a mother Used To manage my time but now that I’m a m other have to take care of the baby and do homework GIG what slaughtering thought patterns of your may have contributed to this is tuition ME well should ask for help and try to manage my time better and trying to not get distracted too. Journal entry 24 1) .

Title a clean journal page”My Personal Rules For Success In College And In fife. ” Below hat, write a list of your own rules for achieving your goals in college. To show up Complete assignments on time Be positive Ask for help when I need Be around creators 2. )Write your thoughts and feelings about your personal rules I think the most important rule is Be a positive person and to never give up t his can help you a lot if you positive positive thing will you attract to you life. Journal entry 25 Describe an important course correction you have made in the past.

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Self-Evaluation and Behavior Analysis: A Questionnaire Assignment. (2022, Feb 09). Retrieved February 10, 2025, from