Normal Distribution and Course Assignment

Normal Distribution and Course Assignment Words: 3313

This is an interactive course designed to help students achieve a greater understanding of the statistical methods and models available to analyze and solve business management problems. The course is designed for students majoring in a business administration or management course of study.

Successful completion of this course will provide students with a working knowledge of the principles of statistics, the ability to analyze and solve problems involving probability, and a working knowledge of averages and variations, normal probability distributions, impaling distributions, confidence intervals and testing statistical hypotheses. The emphasis of the course will be on the proper use of statistical techniques and their implementation rather than on mathematical proofs. (Prerequisite: MATH 10 formerly MAIM 12).

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Table of Contents Course Scope I Successful completion of this course will provide you with a working knowledge of the principles of statistics and enable you to solve problems involving simple probability, averages and variations, normal probability distributions, sampling distributions, confidence intervals, and the testing of statistical hypotheses. The course is signed for students majoring in business administration or management programs of study. The emphasis of the course will be on the proper use of statistical techniques and their implementation rather than on mathematical proofs.

However, some mathematics is necessary in order to understand the proper application of the techniques. Thus, you should be familiar with basic mathematics as covered in MA I HI II or an exultant course. Course Objectives I After completing the course, the student should be able to accomplish these Learning Objectives (LO): Distinguish meaningful statistics from those that are not meaningful. LO-1. LO-2. Categorize data by type, organize data into tabular form, and summarize data graphically. LO-3. Compute and evaluate descriptive measures. Explain basic probability theory.

LO-4. Recognize and use the properties of different types of distributions, such LO-5. As normal, uniform, and binomial. Evaluate the binomial and normal LO-6. Distributions to describe data and estimate probabilities. LO-7. Compute confidence intervals. Determine the type of hypothesis test to use for different types of data. LO-8. LO-9. Conduct hypothesis testing and interpret the results of these tests. LO-10. Use linear regression to model and predict relationships between two variables. Relate non parametric tests and other tests to business processes Table LO-11. F Contents Course Delivery Method I This course, delivered via distance learning, will enable students to complete academic work in a flexible manner, completely online. Course materials and access to an online learning management system will be made available to each student. The nature of an on-line course requires a significant amount of independent work. The student will be provided with structure, resources, guidance, and feedback for learning the course material. The student, however, is responsible for completing assignments on time, completing the readings, and making inquiries as needed to complete the course effectively.

This is a 16-week course, which meaner the material must be learned in a relatively short period of time. This requires education and diligence on the part of the student. Assignments and their due dates are clearly outlined in the Course Outline section of this syllabus. Students are expected to complete all course work on time. Therefore, no extensions or last-minute exceptions are anticipated. Quizzes and exams are due by 11:59 PM EASTERN Time on the last day of the week in which they are to be completed.

Feedback will be provided by the course instructor, and students are encouraged to seek the instructor’s input via the MESSAGE feature in the classroom or via the Question and Answer Forum, when necessary. It is the responsibility”and obligation ”of the student to initiate clarification of course topics in a timely fashion. Learning is not a spectator sport. You must seize the initiative and be proactive! Due to the busy schedules of the students, all work and discussions are asynchronous, meaning you are not required to be on-line at a specific time with the roofless or other students.

However, the University requires that each student access the classroom at least weekly during the semester. You may use your assignments, a message, a quest, or a canella contact to Tuttle TN requirement. Naturally, you should check the course Announcements at the beginning of each week for important course information and reminders. Likewise, you should check the Discussion Forums and contribute to the discussions initiated there. You are, of course, encouraged to interact with other students via the Question and Answer Discussion Forum, or by message at any time.

Each student is responsible for the following: * Completely reading the syllabus. If you have any questions about the syllabus or require clarification regarding any aspect of the course, please contact the instructor via e-mail. * Reading the course Announcements for important updates and course information at the beginning of each week. * Checking the Discussion Forums in the online classroom and contributing to the discussions initiated there. * Completing assignments on time, including assigned reading and the suggested homework problem sets, on time.

The weekly assignments are pacified in the Course Outline. Nothing is more detrimental than falling behind, as the course material tends to build on itself as the course progresses. Stay engaged! Stay on task! * Submitting the quizzes, midterm exam, posts to the Challenge Discussion Forums, and the final exam on time. These are the graded submissions. They must be submitted by 1 1 :PM EASTERN Time on the due date announced by the professor. Typically, late assignments will not be accepted. Course Resources I Author I Book Title I Publication Info I ISBN I Allan G.

Bellman I Elementary Statistics, A Step by Step Approach: A Brief Version, the edition I McGraw-Hill | 007338609-6 | The book will be delivered to ALL students in the electronic format, regardless of address location. Any overseas military students that have bandwidth or other access problems with these texts should contact booklist@apus. Due as soon as possible. If you wish to purchase the hard copy text, you may do so through the bookseller of your choice. The e-book version of our text can be accessed directly at the following URL, which you may want to copy and add as a bookmark in your browser. Http://explore. Opus. Due/login? URL=http://eBooks. Opus. Du/MAMMOTH/ Bellman 2010. HTML The e-book is provided in Flash format, and Adobe Flash Player is required. This steward Is a Tree analog at www. Ahoy. Com. I nee e-Took may De velvet online or printed. To learn more about how to use the e-book, you may want to view the Video Tutorial for using this e-book, which can be found at http://multimillionaires. Com/par/AmericanPublicUnivSystemeBook/ backgrounders. HTML For additional information about the e-book you may also want to visit http://explore. Opus. Due/login? URL=http://eBooks. Pus. Due /MAMMOTH/ Antidisestablishmentarianism. Doc Please report any e-book issues to ECM@apus. Due. Also, kindly note that the e-book is being provided to you for your educational use only. You may not share or distribute these documents for personal or other use without violating copyright law. You may, however, freely copy and utilize this material for this and other OPUS courses. Within our textbook the author refers to an Excel statistical adding called Megastar. I will not use this software adding. Instead, I will utilize Excel to perform many of the computations in our course.

If you are interested in learning more about Megastar go to www. He. Com/bellman click on the text. When that screen comes up click on the self study tab, do not log in. A drop down menu will appear along the left hand side with the chapters. At the bottom of the list is “more resources”, click on that then choose Megastar, scroll down the page and there is a link to open or save the file. Microsoft Excel is required for this course. Students should have a basic familiarity with Excel and must have access to this software application. In addition to the required course text, the following public domain Websites are useful.

Please abide by the university academic honesty policy when using Internet sources as well. Note Web site addresses are subject to change. Site Enamel Website Readdress I Mathematics Videos I http://www. Opus. Due/media/Mathew/index. HTML I Statistics Videos I http://www. Opus. Due/media/mathematics’s. HTML I Stats-Soft Supplemental Textbook I http://www. Castoff. Com/textbook/ I Microsoft Mathematics I Microsoft Mathematics I Hyper Stats Online I http://www. Devilment. Com. /hypertext/index. HTML I Calculator website I http://www. Calculator. Com I Dry. Math I http://motivator. Org/dry. Math/ I Purple Math I http://www. Repopulate. Com/ I Video Tutorials by Michael Sullivan I Video Tutorials ETC I Making Contact with the Instructor I All communications with the instructor should be accomplished via the MESSAGE tool in the Communications section of the classroom. If you are unable to access the classroom because of technical difficulties, you may reach your instructor via the e- mall arrest approval In ten Instructor Integration Stetson AT tans syllabus. However, use of e-mail should be limited to only those situations in which you cannot access the classroom. Otherwise, the MESSAGE tool should be used for all course related correspondence.

Table of Contents Evaluation Procedures I Staying on task and adhering to the published schedule are typically among the most challenging aspects of completing an academic course successfully. This is especially true for online and part-time non-resident programs. To avoid the pitfall of falling behind, students in this course should complete the assigned reading and review the Powering presentations posted in the Lessons section of the classroom in a timely manner. Students should also complete the Suggested Practice Problems as set forth in the schedule provided in the Course Outline of this syllabus.

Suggested Practice Problem sets will not be graded, but their solutions will be posted in the Suggested Problem Solutions folder in the Resources section of the classroom. Students should refer to these solutions as a meaner to confirm their understanding of the topics covered throughout the course. Student grades for the course will be based on class participation, five graded quizzes, a midterm exam, and a final exam. Class Participation: Naturally, I value punctuality, familiarity with the required readings, and classroom questions or comments that are relevant and insightful.

Whether helping someone understand a point, seeking clarification off concept you may not completely understand, or contributing to the positive flow of the class discussion based on your experience, it is important for you to realize that learning is an action process”and sharing is a key ingredient in undertaking that process successfully. Therefore, I urge you to participate actively and do your best to contribute to a positive and effective learning environment–for yourself and others. I urge you to utilize the Question and Answer Forum as a meaner to interact with your classmates.

If while working through examples or problems from our textbook you have a question or a comment, please post the question or comment in the Question and Answer Forum. Naturally, I hope that question and answers posted in the Question and Answer Forum will facilitate interactions among the members of our class. Additionally, during weeks 4, 6, 7, 10, and 12, I will pose a question within a Challenge Discussion Forum. You are required to respond to these challenge questions by making a post on the Challenge Discussion Forum by 1 1 :PM EASTERN Time on Wednesday during the week in which the challenge question is posed.

I will evaluate your responses to each of these questions using a 10 point scale, and your contribution to each of these five Challenge Discussion Forums will count as 2 percent of the overall course grade, for a total of 10 percent. Keep in mind that you need not necessarily answer a challenge question correctly to earn full credit for your post. My evaluation wall De Dates on ten extent to wanly you particulate Ana fostered a positive and effective learning environment–for yourself and others. Participating and sharing are the keys. Collectively, I’m confident that we will derive he correct response to each of these discussion questions.

To make a post to a Discussion Forum, click on the Forum topic link, then click Post New Thread. In the title block of the dialog box that appears kindly insert your first and last name; compose your post in the message box; and then click Post Message. I will post the answers to these discussion questions by making a post myself after the Wednesday 1 1 :PM EASTERN time deadline. At that time the Discussion Forum will be locked and no additional posts will be permitted. Naturally, I urge you to read my solution post, the posts of your classmates, and the feedback I provide.

The Week 1 Introduction Forum: During the first week of class each student must make a post to the Week 1 Introduction Forum. You are to use this Forum to introduce yourself and state your goals and objectives as they relate to our course. You are required to make a post to the Week 1 Introduction Forum in order to complete your enrollment in the course. Your post must be at least 250 words, and you must complete it by the end of the first week. This is a university requirement. To make a post to the Week 1 Introduction Forum, click on the Forum topic link, then click Post New Thread.

In the title block of the dialog box that appears kindly insert your first and last name; compose your post in the message box; and then click Post Message. Besides completing your enrollment in the course, the Week 1 Introduction Forum is designed to 1) build peer-to-peer relationships by introducing oneself and one’s background to the class; 2) to articulate individual student learning goals and/or expectations for the class. Therefore, in your introduction you may wish to touch upon the following: 1 . Who you are and how you would like to be addressed. 2. Your academic major or program of study. 3.

Your current status in your program of study. 4. Your academic goals including why you are taking this course and what you hope to achieve by completing it. 5. Other information about yourself that you would like to share and might help others know you better. Naturally, I will review every post made to the Week 1 Introduction Forum and award 2 percentage points of extra credit to every student making a post that promotes the aim of building peer-to-peer relationships and articulates one’s learning goals and aspirations with respect to our course. This will be the only extra credit provided in our course.

Quizzes and Examinations: The five graded quiz assignments are dispersed throughout the course. Each quiz will count as 10% of the course grade, the midterm and final exams will each comprise 20% of the course grade. Generally, the exams Ana equalizes wall contain problems salary to tense alehouses In ten suggested homework problems and the many examples given in our textbook. However, you should expect to be challenged by the graded exercises. Exams and quizzes will be conducted as indicated on the course schedule and students are expected to complete them on time. No late submissions will be accepted.

Specific instructions will be provided for each examination and quiz in the Announcements section of our classroom at the outset of the week in which these graded exercises are due. Each of these graded exercises is to be completed on an individual basis. You may consult published textbooks, articles, and other printed materials. However, no collaboration is permitted on the examinations or quizzes. You are not to discuss, orally, in print”in any manner”any aspect of the graded exercises with anyone other than your instructor. Clearly, student-teacher relationships are built on trust.

This is especially true in the case of an online course. For example, students must trust that teachers have made appropriate decisions about the structure and content of the courses they teach, and teachers must trust that students complete assignments as directed. Acts that violate this trust undermine the educational process and compromise the integrity of the perpetrator. Don’t cheat. Don’t compromise your integrity. To do so invalidates the very purpose which likely motivated you to undertake this course”to learn, to become a better decision maker, to broaden your perspective, and to increase your kill set.

At the beginning of the week in which they are due, exams and quizzes will be posted in the Tests & Quizzes section of our classroom. When you are prepared to take an assessment go to the Tests & Quizzes section of our classroom and click on the assessment. It is important for you to understand that you will be able to submit your answers to an assessment only once. Your answers must be submitted by the 1 1 :PM EASTERN time deadline, as indicated in the syllabus. I will not accept late submissions. So, please don’t wait until the last minute to submit your answers to a quiz or exam.

As soon as you submit your answers your assessment will be graded, and your score will be recorded in the Grandiose. Twenty-four hours after the deadline and once everyone has submitted their answers, you can access the feedback by clicking on the assessment in the Tests & Quizzes section of our classroom. Naturally, if you answer any of the questions on an assessment incorrectly I urge you to review the feedback and reconcile any errors you may have made on a quiz or exam. The Final Examination will be worth 25 points and count as 20% of the final grade. It will be a three hour, online, open-book, open-note exam.

The final exam will cover all of the material presented during our course. You will be able to access the Final Exam only once. So, be sure to set aside a dedicated three hour period in which to complete it. You may not consult with any other person while taking the exam. The notations used in statistical work aren’t found in many word processing programs, making it difficult to produce many of the symbols used in our course. You may wish to use the Symbol font in Microsoft Word and the Insert/ObJect/Microsoft Equation feature in Word when preparing documents related to our course. Insert/ symbol Is also sometimes setup.

T course, you wall also want to Demoralize yourself with the Insert/Edit Equation feature contained in the Rich Text Editor that is available in the Forums section of our classroom. Additionally, since many of the computations and analyses required in our course can be easily carried out using Microsoft Excel, you may wish to familiarize yourself with the process whereby Excel outputs can be copied and pasted into a Word or PDF file. Evaluation Criteria I Grades for the course will be based on the following. Grade Instruments I Points Possible I % of Final Grade QUIZ 1 120 110% I QUIZ 2 120 110% I

Forum. Students’ final grades will be posted within 7 days of the end of the semester. Students should not telephone the university looking for grades until at least 30 days after the end of the semester. Please see the Student Handbook to reference the University grading scale.

Course Outline I I Topic(s) I Learning Objective(s) I Reading(s) I Assignment(s) | 1 The Nature of Probability and Statistics I LO-1 Demonstrate knowledge of statistical terms Identify and differentiate between the two branches of statistics Identify types of data Identify sampling techniques Explain the difference between observational and experimental studies.

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Normal Distribution and Course Assignment. (2022, Mar 15). Retrieved January 24, 2025, from