Pokemon Assignment

Pokemon Assignment Words: 483

United States for a variety of reasons, but most seek a better life for themselves and their families. However, some groups encounter significant challenges to achieving the “American dream. ” This course will examine the political, social, and economic factors that contribute to the unequal incorporation of immigrant groups from different parts of the world. It will also explore how immigrants and their children have embroiled to secure rights and equal opportunities. Particular attention will be paid to the experiences of immigrants in Los Angels and New York, the two metropolitan areas with the largest foreign-born populations.

Requirements: Lecture and section participation. Students will be required to arrive on time for and participate in all lectures and section meetings. Most lectures will include time for student discussion. Any in-class writing assignments will be included in lecture or section participation grades. Cell phones and other personal electronic devices must be turned off during lecture and section meetings. The instructor and TA reserve the right to confiscate visible personal electronic devices during class. Laptops may be used in class for note-taking purposes only.

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Students caught using laptops for other repose will lose classroom participation credit. Short writing assignments. Students will be required to complete 10 short writing assignments that focus on the readings or other material presented in the course. Hard copies of these writing assignments will be due at the beginning of each section. Mid-term quiz. Students will take a short in-class midterm quiz that covers the material presented during the first half of the course. Research Paper. Students will write an 8 page paper that compares the experiences of second generation immigrant youth from two different ethnic groups.

Papers just examine the factors that impact the groups’ incorporation into U. S. Society. Students may write a paper on another immigration- related topic, but must obtain approval from the professor or TA. The research paper is due on April 29 at 12 noon. Final Examination. A cumulative final examination will be administered on Friday May 6,2 p. M. Grading: The course grade will be based on the following: Attendance and participation in lecture: Attendance and participation in section: 10 points 30 points Short writing assignments (1 0): Mid-term quiz Research Paper Final Exam Total 20 points 100 points

Assignments will be marked off by 20% if turned in late. They will not be accepted after 1 week past the due date and time. Letter grades will be assigned based on the class distribution of points. Any disagreements with the grading of an assignment must be submitted by email the TA specifying how an error was made in the assignment of points. Required Readings Assassin, Philip, John H. Employment, Mary C. Waters, and Jennifer Holloway. 2008. Inheriting the City: The Children of Immigrants Come of Age. Russell Sage Foundation: New York. Waters, Mary and Reed Deed (Des. ) 2007. The New Americans: A Guide to Immigration Since 1965.

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Pokemon Assignment. (2022, Mar 24). Retrieved March 13, 2025, from https://anyassignment.com/samples/pokemon-11090/