On Caste In India Assignment

On Caste In India Assignment Words: 832

It will undoubtedly be overthrown and the rights of all will be equally demanded because change is the inevitable result of spiritual liberation and ascension Of human realization. TO begin with, the caste system has taken the extremes on humiliating the outcasts by declaring their untouchable’s, which have been outlawed in Article 17. “When India became a secular democracy at Independence, caste was declared moribund… ‘Intractability is abolished and its practice in any form is forbidden. (Blank 114) Two hundred million people in India are ranked as the untouchables, which means they have to take off their shoes while crossing the village of the upper caste. They only deserve polluted water and no attention when getting sick from the unclean water. They have to drink separately in teahouses, and they can only marry someone within their own group. Their destined jobs include using bare hands to clean public toilets and doing menial labors. Caste is social imprisonment, the restraint of a person’s pursuit of freedom and happiness.

In theory, caste gives every Hindus the honor and dignity to complete their duties in life. However, there is no dignity but force and violence for the untouchables in reality. ‘The number of injured and killed is not known… Throughout recorded history they have been among the worst-oppressed classes of people on earth. ” (Blank 1 36) Based on the above unreasonable demands, there should be instant outrage in defiance to the caste system. In addition, opportunities are given to the Hindus with partiality under the caste system, resulting in lack of any choice for the lower castes and an unfair advantage for the upper castes.

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Nowadays, the caste system is divided up arbitrarily rather than based on merit. Social hierarchy dominates Indian society. Even in the army, “a soldier cannot question orders. He cannot decide which commands to obey, heed only the charges that he happens to find reasonable. ” (Blank 1 25) The best soldier does not necessarily come from the Ashtray caste. The best leader is not necessarily the one who is allowed give out orders. All individuals should never be confined to a job nor be denied of a job. One’s will or talent should determine one’s life instead Of arbitrary assignments.

Furthermore, caste system fosters a sense of submission within people, telling them to accept their position with no positive effects on the societal development. “Courage, decisiveness, iron nerves, physical prowess-?all are fine qualities, but not enough to make a soldier. What makes a soldier, above all, is obedience to legitimate authority. ” (Blank 1 25) The culture of caste system teaches one not to challenge but to acquiesce. India, thus, has a harmonious and submissive citizen body, yet sacrificing Hindus’ creativity, self-determination and independent thinking, which are supposed to be the inborn human conditions.

With the caste system, Hindus have the servile disposition to listen. Indians fear anarchy. They have a really low divorce rate because they are afraid of not having a loveless marriage. They always prioritize their duties, ignoring individual pursuits and self-accomplishment. Indeed, everything is stable and everyone is submissive; the country is also like a pool of stagnant water without emphasis on the liberation of humanities. Yet since the caste system has been so deeply rooted in the society or in people’s minds, there has to be a gradual process of removing caste system from India.

A quotation in Arrow perfectly illustrates the necessity of caste system in India, “despite its injustices, the structure does function. Each sub- clan looks after its own, takes care of every person, and provides a kind of safe net. Without this order, life would be sheer chaos. ” In the philosophy of utilitarianism, the caste system makes sure that each occupation in the society is being done. It encourages each person to overcome selfish desires and work on collective ideals of the society; it also gives each person a sense of identity and belonging.

To look at both the positive and negative aspects of caste system and give an objective analysis of the caste system, it is crucial to understand its cultural significance— the caste system has been passed down over generations and used to impart in every Hindu the acceptance of one’s dharma. It is also important to realize the limitations that caste impose on the Hindus in obtaining the basic dignity and respect, the pursuit of free will, receiving opportunities without advantages and fulfilling one’s obligations to the society.

The ultimate goal of a society should be fostering equality and freedom among all relatively than obedience. It is an irresistible trend to revolutionize towards equality among all as an increasing number of people are enlightened to realize their basic rights. Without much external help or triggers, the process will be very slow given its social importance. Yet as Article 14-16 uses constitution to guarantee equal rights, the bright future of India can be foreseen.

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