Performance and Career Management Assignment

Performance and Career Management Assignment Words: 998

In this assignment Michael will prepare a report on a career management plan for his employees and will Include explanation of feedback, how he will help the employees reach a higher level of performance, explain the promotion and education opportunities, explain the adaptation of the team, Justify why the plan will work, and the expected benefits on the career management system. How to provide feedback There will be various ways to provide feedback to the employees starting from the immediate supervisor, peers, subordinate, customers, and computer surveys.

The many will encourage that feedback is provided as soon each employees perform any task given. Feedback Is a form leaders and managers use to provide improvement. Having feedback is important because it provides the employees motivation and confidence that their opinion counts in the organizations. Asking for feedback most of the time is for the things that happened correctly. It is also essential that some feedback can affect individuals or groups performance. To have a better Impact It Is best to provide feedback from an Immediate supervisor as soon the employee performs a good Job especially when Is a new trainee.

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All feedback will be provided before, during, and at the end of each training given. Feedback and participation give the employees the opportunity to be Involved In performance appraisal and will help them in their current job to avoid problems and to discuss their potential for progress. Reaching a higher level of employee performance To help the employee reach a higher level of employee performance through support mechanisms the manager will include four career management program; Self assessment, Career planning, Supervisory training, and Succession planning (University of Phoenix, 2012). Self assessment will help the employees focus on their career goals, and it will help them through difficult emotional abilities to assess their own skills. Career planning will help the employees to focus on the company’s future goals and encourage them to have career progression In the company making them to learn what they need to know to become the best person for the position requested by the company. Supervisory training will help the employees without giving them specific career advice to approach the supervisor for guidance in career management and to provide information for each employees rarer plans. Ђ Succession planning will help the employees to develop them for several critical positions to the success of the business as soon a position is available in the company. Promotion and educational opportunities The promotion and education opportunities will be provided within the organization, however if a specific situation in which there is no one available in the house an outside candidate can be considered. Promotions are usually to assume greater authority and responsibility for higher pay, privileges, and benefits.

Promoting employees will help them to have more commitment, security and arsenal growth within the company. It needs to be clear that the employee promoted Is qualified and fairly recommended to avoid defensive behavior. Other factors to consider are those unionized situations in which the manager tends to managing each member As soon a person enters in a new organization the next step is to socialize and becoming more involve with all aspect of the organization. That involves adapting with each member of a team.

The best way to manage diversity within the team is to know and socialize with each of the members of the team and recognizing that there ill be differences. By knowing those important factors the manager will enhance good management by preventing discrimination or issues between the employees. It is very difficult to identify what part of the diversity plays in the organization. In the organization the manager will know where to find help or guidance. The Equal Opportunity and the Human Resources are section that can provide a better orientation on how to deal with diversity.

A strategy to have best practice with diversity is to demonstrate the ability to adapt and work as a team effectively with each member. Justification why the plan will work This plan will work because is clear and precise. The communication will be a key factor, if a manager communicate effectively with the employees and give feedback at the beginning, during, and after every assignment without micromanaging the chances of failing the task will be very minimal.

It is important that the employees understand that managers care about their well being and the ability to help them into a good career progression within the organization. Also providing the necessary tools to reach higher levels of performance will enhance good behavior, and productivity as the employees will know that company believe in them and it will create a better commitment towards the company.. Expected benefits, types of costs, and career management system The best way to encourage recruitment or performance is through benefits.

To give benefits in the organization will create motivation other than the normal salary. It is known that regular employees value more free time, cash rewards, merchandise, and that managers like more the special privileges and awards. Within the company each supervisor will communicate with the employees to view what benefits, they will like to received in a fairly manner in order to upgrade their performance. Conclusion The performance in a career management requires commitment to improve performance in a group, a team or individual.

It is important that the management system provide information that describes difference between the actual and the future goal. Performance management requires that at least the manager do three things (University of Phoenix, 2012). Define performance, facilitate performance, and encourage performance at the general level. Providing feedback will improve communication with the employees will guide them to achieved better performance ND help them progress toward the company organizations. The career planning in an organization is important because the success or the failure is attached to each team members.

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