Psych Assignment

Psych Assignment Words: 877

For example, maybe you would like to drink more water, floss after every meal, or spend ore time on a certain activity (e. G. , reading your textbook). For this assignment, you will choose one behavior and apply the principles of Operant Conditioning to affect how often you perform it. Step 1: Select the behavior. For the target behavior, try to select a habit you really do want to change, but also be realistic about what is feasible in a short time frame. Ideally, the behavior would be something that you do (or could do) several times a day.

You need a behavior that occurs (or could occur) frequently so you can record It ultimate times over the week. Step 2: Determine your baseline. If the behavior occurs frequently, first keep a written record of the behavior for two days without beginning any conditioning. If it is easy to remember how frequently the behavior occurred over the previous couple of days, then you can use that record as your baseline. (You will need to turn In a table or graph depicting these data with a separate column or data point for each day. Step 3: Formulate your plan for changing the behavior using the principles of Operant Conditioning. See the Operant Conditioning section in your textbook). To increase the frequency of a wanted behavior, use positive reinforcement. To decrease or “extinguish” an unwanted behavior, you need to punish the behavior, or remove the reinforcements that enable It (e. G.. Getting distracted with TV while studying at home, you may need to unplug your TV). If you are unsure about this part of the plan, please ask one of us. Note: Inflicting any pain (e. G. Punching oneself) Is not acceptable for this assignment, nor is it an effective method for changing a behavior. There are other examples of positive punishment that are mildly annoying rather than painful and possibly more effective (e. G. , clapping/coughing every time a friend says “literally rather than punching them). This assignment will be more valuable to you if you think about the different types of things you can do and how they might affect your behavior. 1 OFF principles of operant conditioning. Turn in a table of your behavior over those 5 days.

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Step 5: After the week is over, write up your assessment. Make sure you address the following questions. Your report should not be longer than 2 double-spaced, typed pages (which does not include the 2 tables that you need to turn in). If you turn in more than one page, your assignment must be stapled or paperclip. 50 points total l. Identifying the Behavior – 5 points Summarize the behavior to be extinguished and explain why you chose it (I. E. What about this behavior made you want to extinguish it in the first place? ).

Make sure you use a clear operational definition for the behavior. II. Identifying the causes and consequences – 5 points When and why does the undesired behavior occur? Explain the conditions under which the behavior occurs and also explain the consequences of the behavior. Note that the consequences of the behavior should tie into item l. It should be such that it is clear why you want to extinguish it (I. E. “the consequences of studying with the TV on are that I don’t focus, and subsequently do not perform as well on exams as I should. “) Ill.

Identifying the Base Rate – 5 points Identify the base rate of the behavior, and turn in an adequate table or graph with data broken down by day. IV. Understanding of Operant Conditioning – 10 points Identify the reinforce that you chose in order to extinguish the unwanted behavior, and why. Or detail the strategy that you used to break your bad habit. Further, give accurate definitions of the following: positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, positive punishment, negative punishment. DO NOT COPY these from the textbook, Wisped, or anywhere else. That is plagiarism. V.

Identifying the Post-Modification Rate – 5 points Identify the post-modification rate of the behavior, and turn in an adequate table r graph with data broken down by day. VI. Thoughts and Conclusions – 15 points Provide a clear explanation of the success of your modification program. Points here are not awarded for how successful your program was, but for how well you explain the experience and its success or lack thereof. Identify what makes a behavior modification difficult or challenging. Did anything pose a challenge to recording data about how often your behavior occurred?

What would you do differently if you started the program again, and why? Please use complete sentences and proofread for clear and accurate grammar and spelling. You are encouraged to consult with one of us with questions, and you can bring drafts to office hours to ask specific questions about your answers. If you consult with one of the TFH/Task, you can request that the same person grades your assignment (you will need to write their name at the top, and turn it in to the correct stack for requests). However, if you are friends with one of them outside of the class, that person is not permitted to grade your work.

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