Ore Suites Exercises Assignment

Ore Suites Exercises Assignment Words: 302

Apart from the formal lab session times, you may make use of the laboratory when not being used for other classes. Please do not remove any of the rocks or sections from the laboratory. 4. For each deposit suite, complete the summary sheet provided (which is also the cover sheet for the assignments) and write a brief technical report describing the form of the deposit and its host rocks and outlining current understanding of the deposit genesis. The length of this report should be ?800 words (4 to 5 pages including summary sheet and illustrations).

The headings used in the summary sheet provide a DOD basis for the headings you should use in your report but do not need to be adhered to strictly. 5. Use sketches to illustrate all aspects of the deposit. Your report should include at least one sketch that illustrates the relationships between the main ore minerals and, if appropriate, the gangue minerals. 6. If a particular sample illustrates a feature that you describe in your report then refer to its sample identification. 7. Many features of the deposit and your account of deposit genesis will need to be summarized from the literature.

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When using information obtained room the provided literature be careful not to plagiarism. Rephrase text into your own words. Do not copy text verbatim. 8. Only study the deposits on the attached list. 9. Feel free to work in small groups but write the report individually. If you have worked with another student then quote your partner’s name in the report heading. 10. The reports are due as per the schedule shown on page 2. We will endeavourer to provide a quick turn-around to assist you to improve subsequent reports. Ore Suite Specimen Sets (selected from) VIM’S Porphyry/ Mesosphere’s Au Enigmatic In Seeded epithelial Iron Ore Met.

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Ore Suites Exercises Assignment. (2022, Mar 11). Retrieved February 8, 2025, from https://anyassignment.com/samples/ore-suites-exercises-10715/