Mgmt Assignment

Mgmt Assignment Words: 1390

We fall Jealous of those ho are successful and we try to copy them in many ways. But we laugh at those who fail and ignore those who don’t make an impression. At some point in our lives we are all left to be on our own. And as human beings we fight for survival. Our instinct is to become successful whichever way it comes. It is crucial to understand the environment we live in to be successful. This means understanding ourselves (interpersonal perception) and others (interpersonal perception) in a deeper level. A key element for success in general is self-awareness.

It is mostly an assessment of your skill level. This issue must be addressed at the very beginning of performing a task or when setting a goal. An assignment might be due for a university student very soon, and at the very least the student must know if he/she requires more time or extra support to complete the task. Having to make a simple decision on whether to attend a revision class or to go out to dinner with friends becomes vital. (Brother 2012) Being mindful of strength and weakness is important. This is important to improve employee productivity and team efficiency.

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To make an attempt at a challenge the person or group must know if the task can be completed successfully. For example a team working for an advertising company is required to come up with an ad. The team leader must be aware of each member’s strengths and weaknesses and coordinate the team. Abele & Starters (Seep 2008) states that “Coordination is an essential part of social functioning”. Past experience and skill level will mostly determine which member attempts to direct, do market research, create an ad campaign and edit ad. The leader in most cases will have a higher emotional intelligence.

If one member feels he is more creative then that member might be assigned to create the ad. Goodwin & Francis 1994) states “clients devote more time to the creative work”. If for some reason one member fails like absenteeism the others will have to carry the weight. Pitching the ad to the client requires confidence, ability to improvise, and to stand firm under scrutiny. The leader must appoint the suitable candidate. Success also depends on tactics. Instinct will tell that you must play to your strengths in a competitive environment.

Forcing yourself to make an attempt at something your bad at will only result in immediate failure. If one salesman is multi-lingual and can speak the language of the client he/she gains imitative advantage over the other salesmen. As an example imagine that you traveled to a different country and shopped around to buy a traditional piece of art. Each salesperson followed you around and tried to convince you that their piece of art is the only authentic one in town. If there is a clear language barrier then the salesperson who could speak English is most likely to get the sale.

Knowing the interests and needs of others also helps in moving forward and improving. Understanding what your employer needs from the business allows you to set goals that could help you gain distinct advantage over others. Tasks can now be improved and completed to the clear satisfaction of the employer, thus improving the employee’s Job satisfaction and involvement. As stated in the publication of Steel, Gordon M (Seep/Cot 1994) this allows the employee to “maintain a satisfactory level of employment in a difficult economy’. Looking at the first example again.

If the student understands the instructions from the teacher for the assignment, and identifies the marking criteria he/she now produces an end product much superior to the others. The student now receives a higher mark for the assignment. The student’s positive exults translates to a positive attitude, leading to more positive contributions from the student. Understanding interpersonal attitudes in a deeper level allows you to avoid trouble in a competitive environment. In a team there are different attitudes in display. Individuals high in Machiavellian tend to take risk more often and are unapologetic in challenging environments.

Their risk strategies in most cases are detrimental to the team’s performance. They tend to push over the weaker members of the group. In serious cases bullying can be present. Forcing one member to do more work than others so he/she can be recognized. Individuals high in Machiavellian when facing tough challenging situations may blame their failure on the rest of the team. They see their work to be superior to others. This self-serving bias causes a lot of separation within the group, affecting the group’s success rate. Not all cases of high Machiavellian are bad.

People who tend to work for themselves unlike in a group environment thrive in challenging moments. Their attitude to do anything to win becomes productive in a selling environment. Stock brokers and salespeople are such examples. A successful individual must have the ability to persevere in difficult moments. An attitude like fight till death not only inspires the team but also bring a lot of support from co-workers and the employer. When mistakes are made the individual’s strength to persevere through the challenge brings only positive criticism from the employer.

While walking away from the challenge or quitting can only lead to a bad reputation or even being removed from work. Really successful individuals take initiative. They usually are the first ones to hand in an assignment or the first ones in a class room. They have a proactive personality, rising to challenges taking them head on. Impressing your teacher/ employer is the primary goal here. While some like a good challenge, it preserves their Job satisfaction. As they grow into the business they gain valuable experience allowing them to move forward in the real world, as mentioned by Van Warner, & Rick (1994) in a Journal.

Successful people tend to value themselves highly. They have high self-esteem and high self-value. People with higher self-esteem believe they can achieve anything they want. This mirrors their personality. They are more confident, outgoing, and usually are the risk takers. Most leaders in major organizations have gig self-value and self-esteem. They are great motivators and help co-workers in difficult situations. They stand by their decisions and generally have a higher Job satisfaction. People with low self-esteem don’t value their opinions highly.

They are in most cases influenced by others and conform to the beliefs of others. They easily lose motivation to work, and in worst cases are depressed. They tend to have lower Job satisfaction. It is important to have or build self-esteem for Job opportunities in the workforce. In a healthy working environment an individual must have some level of self-monitoring. To be successful one must be able to somewhat adjust his/her behavior and decisions to be accepted by the rest. High self-monitors behave according to the system. They tend to have a good relationship with their co-workers.

They do not take major risks and are passengers in lower levels of a working environment. Nonetheless they tend to get more promotions as they get higher in the ranks. Low self-monitors are the opposite. They don’t have great social awareness. They clearly show their disapproval if things don’t go their way. Social awkwardness, lack of friends and colleagues are some signs of a low self-monitoring individual. Usually in a working environment they have no sense of communication and make the worst statements to the customers. As stated in Jones, Buck (1994) comments like “What’s wrong?

It looks fine to me” in a retail store will quite easily turn off the customer from the sale. The easier way to successfully navigate through the ranks of the workplace to avoid trouble and conflict and to impress the employer is to maintain a high level of self-monitoring. There are many ways to become a successful person in university and later at work. Understanding the environment is key to survival. Building relationships and showing good employee behavior not only earns the trust of your employer and colleagues, but it also builds the foundation to move forward in life.

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