Activities and Learning Exercises Assignment

Activities and Learning Exercises Assignment Words: 1075

Remember this is an example, but you should assume that your trainees are familiar with what a sandwich cookie is. Your job is to teach them how to go about eating one or can they really eat just one? First, compose a goal statement/learning objective for your training. Next, complete your task analysis to break down the skill into small steps. Finally, determine how you would measure the success of your training.

Remember that it must be quantifiable. Keep in mind that each Step should contain a VERB. You will decide what each step should be and the order in which the steps should be presented. After completing your task analysis, you will submit your training module for feedback. If were a trainee, should be able to go through the steps as listed and successfully eat the cookie. There are several things to consider: 1 . How to get the cookie. 2. How to open to cookies. 3. How to eat the cookies. As part of the assignment, you should identify the relevant steps for performing the goal and the subordinate skills that are necessary.

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You will create a task analysis for a simple task that they have completed many times. It requires you to assume a level of knowledge in your trainees and analyze the task itself by breaking it down into a series of small steps that must be performed in sequence in order to complete the task. As you prepare the task analysis of the skill(s) you will teach, it will involve a step-by step outline listing of the skills, knowledge and behaviors necessary to perform the skill in the order the skills will be taught. How to Make a Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich and Some Extra Tips Step: 1

Ingredients: Bread (usually 2 or 3 slices per sandwich), peanut butter, and jelly Collect your ingredients. You will want peanut butter, some jam or jelly, and some bread. You may also want to grab some butter, as butter can enhance the flavor of the sandwich. There are lots of different kinds of bread and spreads to choose from, so you’ll have to do a little experimenting to know what you like. Lots of types of peanut butter come with lots of added sugar and hydrogenated oils that are bad for your health. If you’re looking for a healthier option, try an organic peanut butter.

Natural peanut butter may eave a layer of oil on top, but if you carefully stir it in when you open in the jar and then keep the jar of peanut butter in the refrigerator, the oil will not separate out again. There are lots and lots of flavors for jellies and jams. The two most commonly used are grape and strawberry. However, you could branch out to a sharper taste like raspberry, or a mixture of several different kinds. For you bread you’ll probably want something that doesn’t overwhelm your other flavors (like a rye or sourdough), so you’ll probably want to go for plain whole wheat or white.

Steps: Spread peanut butter evenly onto one lice of bread using a knife. You’ll decide how much peanut butter you want, but if you’re going to be taking the sandwich somewhere, you’ll probably want to do a little light on the peanut butter, otherwise it will get everywhere before you get to eat it. Stir your peanut butter beforehand to soften it and make it easier to spread on the bread slice. Another tip for spreading peanut butter, especially the kind with peanuts In it, is to put some of the peanut butter in a bowl and microwave it on high for about 20 seconds. It will spread On the bread like soft butter.

If you do use butter, you’ll put the butter on the name slice of bread as the peanut butter, before you put the peanut butter on. Step 3: Spread jelly or jam evenly onto the other slice of bread. You’ll want to use a teaspoon or knife. Again, unless you’re going to be eating it right there, and you really like jelly, try to avoid overwhelming your sandwich with jam. Step 4: Press the TV slices of bread together. To avoid having the peanut butter and jam run everywhere, do this quickly. A good way is to take both slices at the same time and quickly press them together. Step 5: Cut the sandwich.

The best way to cut the sandwich is diagonal, from one corner to another, giving you two triangle shaped pieces. Otherwise, you can cut directly across the sandwich, leaving you with two rectangular shaped pieces. Step 6: Enjoy your easy and yummy looking sandwich! Just make sure that you wash your hands afterwards, because you’ll be certain to get the gooey mixture of peanut butter and jelly on them. = Getting Creative Add crunch. Make your sandwich a little more interesting by adding things like granola, pretzels, or Ritz crackers. The added benefit of granola is that it gives you more fiber and nutrients and is a healthier option.

Add more wetness. There are lots of different sweet things you can add to your sandwich, like syrup (especially maple syrup), a cut up banana, some honey, brown sugar, or different kinds of berries (blueberries, pomegranate seeds, etc). Toast your bread. This will give your sandwich a little more crunch and a little more taste. It is also helpful when spreading peanut butter, because it doesn’t tear as easily as regular bread. You could also try using biscuits instead of bread, because the peanut butter and jelly would spread really nicely and there would be a little different taste.

You can mix together cinnamon, egg, milk, and brown sugar. Dip your slices of bread into the mixture, making sure you don’t coat it too much. Put bread in skillet and cook for a couple of minutes. Flip the bread and cook a couple more minutes. Remove from skillet and spread with peanut butter and jelly and return to skillet, cooking for about a minute on medium heat. Put on plate, cut in half, and eat! Use banana bread for the bread and spread it with your usual peanut butter and jelly. This a delicious treat and gives you the benefit of the bananas with the bonus of the sweetness of cake.

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